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{{3.5e Prestige Class Prereqs
{{3.5e Prestige Class Prereqs
|spellcasting=Can cast third level divine spells.
|spellcasting=Can cast third level divine spells
|special=One of the following: You must be [[God-blooded (3.5e Class)|descended from a god/goddess]]; You must have the approval of a god/goddess; You must have some other claim on divine power.}}
|special=One of the following: You must be [[God-blooded (3.5e Class)|descended from a god/goddess]]; You must have the approval of a god/goddess; You must have some other claim on divine power.}}

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A class for new, weaker gods.

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Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Partial


Some seek to please the gods, to sing praise onto their names; others seek to curse them, to spit in their faces. However, a rare few seek to join them; they seek to ascend to the title of god. Those who seek the power of the gods are known as demigods.

Becoming a Demigod

Entry Requirements  
Spellcasting: Can cast third level divine spells. 
Special: One of the following: You must be descended from a god/goddess; You must have the approval of a god/goddess; You must have some other claim on divine power.

Table: The Demi-god

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Divine Gift, Divine Form
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Inspire Mortal
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Pure Prayer, Judgement
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Divine Contact, Divine Realm, Planar Bridge
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Divine Power, Divine Gaze, Call the Faithful

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level)
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the demigod.

Spellcasting: When a new demigod level except the first is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if they had also gained a level in any one divine spellcasting class they belonged to previously. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before they became a demigod, they must decide to which class they add each level of demigod for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Divine Gift (Ex): The divine power flowing through a demigod is powerful enough to share with others. The demigod is now a valid source for providing divine spells, offering five domains as follows:

  • First, you offer all of the domains you can cast spells from.
  • Next, you offer the domains of your alignment (Good, Evil, Law, Chaos).
  • Last, you offer the domains of your choice to total five domains offered.

Divine casters drawing their spells from the demigod are known as their followers.

The demigod's followers can only grow so powerful. None of a demigod's followers can reach a divine casting class level exceeding the following total:

  • Take the demigod's highest divine casting class level.
  • Add their level in the Demigod class.
  • Subtract 2.

The demigod can also take away the power they give. If the demigod knows of a follower whose behavior they disapprove of, they can choose to withhold spells from that caster as a free action, which prevents the caster from preparing new spells or recovering used slots (reversing this choice is also a free action). They can also selectively withhold spells (e.g. take away all spells above fourth level or deny all aggressive spells). This restriction lasts until the demigod removes it, which they can do as a free action.

The demigod counts as a god rather than as a mortal for the effects of divine abilities.

Divine Form (Sp): Demigods can take on another form. As a standard action, the demigod can change their creature type to Outsider; they can reverse this change as a standard action. Changing creature type does not change their appearance.

While changing creature type is a spell-like ability, the duration is Instantaneous and so can't be dispelled or removed.

Inspire Mortal (Sp): Starting at second level, the demigod can use their divine power to inspire mortals to follow them.

By spending 100 xp, the demigod can choose a mortal within 100 feet of them. That mortal receives a glimpse of divine power. How they respond to that glimpse depends on several factors:

  • If they aren't within one step of the demigod's alignment, nothing happens; they reject the demigod on moral terms.
  • If they already have a purpose in life (e.g. PC class levels or importance in the story), nothing happens; they have no need for the demigod.

Otherwise, they take up this divine power. Within 1 week, they become a first level cleric of the demigod (losing their prior levels).

Furthermore, they can develop further as follows:

  • If demigod provides at least 1000 gp, the cleric will use that money to build a church of you in the town. The cleric is in charge of that church.
  • Every 2 months, the cleric gains 1000 xp. This xp gain continues until they reach demigod's maximum follower level.
  • If the demigod spends 50 xp, the cleric (who must be at least level 3) starts training an acolyte. This acolyte is a first level cleric and does not gain xp. If the cleric training him dies or retires, he takes the cleric's place (including running a church). A cleric may only have one acolyte at a time.

The demigod's clerics provide the following services:

  • They will shelter the demigod and their companions, providing food and shelter.
  • They will cast their cleric spells on the demigod's behalf at no charge; the demigod must provide any expensive material components.
  • They will follow any reasonable requests the demigod makes.
      • They will not enter battle unless they are attacked.
      • They will not travel with the demigod.

