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==== Special Attacks ====
==== Special Attacks ====
Loses all Class Abilities of the base creature.  It also loses any Racial Abilities that aren't Exceptional, but it gains the following:
'''Pharyngeal Jaws{{Ex}}:'''  If a Drone pins it's opponent while grappling and maintains the pin for 3 consecutive rounds, the opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Hit Dice + Dexterity Modifier) at the end of the third round or die. A creature with no discernible anatomy is immune to this effect of the ability.  Opponents with no discernible anatomy (and regular opponents who make the Save) take 3d6 points of piercing damage instead.
'''Pharyngeal Jaws{{Ex}}:'''  If a Drone pins it's opponent while grappling and maintains the pin for 3 consecutive rounds, the opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Hit Dice + Dexterity Modifier) at the end of the third round or die. A creature with no discernible anatomy is immune to this effect of the ability.  Opponents with no discernible anatomy (and regular opponents who make the Save) take 3d6 points of piercing damage instead.
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==== Special Qualities ====
==== Special Qualities ====
Loses all Class Abilities of the base creature.  It also loses any Racial Abilities that aren't Exceptional, but it gains the following:
'''Blindsight{{Ex}}:'''  A Xenomorph Drone can detect other beings within 30 ft of itself.  It is not known by which process it can perform this.  It Possibly mimics sight in some form because it can distinguish between humans, xenomorphs, androids, and Yautja.  It can also distinguish which humans have been infected with chestbursters.  Presumably, unlike normal, this functions within a vacuum.  The Alien Queen has also been demonstrated to sabotage equipment and have her minions cut power supplies, so either they can use it to read, or they have some sort of rudimentary ability to sense electricity or other forms of energy as well.
'''Blindsight{{Ex}}:'''  A Xenomorph Drone can detect other beings within 30 ft of itself.  It is not known by which process it can perform this.  It Possibly mimics sight in some form because it can distinguish between humans, xenomorphs, androids, and Yautja.  It can also distinguish which humans have been infected with chestbursters.  Presumably, unlike normal, this functions within a vacuum.  The Alien Queen has also been demonstrated to sabotage equipment and have her minions cut power supplies, so either they can use it to read, or they have some sort of rudimentary ability to sense electricity or other forms of energy as well.

Latest revision as of 04:46, 31 October 2014

Author: Bhu (talk)
Date Created: 10/30/2014
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Xenomorph Drone[edit]

For Alien fans.

While it is implied there are different prototypes of Xenomorph, this one specifically infects prey species no smaller than Small, and no larger than Large. The Xenomorph described here is the one from the first Alien film (usually called a Drone). The Facehugger design doesn't really allow for too much size variation, hence the size limitation for the Template. It's also possible they were specifically designed to wipe out humans and maybe even the Yautja, so it's why they can parasitize us.

Creating a Xenomorph Drone[edit]

Xenomorph Drone is an Acquired Template that can be applied to any corporeal Aberration, Animal, Dragon, Giant, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Outsider, or Vermin whose Size is no smaller than Small and no larger than Large.

Size and Type[edit]

While it is generally larger than the species it has used as a host, the Xenomorph retains the same Size Category. Type changes to Aberration. Actual size varies, but Xenomorphs created by infecting humans average 7 ft. tall and weigh 120 to 140 kilograms.

Hit Dice[edit]

Unchanged unless Hit Dice are less than d8's. In such case raise them to d8's, and recalculate hp. Xenomorphs gain maximum hp per Hit Die. Xenomorphs have a minimum of 6 Hit Dice, if the base creature is not at least 6 HD, raise it to 6 HD.


All Movement modes increase by +10 ft.

Armor Class[edit]

The base creature's Natural Armor Bonus increases by +8.


Retains all natural weapons of the base creature. In addition it gains a Tail Attack doing Piercing damage if it doesn't have one. The Tail attack does 1d6 for Small Xenomorphs, 1d8 for Medium Xenomorphs, and 2d6 for Large Xenomorphs. Otherwise damage remains unchanged.

Full Attack[edit]

The Xenomorph's tail Attack is it's Primary Attack, with any it retains becoming Secondary attacks.

Special Attacks[edit]

Loses all Class Abilities of the base creature. It also loses any Racial Abilities that aren't Exceptional, but it gains the following:

Pharyngeal Jaws(Ex): If a Drone pins it's opponent while grappling and maintains the pin for 3 consecutive rounds, the opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Hit Dice + Dexterity Modifier) at the end of the third round or die. A creature with no discernible anatomy is immune to this effect of the ability. Opponents with no discernible anatomy (and regular opponents who make the Save) take 3d6 points of piercing damage instead.

Improved Grab(Ex): Drones do not provoke an attack of opportunity when they make a touch attack to start a grapple. You also gain a +4 bonus on all grapple checks, regardless of whether you started the grapple.

