Wordcasting (3.5e Feat Type)/Full Descriptions

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Adventurous Wordcasting [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one of the following effect words: Excel, Port, Al, Thro, LiftBenefit: The listed effect words are improved: Excel: Each instance of Excel increases all speeds the target possesses by 5'.

Port: The amount that the first instance of Port increases the DC by is reduced by 7.

Al: Instances of Al count double for determining its effects.

Thro: The distance you can throw things doubles.

Lift: The amount that the first instance of Lift increases the DC by is reduced by 30.

Concentrating Words [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Have at least 1 spell word/day.Benefit: Any round you would have to concentrate on a spell, you may spend spell words instead. The number of spell words you have to spend is equal to the spell's level, minimum 1.

Critical Statement [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one spell wordBenefit: Whenever you roll a natural 20 on your caster level check to cast a word spell, the save DC's of that spell increase by 4, you automatically beat Spell Resistance with the spell, all variable, numeric effects of the spell are maximized, and you are refunded half (rounded down) of the words spent to cast the spell. Normal: There is no bonus for rolling a natural 20 when casting a word spell.Special: If rolling a 20 isn't sufficient to successfully cast the spell, it still fails.

Evocative Wordcasting [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one of the following effect words: Pyr, Lek, Forch, Saun, Aci, Kol, Deth, LyfBenefit: The listed effect words are improved: Pyr, Lek, Deth, Lyf: Each instance of these spell words deals an additional 1 point of damage per two wordcasting levels.

Forch, Saun, Aci, Kol: Each instance of these spell words deals an additional 1 point of damage per three wordcasting levels.

In addition, the Action Verbs ability gives an additional 1 point of damage per die per four wordcasting levels. Example: A normal level ten Word Wizard casting Bang Decalek would deal 10d8 damage. A Word Wizard with Evocative Wordcasting casting Bang Decalek would deal 10d8+70 damage.

Expanded Word Focus [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Have Word Focus for at least one word.Benefit: Choose a word you know that you already have Word Focus for, but do not have Expanded Word Focus for. The bonus applied by Word Focus for having the chosen word in a spell stacks with the bonuses provided by other instances of Word Focus, although those bonuses still do not stack with each other. Normal: Word Focus does not stack. At all.Special: You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a new word for which you have Word Focus each time.

Extra Word Knowledge [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one spell wordBenefit: Choose two words you do not know. You learn those words. Also, your Intelligence counts as being 5 points higher for the purpose of learning new words. Normal: You learn one new word per level, usually at random, but less random the more Intelligence you have.Special: The +5 bonus to Intelligence only matters for the word learning process. You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, you learn two additional words and your Intelligence counts as being an additional 5 points higher for the purpose of learning new words.

Extra Words [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one spell word.Benefit: Your words per day (or words per encounter) is determined as though you had one additional level in each class that provides words per day (or words per encounter). Special: This feat can never give you fewer than one word per encounter in any class that gives words per encounter, or fewer than six words per day in any class that gives words per day.

Exultatory Strike [Fighter, Wordcasting] While enthusiastically yelling at top of one's lungs is not conducive to concentration, subtly, or good manners, such vehemence adds power to the effect words of a obvious and inaccurate attack.Prerequisites: Strength 13 or Dexterity 13Benefit: Before any melee or ranged attack roll, the character can take a -2 penalty to attack. If the character takes the penalty, they increase the save DCs of any effect words associated with that attack. Normal: Wordcasting saves are based according to the rules of the wordcasting class in question.Special: This feat counts as Power Attack for the purpose of prerequisites.

Fast Talker [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Caster level 3 in a Wordcasting classBenefit: The time it takes you to cast a spell is as though it were one word shorter. Normal: The time it takes you to cast a spell is based on the number of words in it.Special: If you have effects that halve the casting time of your spells (such as Accelerating Pronouns), the number of words the spell is reduced by for calculating casting time is multiplied appropriately.
Note: This feat is only particularly useful for short spells.

Impressive Wordcasting [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one of the following modifier words: Long, Wyd, ChargBenefit: The listed effect words are improved: Long: Every instance of Long also doubles the range (This is not affected by the D&D doubling rule). Instances of Long beyond the third add +2 to the DC.

Wyd: Multiple instances of Wyd stack exponentially, not linearly; two instances of Wyd would quadruple the size instead of doubling it.

Charg: Charg increases the DC by 5 less than normal. Example: A wordcasting character without Impressive Wordcasting who cast Long Triwyd Charg Bang Bipyr would find it to be a DC 33 spell that deals 4d6 damage in an 80' spread a Long distance away. A wordcasting character with Impressive Wordcasting would find the same spell to be a DC 28 spell that deals 4d6 damage in a 160' spread a Long × 2 distance away.

