User:Zhenra-Khal/Draconic Creature Template

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Draconic Creature - Template[edit]


This template can be applied to any Beast, Fey or Monstrosity.


  • Armor Class: The creature's AC increases by 1, as scales give it natural armor.
  • Hit Points: The creature's maximum hit points increase by 5, as it gains an additional d8 Hit Die.
  • Elemental Affinity: Choose from Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder.
  • Elemental Resistance: The creature gains resistance to its Elemental Affinity damage type. If it already has resistance to that damage type, it instead gains immunity.
  • Movement: The creature gains a Fly speed equal to its land speed, unless it already possesses a faster Fly speed. Additionally, it gains the ability to hover.
  • Natural Weapons: The creature gains natural weapons - 2 claws, and 1 bite, using Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls. The damage die of these weapons is based on the creature's size, as shown on the table below. If the creature already possesses a Bite or Claw attack, use the higher of the two values.

Draconic Natural Weapons

Attack Size
Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan
Bite 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d8 2d10
Claws 1d4-1 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
  • Breath Weapon (Recharge: 6): Choose Cone or Line. The creature exhales energy in that shape, using the Draconic Breath Weapon Shape table below to determine the size of the breath weapon.
The breath weapon forces creatures within its area to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Constitution modifier); On a failed save, it suffers damage based on the creature's Proficiency Bonus (As shown on the Draconic Breath Weapon Damage table); On a failed save, the creature suffers half as much damage.

Draconic Breath Weapon Shape

Shape Size
Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan
Line 10ftx5ft 20ftx5ft 30ftx5ft 40ftx5ft 50ftx5ft 60ftx5ft
Cone 5ft 10ft 15ft 20ft 25ft 30ft

Draconic Breath Weapon Damage

+2 2d6
+3 4d6
+4 6d6
+5 8d6
+6 10d6
  • Multiattack: As an action, the creature can make three attacks - Two with its claws, and one with its bite.
Alternatively, the creature can use its Breath Weapon and make a single Claw attack as part of the same action.


If the creature this template is applied to is a Swarm, it does not gain the Multiattack feature - Instead, when it uses its Breath Weapon, it may make one Claw or Bite attack as a bonus action, and its Breath Weapon recharges on a d6 result of 5 or 6. The creature uses the Breath Weapon size for the size of the Swarm itself, not the size of the creatures composing the Swarm - So a Large Swarm of Tiny creatures would have a Large breath weapon, not a Tiny one.

Challenge Rating[edit]

If the creature's challenge rating is 1/4 or less, its CR is now 1.

If the creature's CR is 1 or less, its CR is now 2.

If the creature's CR is 2 or higher, its CR increases by +2

Draconic Creatures[edit]

Below is a list of creatures created using this template.

  • Nighthowler - Base creature: Panther; Thunder Elemental Affinity
  • Baghilo - Base creature: Baboon; Fire Elemental Affinity
  • Vilefang - Base creature: Wolf; Poison Elemental Affinity
  • Kezzir Swarm - Base creature: Raven Swarm; Lightning Elemental Affinity
  • Lothanta Swarm - Base creature: Quipper Swarm; Acid Elemental Affinity
  • Frostfang - Base creature: Saber-Toothed Tiger; Cold Elemental Affinity
  • Elytryx Swarm - Base creature: Beetle Swarm; Acid Elemental Affinity
  • Chatterling - Base creature: Sprite; Thunder Elemental Affinity