User:The Dire Reverend/Stat Block (Reverend Variant)
This is the Stat Block 2 edited for my needs. If this offends anyone, let me know.===How To Use The Stat Block Template===
For NPC/Creature entries, the following is the general layout to format Stat Blocks. The following does not contain a complete list of parameters, just the ones that are required.
{{Stat Block 2 |summary= |name= |al= |size= |type= |init= |listen= |spot= |ac= |touch= |flat= |hp= |hd= |fort= |ref= |will= |spd= |bab= |grp= }}
Definition of Parameters[edit]
Parameter | Description | Required | Example |
style | Specifies the values of the table's style attribute | No | width: 100px; border: solid; margin-left: 1em; |
Identification and Encounter | |||
Parameter | Description | Required | Example |
name | An identifier for the creature such as a name or a short description of the creature | Yes | Goblin Shaman or Borchak the Red |
cr | The creature's challenge rating | No (defaults to —) | 1/2 |
sex | The creature's gender. This will only show up if a value is supplied for race or clvl | No | Hermaphroditic |
race | The creature's race. | No | doppelgänger |
clvl | The list of classes in which the creature has levels and the number of levels in each. | No | rogue 6/assassin 2 |
al | The creature's alignment expressed in one or two capital letters | Yes | NE |
size | The creature's size | Yes | Medium |
type | The creature's type | Yes | outsider |
subtypes | The creature's subtypes, when applicable | No | air, good |
divrank | If this creature is a deity, this parameter specifies creature's divine rank. | No | 12 |
init | The creature's initiative modifier | Yes | +2 |
sens | Any special senses the creature has | No | darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 120 ft. |
listen | Total modifier for the creature's Listen checks | Yes | −2 |
spot | Total modifier for the creature's Spot checks | Yes | +4 |
aura | Any auras the creature has that affects enemies or allies | No | courage (10 ft., allies +4 against fear) |
lang | Any languages or special means of communication the creature has | No | Celestial, Common, Telepathy 100 ft. |
Defensive Information | |||
Parameter | Description | Required | Example |
ac | creature's armor class | Yes | 20 |
touch | creature's touch armor class | Yes | 13 |
flat | creature's flat-footed armor class | Yes | 17 |
othac | racial traits, class features, feats, salient divine abilities, and other special abilities that affect (or can affect under the right circumstances) the creature's AC. | No | Two-Weapon Defense, Dodge, uncanny dodge |
acmods | creature's armor class modifiers | No | +2 shield, +6 armor, −1 size |
miss | Miss chance for attacks or effects targeting the creature | No | 50% incorporeal |
hp | creature's hit points | Yes | 45 |
hd | Number of hit die | Yes | 6 |
othhp | Special abilities that affect how much damage the creature takes from physical attacks and hit point recovery | No | DR 6/—, fast healing 3 |
immune | Immunities the creature has | No | sleep, fire, death effects |
resist | Special abilities that aid the creature in avoiding, and/or reducing certain effects except spell and power resistances (which go under the sr and pr parameters) | No | acid resistance 5, mettle, improved evasion |
sr | The creature's spell resistance | No | 13 |
pr | The creature's power resistance | No | 17 |
fort | Fortitude save modifier | Yes | +4 (+5 against poison) |
ref | Reflex save modifier | Yes | +0 |
will | Will save modifier | Yes | −3 (−1 against enchantment) |
othsav | Conditional modifiers the creature gets on all saves. Modifiers that are tied to a specific save are specified in parenthesis with the relevant parameter. See fort, ref, and will above. | No | +2 against fire and acid |
weak | Any weaknesses the creature has | No | vulnerability to cold |
Offensive Information | |||
Parameter | Description | Required | Example |
spd | The creature's base land speed | Yes | 40 ft. (8 squares) in chainmail, base speed 60 ft. |
burrow | The creature's burrow speed | No | 15 ft. |
climb | The creature's climb speed | No | 20 ft. |
fly | The creature's fly speed and maneuverability | No | 100 ft. (poor) |
swim | The creature's swim speed | No | 30 ft. |
othspd | Feats and abilities that can affect the creature's speed or movement options | No | Run, Spring Attack |
melee1–melee4 | The creature's typical preferred melee attack routines | No | mwk falchion +16/+11 (2d4+9/18–20) and bite +13 (1d4+3) |
ranged1–ranged4 | The creature's typical preferred ranged attack routines | No | +1 longbow +8 (2d6+2/×3) with Manyshot or +1 longbow +10/+10/+5 (1d6+1/19–20) with Rapid Shot |