Pure Prayers (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, the demigod can hear the cries of the faithful. When a follower of the demigod prays to them, the demigod is informed of the general contents of the prayer and who made it. This information does not distract the demigod.

Judgement (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, the demigod knows when his clerics stray from the path. While they should have done so sooner, the demigod must devise a general code of conduct for their followers; up to 5 rules can be part of this class feature. Whenever one of the demigod's followers violates this code of conduct, the demigod is instantly informed of who violated the code and what rule they broke. This information doesn't distract the demigod.

Divine Contact (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the demigod can communicate with their followers and colleagues. They have a pool of Contact points equal to their divine caster level minus three; this pool resets to maximum at the start of each day. By spending 1 Contact point as a standard action, the demigod can do either of the following:

  • Send a 5 word message to a follower.
  • Send a message of any length to another god.

Neither of these abilities grants the target the ability to respond.

Divine Realm (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the demigod gains a divine realm. This divine realm is a demiplane coterminous with a spot on the outer plane of your alignment. It starts at 250 feet in radius.

The demigod determines the environment within the demiplane when they gain this class feature, reflecting most any desire they can visualize. They determine factors such as atmosphere, water, temperature, and the general shape of the terrain (this allows them to establish things such as weather or seasons if they wish). This also allows them to choose the amount of light on the plane (including establishing a day/night cycle).

They can even create basic life (such as normal plants and animals) and basic construction (such as buildings and roads). This feature can not create any material more valuable than iron (1 sp per pound).

All planar traits of the plane match the demigod's native plane.

The demigod can, by performing an hour-long ritual expending no resources, change the enviroment of their realm. They may choose any environment they could have chosen when creating the plane. Creatures on the plane are uneffected (creatures the demigod could add can also be removed, if they wish).

The demigod can, as a standard action, dismiss any creature within their divine realm (DC 20 Will save negates, no maximum range).

Planar Bridge (Sp): Starting at level 4, the demigod can cross the planes to reach their divine realm. They can use each of the following abilities once per day.

  • Plane shift (as the spell) to their divine realm.
  • Plane shift (as the spell) from their divine realm.

Divine Power (Ex): As the demigod grows in power, their divine power grants them additional abilities. At level 5, the demigod gains the following benefits:

  • +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.
  • +1 bonus to armor class.
  • +1 bonus to all saving throws.
  • Damage Reduction 1/epic.
  • Resistance 1 to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire.

Divine Gaze (Ex): The demigod can see what transpires on the world. Starting at level 5, the demigod can, as a standard action, scry on one of the following:

  • One of their followers. They can see and hear everything within 10 feet of the chosen follower. The follower receives no saving throw.
  • One of their churches. They can see and hear everything within 10 feet of the altar.

The demigod must be on their divine realm to use this ability; they may use this ability up to three times per day. Each of these effects lasts 1 minute per demigod level. This is a Scrying effect.

Call the Faithful (Ex): Starting at level 5, the followers of the demigod are called to a final rest.

Whenever a follower of a demigod dies, the demigod may choose to claim their soul. If the demigod does, the caster becomes a solid soul on the demigod's divine realm, which acts as their afterlife.

They retain all memory of life, but do not retain their abilities from life. Instead, their stats undergo the following changes:

  • Ability Scores stay the same.
  • All class levels except their first two are lost.
  • Their hit dice become 2d8.
  • Their BAB is set to +2.
  • They retain all skills they had in life.
  • They lose all Ex, Su and Sp abilities/attacks from race/template.
  • Their type changes to Outsider.
  • They can not leave your demi-plane.
  • They are immune to mind-affecting effects.

If someone so changed is restored to life (as this is their afterlife), they are restored to their previous form.

For each soul the demigod accepts into their realm, the radius of the plane increases by 5 feet (this radius increase remains even if the soul is later restored to life).

In addition, the demigod's soul is also pulled to their realm. If they die, they move to this plane for their afterlife. They remain the same except they can not leave the plane (unless raised from the dead, which pulls them back), nor can they raise themselves from the dead.

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Facts about "Demi-god (3.5e Class)"
Article BalanceHigh +
Authorqwertyu63 +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityPrepared Divine Spellcasting + and Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting +
Class Ability ProgressionPartial +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length5 +
Minimum Level6 +
RatingUndiscussed +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillBluff +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Spot +, Tumble + and Use Magic Device +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryA class for new, weaker gods. +
TitleDemi-god +
Will Save ProgressionGood +