Manipulative Wordcasting [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one of the following effect words: Saun, Kol, Min, Terr, Path, Disp, Avis, IlusBenefit: The listed effect words are improved: Saun: If the targets succeed on the Fortitude save, they are still deafened for one-third as long.

Kol: Creatures attempting to stand up while on an iced square must make a balance check (same DC) or fail.

Min, Terr: Instances of Min and Terr count double for comparing with hit dice.

Path: You can benefit from one target's senses at a time without concentrating. Concentrating allows you to read the minds and sense the senses of all targets.

Disp: The first instance of Disp increases the DC by 5 less than normal. Further instances of Disp increase the DC by 1 less than normal.

Avis: Each instance of Avis increases the duration by an amount equal to the amount increasing the caster level by 2 would.

Ilus: You can program your illusions to act while you're not concentrating on them, but they can't do anything that requires outside stimuli (you could make the illusion of a bustling town, but nothing in the town will react to things that aren't part of the illusion unless you concentrate on it.)

Professional Worder [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one spell wordBenefit: Your Wordcasting level increases by 3, to a maximum of your Effective Character Level. Special: You may take this feat multiple times.

Protective Wordcasting [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one of the following effect words: Avis, Lyf, Arm, Inv, SirBenefit: The listed effect words are improved: Avis: The concealment or total concealment granted by Avis cannot be ignored or reduced in any way short of removing the spell effect.

Lyf: Each target hit by a Lyf spell is also healed for 1 point of ability damage, ability drain, or level drain per instance of Lyf. Using Lyf on corpses now works on corpses that have been dead for up to 1 day per caster level.

Arm: Instead of granting an Armor Bonus, Arm can grant an Insight bonus to AC, which applies even against touch attacks while flat-footed.

Inv: The target becomes immune to all supernatural, spell-like, and psi-like abilities used by creatures with fewer hit dice than there were instances of Inv.

Sir: The spell resistance granted by Sir increases by 1 per three instances of Sir.

Ritual Litany [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one spell wordBenefit: You may add an hour to the casting time of a spell. If you do, you get a +4 bonus to the caster level check to cast that spell (with an additional +1 per 5 Wordcasting levels), and do not automatically fail to cast it on a natural 1. Normal: You cannot arbitrarily add to the casting time of your spells.Special: You must be casting the spell the whole time.

Stealth Speaker [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one spell wordBenefit: This feat scales with your Wordcasting level.

  • Level 1: Whispering Words — You speak your words quietly enough that you can make Move Silently checks while doing so.
  • Level 5: Subtle Hand Gestures — You move your hands (or other target-designating limbs) subtly enough that it takes a DC 25 Spot check to notice, and only if they're watching you.
  • Level 10: Handless — You don't actually move your limbs at all when you cast spells; you just imagine it. Your Wordcasting spells have no Somatic component.
  • Level 15: Voiceless — You don't actually speak when you cast spells; the weave of magic reads your mind. Your Wordcasting spells have no Verbal component.

Word Focus [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Know at least one spell wordBenefit: Choose a word you know that you do not already have Word Focus for. All spells you cast that contain the chosen word get a +1 bonus to the save DC. This bonus does not stack with other instances of Word Focus. Special: You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a new word each time.

Word Intonation [Wordcasting] Now you have an excuse to speak in a booming voice.Prerequisites: Wordcasting level 6 or greaterBenefit: For every modifier word you know, pick a different way of speaking, like "Booming", "Hoarse", "Shrieky", "Singsong", "Rising", or "Stage Whisper". When you cast a spell, you may choose to use that way of speaking to apply that modifier word to the spell one (extra) time; Although this changes the spell's casting DC, it has no affect on its casting time, save DC, or words spent.

Words of Canceling [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Countering Words class featureBenefit: The DC for the Concentration check forced by Countering Words is equal to twice the number of words expended plus your Intelligence modifier. Normal: The DC is half the number of words expended plus Intelligence modifier.

Wordy Alchemist [Wordcasting] Prerequisites: Wordcasting level 1 or greater, Alchemist level 1 or greater.Benefit: With a successful Concentration check (DC equal to the Wordcasting DC of the spell + the "DC" of the circle), you can cast a Wordcasting spell and draw or activate a transmutation circle with the same action(s). If the spell and the circle are identical (the circle is composed of a set of Concepts equivalent to the Words in the spell), you get a +10 bonus to the Concentration check.

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