Acid Defense(Ex): The Xenomorphs do not appear to have blood as we understand it, as their body chemistry is fluorine based. They do have a network of vessels or something similar under their exoskeleton, however. Upon being punctured it releases a highly concentrated acid. When attacked successfully it sprays acid. If an opponent successfully damages it in melee it must make a Reflex Saving Throw (Save DC is Con based) or take 3d6 Acid damage for 1d6 rounds. Weapons used must likewise make a Save (magical weapons gain their Enhancement Bonus to the Saving Throw) or be destroyed unless the weapon is somehow proof against acid or does acid damage itself. If destroyed in an Area Effect, anything within the Xenomorphs square or adjacent to it must make a Saving Throw. Once it is dead the acidity of the corpse rapidly fades, and can be handled safely within 1 Minute. If the Drone is attacked at range a random creature adjacent to it must make the Save to avoid damage. If an attack has some sort of ability that causes the Xenomorph to bleed continuously, anything moving adjacent to it during the duration of it's bleeding must make a Save.

Special Qualities[edit]

Loses all Class Abilities of the base creature. It also loses any Racial Abilities that aren't Exceptional, but it gains the following:

Blindsight(Ex): A Xenomorph Drone can detect other beings within 30 ft of itself. It is not known by which process it can perform this. It Possibly mimics sight in some form because it can distinguish between humans, xenomorphs, androids, and Yautja. It can also distinguish which humans have been infected with chestbursters. Presumably, unlike normal, this functions within a vacuum. The Alien Queen has also been demonstrated to sabotage equipment and have her minions cut power supplies, so either they can use it to read, or they have some sort of rudimentary ability to sense electricity or other forms of energy as well.

Resin(Ex): Xenomorphs can produce a sticky resin which they use to build their hives, and to trap live prey, attaching it to walls or hanging it from the ceiling above their eggs. Resin has a Hardness of 7 and 10 hit points per inch of thickness. Cocooning an opponent in resin takes 1 full Minute if it's Small or Medium, 5 Minutes if it's Large.

Alien Hive Mind(Ex): Xenomorphs have some sort of rudimentary hive mind, and are rumored to be telepathic, a suggestion which is backed up by the Ripley Clone having an empathic link to the hive. Xenomorphs can tell when one of their own has been harmed or killed within one mile. They also seem to have a relatively short range ability to communicate with each other, which I will define as Telepathy with a 30 ft. range. This telepathy works for their species only, though it is suggested perhaps in Aliens3 that insane individuals can perhaps receive their communications as well (or perhaps Golic is just deep into hallucinatory psychosis). Xenomorphs have also been shown to have some sort of genetic memory transfer, meaning that whatever one of them knows will be passed on to it's descendants.

Hold Breath(Ex): A Drone can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 8 × its Constitution score before it risks drowning (or suffocating in the case of vacuum).

Wall-walker(Ex): A Xenomorph can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell. They have even been seeing crawling along ceilings. Unlike normal it can move at it's full land speed, and may even use the Run action.

Confined Spaces(Ex): Xenomorphs ignore the speed reduction for hampered movement when moving in a narrow space (an area smaller than but at least one-half of their space) or a low space (an area shorter than but at least one-half of their height). They also retain their Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class. If the space is both narrow and low, their function as if only one of those conditions applied.

Immunities(Ex): Xenomorphs are immune to acid damage, as well as poison, Mind-Affecting Effects and nonlethal damage. They are also immune to the following conditions, but only so long as they aren't cause by supernatural or magic means: Dazed, Disabled, Nauseated, Sickened, or Stunned.

Thermal Invisibility(Ex): The body temperature of a xenomorph perfectly matches that of the ambient temperature, making it invisible to detection via the infrared spectrum or other heat based sensors.

Energy Resistance(Ex): Xenomorphs have Energy Resistance 10 to Fire and Cold damage.

Vulnerability(Ex): Xenomorphs have been shown to be vulnerable to exothermic shock. If subjected to an attack that does at least 12 points of fire damage (before their Energy Resistance is subtracted), then immediately (within a round) subjected to an attack doing at least 12 points of cold damage they must make a DC 25 Fortitude Save or die. If the Save is successful they still take 3d6 damage as their exoskeleton shatters. When they shatter, other creatures in their square or adjacent squares have to make a Reflex Saving Throw (Save DC is Con based) or take 3d6 Acid damage for 1d6 rounds.


Xenomorphs have all good Saves, and their Saving Throws must be recalculated.


+8 Str, +8 Dex, +8 Con, +4 Wis. Intelligence becomes a 2 if the base creatures Int is 2 or less, 3 if it 3 or higher. Charisma resets to 11 regardless of what the base creatures was.


Skills are completely redone. New class skills are Balance, Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival and Swim. Xenomorphs gain a +6 Racial Bonus on Hide and Move Silently Checks. The Hide Bonus increases to +12 within their hive or in mechanical environments. Xenomorphs do not take a penalty to skill points for having a negative Intelligence modifier.


Feats may be rechosen. If Hit Dice increase new Feats may be chosen based on the new Hit Dice.




Solitary, Pack (3-6), Hive (11-20 plus Queen), Major Infestation (30-100 plus Queen)

Challenge Rating[edit]

+2, minimum CR is 6




Always Neutral


Xenomorphs advance by increasing in Racial Hit Dice.

Level Adjustment[edit]

+N/A. Xenomorphs are not PC's.

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AuthorBhu +
CR2 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level AdjustmentN/A. Xenomorphs are not PC's. +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryFor Alien fans. +
TitleXenomorph Drone +