space | The amount of space the creature occupies | No (Defaults to 5 ft.) | 10 ft. |
reach | The creature's natural reach | No (Defaults to 5 ft.) | 15 ft. |
bab | The creature's base attack bonus (plus epic attack bonus if applicable) | Yes | +3 |
grp | The creature's grapple check modifier | Yes | +10 |
atkop | Attack options that can creature can use during a full or standard attack | No | flurry of blows, smite chaos 1/day (+3 attack, +4 damage), Power Attack |
sa | Special actions the creature may take instead of (or in addition to in the case of free, swift, and immediate actions) making attacks. | No | turn undead 3/day (+0, 2d6+8, 8th), wild shape (4/day, Small to Large, 10th), Instantaneous Rage |
cg | Combat gear; items that the creature can use as an action | No | potion of cure light wounds, scroll of blur |
paesd | Details that (more-or-less) apply to all arcane epic spells this creature has prepared | No | CL 54th, DC 35, 5% arcane spell failure chance |
saesd | Details that (more-or-less) apply to all arcane epic spells this creature can cast spontaneously. | No | CL 54th, DC 35, 5% arcane spell failure chance |
aesp | Arcane epic spells prepared
The spell name should also include the adjusted Spellcraft DC to cast the spell. The adjusted spellcraft DC is what the caster needs to roll after all modifiers for which are accounted in order to successfully cast the spell. To get the the adjusted spellcraft DC, subtract the creature's bonus for checks against the spell from the spell's normal spellcraft DC. |
No | crown of vermin (SDC −344), kinetic control (SDC −300), vengeful gaze of god (SCD 19) |
aespd | For spontaneous arcane casters, arcane epic spells per day | No | 4 |
aesk | Arcane epic spells known. This will only show up in this section if the creature can cast arcane epic spells spontaneously (by specifying a value for aespd). Otherwise, these spells will be displayed in the "Other Information" section of the stat block
The spell name should also include the adjusted Spellcraft DC to cast the spell. The adjusted spellcraft DC is what the caster needs to roll after all modifiers for which are accounted in order to successfully cast the spell. To get the the adjusted spellcraft DC, subtract the creature's bonus for checks against the spell from the spell's normal spellcraft DC. |
No | dragon knight (ritual) (SDC −11), epic mage armor (SDC −3), nailed to the sky (SCD 13), verdigris (SDC 9) |
pdesd | Details that (more-or-less) apply to all divine epic spells this creature has prepared | No | CL 26th, DC 27, 1d20+32 to overcome SR |
sdesd | Details that (more-or-less) apply to all divine epic spells this creature can cast spontaneously | No | CL 33th, DC 29 |
desp | Divine epic spells prepared
The spell name should also include the adjusted Spellcraft DC to cast the spell. The adjusted spellcraft DC is what the caster needs to roll after all modifiers for which are accounted in order to successfully cast the spell. To get the the adjusted spellcraft DC, subtract the creature's bonus for checks against the spell from the spell's normal spellcraft DC. |
No | origin of species: achaierai (SDC −29), demise unseen (SDC 13), lord of nightmares (SCD −17) |
despd | For spontaneous casters, divine epic spells per day | No | 3 |
desk | Divine epic spells known. This will only show up in this section if the creature can cast divine epic spells spontaneously (by specifying a value for despd). Otherwise, these spells will be displayed in the "Other Information" section of the stat block
For spontaneous casters the spell name should also include the adjusted Spellcraft DC to cast the spell. The adjusted spellcraft DC is what the caster needs to roll after all modifiers for which are accounted in order to successfully cast the spell. To get the the adjusted spellcraft DC, subtract the creature's bonus for checks against the spell from the spell's normal spellcraft DC. |
No | contingent resurrection (SDC −18), epic counterspell (SDC −1), momento mori (SDC 16) |
epd | Details that (more-or-less) apply to all epic powers this creature knows | No | ML 31st, DC 30, 1d20+35 to overcome PR |
epk | Epic powers known
The power name should also include the adjusted Psicraft DC to manifest the power. The adjusted psicraft DC is what the manifester needs to roll after all modifiers for which are accounted in order to successfully manifest the power. To get the the adjusted psicraft DC, subtract the creature's bonus for checks against the power from the power's normal psicraft DC. |
No | greater power resistance (PDC 0), soul scry (PDC 10) |
eppd | Epic powers per day | No | 6 |
pp | Number of power points the creature has in a day | No | 65 |
prgrsns | Ability progressions, such as spells, powers, invocations, utterances, etc. See below. | No | See below |
slad | Details that apply to many (if not all) of the creature's spells-like abilities | No | CL 6th, 1d20+10 to overcome SR |
plad | Details that apply to many (if not all) of the creature's psi-like abilities | No | ML 3rd |
freq1–freq20 | How often the creature can use this group of spell- or psi-like abilities. Currently supports up to 20 different frequencies | No | 3/day |
sla(freq) | Spell-like abilities the creature can use at this frequency
These lists should only contain spell-like abilities that mimic specific spells. If the ability is unique in that it doesn't mimic any existing spell it should be listed under special actions (sa). This also applies to spell-like abilities that do mimic existing spells but require their own descriptions because the mimicry is not exact. |
No | darkness, invisibility |
pla(freq) | Psi-like abilities the creature can use at this frequency
These lists should only contain psi-like abilities that mimic specific powers. If the ability is unique in that it doesn't mimic any existing power it should be listed under special actions (sa). This also applies to psi-like abilities that do mimic existing powers but require their own descriptions because the mimicry is not exact. |
No | stomp (DC 13) |
Other Information | |||
Parameter | Description | Required | Example |
str | Strength | No (defaults to —) | 15 |
dex | Dexterity | No (defaults to —) | 14 |
con | Constitution | No (defaults to —) | 13 |
int | Intelligence | No (defaults to —) | 12 |
wis | Wisdom | No (defaults to —) | 10 |
cha | Charisma | No (defaults to —) | 8 |
sq | Any special qualities the creature has that hasn't already been listed in the previous sections
Generally speaking, these abilities do not require an action and either have little value (if any) in combat, or any effects they provide have already been taken into account in the previous sections without the name of the ability being explicitly listed. |
No | orc blood, trapfinding |
sda | Complete list of salient divine abilities including ones already listed in other sections | No | Divine Bard, Divine Rage, Divine Water Mastery |
feats | Complete list of feats including ones already listed in other sections | No | Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Spell Penetration |
skills | List of skills that have ranks and skills that can be used untrained for which the creature has modifiers beyond ability score and size modifiers (i.e. racial bonus/penalties, synergy bonuses, competence, etc...) including Listen and Spot if applicable. | No | Hide +14, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +10, Move Silently +19, Search +2, Spot +10, Survival +9 (+11 underground) |
hdadv | Details of the creature's advancement by HD. This is only displayed if the race parameter has not been set. | No | 6–18 HD (Large) |
favcls | The race's favored class. This is only displayed if the race parameter has not been set. (I know that seems weird, but there's a reason for it.) | No | Warlock (Complete Arcane) |
poss | Items of note that the creature has that haven't already been listed under combat gear (cg) | No | bracers of armor +4, ring of protection +2, 203 gp |
grims | Creature's grimoires (e.g. spellbooks or prayerbooks) in which its spells are written. See below. | No | See below |
deity | The creature's patron deity if it has one | No | Reorx |
Special Abilities Descriptions | |||
Parameter | Description | Required | Example |
san1, san2, san3... sanX | Special ability name | No | Telepathy |
sad1, sad2, sad3... sadX | Special ability description | No | A pseudodragon can communicate telepathically with any other creature within 60 feet that speaks Common or Sylvan. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time. |
Explanation of (freq)[edit]
This template supports spell-like abilities and psi-like abilities of up to twenty different frequencies freq1 through freq20. Once you use freqX to specify how often a spell-/psi-like ability or group of spell-/psi-like abilities can be used, sla(freq) and pla(freq) are used list the abilities by replacing (freq) with what value you used for freqX.
For example, the following is used to list 6th-level paladin's spell-like abilities, detect evil and remove disease (note that special mount is not listed because it does not duplicate an existing spell):
|freq1=At will |slaAt will=''detect evil'' |freq2=1/week |sla1/week=''remove disease''
The bold text must match exactly.
Notes on the parameters prgrsns and grims[edit]
The prgrsns parameter takes a template(s) to specify a creature's spellcasting, manifesting, invoking, uttering, etc... abilities. Templates are currently available for the following (more can be added as needed):
- Spontaneous casters
- Prepared casters
- Psionic powers
- Invoking classes (i.e. warlock, and dragon adept)
- Utterances (i.e. for the truenamer class)
- Maneuvers and Stances (Tome of Battle classes)
So to specify a wizard's prepared spells, the spells prepared template would be used like so:
|prgrsns={{ Stat Block 2/Spells Prepared |pd=CL 4th |sp1=''charm person'' (DC 14), ''magic missile'', ''true strike'' |sp2=''knock'' ×2, ''see invisibility'' }}
If the wizard also has levels in druid, the prgrsns parameter might look like the following:
|prgrsns={{ Stat Block 2/Spells Prepared |cls=Wizard |pd=CL 4th |sp1=''charm person'' (DC 14), ''magic missile'', ''true strike'' |sp2=''knock'' ×2, ''see invisibility'' }}{{ Stat Block 2/Spells Prepared |cls=Druid |pd=CL 1st |sp1=''produce flame'' (+3 ranged touch) }}
Note the addition of the cls property. It's not required, but it is recommended that it be used when a reader might not be able to tell which progression applies to which class.
The grims parameter is for creatures that keep their spells (or the equivalent) written in a grimiore (e.g. a spellbook for wizards or a prayerbook for archivists). Templates are currently available for the following:
So to specify what spells are in the wizard's spellbook (other than the spells prepared), the following is used:
|grims={{ Stat Block 2/Spells Recorded |sp1=''identify'', ''endure elements'', ''hold portal'' |sp2=''daze monster'', ''darkness'' }}
Male human fighter 20/wizard 20/bard 10 | |
N Medium outsider (augmented humanoid, human) | |
Divine Rank | 20 |
Init/Senses | +13/divine senses, remote sensing; Listen +35, Spot +35 |
Aura | divine (daze, fright, or resolve, DC 30) |
Languages | divine communication, remote communication |
AC | 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15; Dodge (+3 Dex, +1 size, +1 deflection, +2 armor, +1 shield) |
Miss Chance | 50% invisibility |
hp | 21 (6 HD); DR 5/magic |
Immune | magic sleep |
SR/PR/Resist | 20/20/evasion |
Fort/Ref/Will | +3/+5/+1 (+3 against spell and spell-like abilities); +2 against fire |
Weakness | light sensitivity |
Speed | 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 30 ft.; Run |
Melee | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) or |
Melee | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) or |
Melee | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) or |
Melee | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) |
Ranged | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) or |
Ranged | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) or |
Ranged | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) or |
Ranged | longsword +4 (1d8/19–20) |
Space/Reach | 10 ft./10 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +4/+4 |
Atk Options | Power Attack |
Special Actions | spontaneous inflict spells |
Combat Gear | potion of cure light wounds |
Arcane Epic Spells Prepared | (CL 34th, DC 32): arcane might |
Arcane Epic Spells Known | (CL 32th, DC 29, 3/day): epic spells prepared plus let go of me (SDC 2) move mountain (SDC 10) |
Power Points | 13 |
Psi-Like Abilities | (CL 13th): At will—psionic lion's charge 1/day—inertial armor
Abilities | Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 |
SQ | animal companion |
Salient Divine Abilities | Divine Archery |
Feats | Power Attack |
Skills | Climb +4 |
Possessions | combat gear plus stuff |
Patron Deity | Nhobdy |
Nothing (Ex) | Nhobdy has the ability to cause plagues of nothing on the masses. |
{{{al}}} {{{size}}} {{{type}}} | |
Init/Senses | {{{init}}}/Listen {{{listen}}}, Spot {{{spot}}} |
AC | {{{ac}}}, touch {{{touch}}}, flat-footed {{{flat}}} |
hp | {{{hp}}} ({{{hd}}} HD) |
Fort/Ref/Will | {{{fort}}}/{{{ref}}}/{{{will}}} |
Speed | {{{spd}}} |
Base Atk/Grp | {{{bab}}}/{{{grp}}} |
Abilities | Str —, Dex —, Con —, Int —, Wis —, Cha — |
Advancement | 2–4 (Medium) or by character class (fighter) |
Arcane Epic Spells Known | epic spells prepared plus let go of me (SDC 2) move mountain (SDC 10) |
{{{al}}} {{{size}}} {{{type}}} | |
Init/Senses | {{{init}}}/Listen {{{listen}}}, Spot {{{spot}}} |
AC | {{{ac}}}, touch {{{touch}}}, flat-footed {{{flat}}} |
hp | {{{hp}}} ({{{hd}}} HD) |
Fort/Ref/Will | {{{fort}}}/{{{ref}}}/{{{will}}} |
Speed | {{{spd}}} |
Base Atk/Grp | {{{bab}}}/{{{grp}}} |
Abilities | Str —, Dex —, Con —, Int —, Wis —, Cha — |
Advancement | — |