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|author_name=<!-- Unsanemaker-->
|date_created=<!-- 9/24/2012 -->
|status=<!-- 85% complete -->
|status= complete
[[Summary::The Raier (Pronounced Ray-er) are a a group people that live in forests. They are a peaceful group that look down on evil intent. They have special relationship with nature and  a strange understanding of divine magic.]]
[[Summary::<!-- The Raier (Pronounced Ray-er) are a a group people that live in forests. They are a peaceful group that look down on evil intent. They have special relationship with nature and  a strange understanding arcane magic. -->]]
They are peace loving. They generally do not wish to fight unless they are truly in danger. They enjoy studying the nature around them and studying some arcane magic. They are generally shy around new people but are usually  welcoming.  
They are peace loving. They generally do not wish to fight unless they are truly in danger. They enjoy studying the nature around them and studying some divine magic. They are generally shy around new people but are usually  welcoming.  
===Physical Description===
===Physical Description===
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Hands and feet: Their hands are large of their bodies and have three wide short fingers with no nails. Their feet have two large toes but no toe nails
Hands and feet: Their hands are large of their bodies and have three wide short fingers with no nails. Their feet have two large toes but no toe nails
Eyes: The eyes they have are small and have a gray iris.  
Eyes: The eyes they have are small and have a gray iris.
Their heads are nearly oval shaped. Their nose is just two small slits in just above their mouth. Their lips are small, are the same color as their skin, and are nearly unnoticeable. Their eyes are almost indented into their heads. Males tend to have large brows that protrude out while females do not have such brows. The lower half of their face resembles a chimp.
They have the strange ability to curve their back and pull themselves into a ball. This allows them to move down steep hills and inclines without the chance of being injured. they will also do this to escape danger when they can.
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Males and females are taught to farm, care for young, how to build huts, and if the time call for it fight. Males are taught to hunt and fight hand to hand. Females are taught to  be midwifes and a trained to fight with long range weapons.
Males and females are taught to farm, care for young, how to build huts, and if the time call for it fight. Males are taught to hunt and fight hand to hand. Females are taught to  be midwifes and a trained to fight with long range weapons.
Shamans, are the village leaders and the only ones who are allowed to use magic. If another uses magic the punishment is general affected by how the used it, what they used it for, and how they got the magic. For example if a member uses it to wage war on on anyone the punishment is death but if they use it for their own gain they are locked away and given a full year in the Mogei, which is a special zone that the Shamans create that makes anyone in their feel as if they are starving, are going to die of thrust, and consent sickness. If it is used for well intent then that member is punished by having to serve the Shamans as personal workers for one full year. This isn't that bad because they are treated fairly but are only allowed to see their loved ones on holidays. If a member of the village obtains a magic artifact that grants them powers they look at that person as a hero sent by the gods to protect them.
The reason why rangers are the exception is because they do not view it as magic. They view it more as having a special connection with nature.
They live in the forests because they have a certain joy that they get from nature.
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They speak Raier. It sounds similar to elven mixed with orc. Like the Orcs they have no alphabet.  
They speak Raier. It sounds similar to Orc mixed with a bit of elven. Like the Orcs, they have no alphabet.
Their names have Z and/or G sounds in them.
Their names have Z and/or G sounds in them. Usually Male names end with a "AZE" at the end but not always. Female names usually end with "GDY".
===Racial Traits=== <!--Required information below this point.-->
* {{3.5e Racial Attribute Adjustment|<!-- attribute modifier here, like "+2" -->|<!-- attribute here, like "Strength" or "Intelligence or Wisdom" -->}} <!-- repeat this line for each attribute adjustment your race has. Leave the modifier section blank if your race has no attribute adjustments. Leave the attribute section blank if you race can select where to put the modifier. -->:  <!-- fluff to explain adjustments -->
* [[Type::<!-- race type here -->]] ([[Subtype::<!-- Subtype 1 here -->]]):  <!-- fluff about type and subtypes -->
* {{Racial Size|<!--race size here-->|<!--race name-->}}
* <-race name-> [[SRD:Base Land Speed|base land speed]] is <!-- base land speed --> feet:  <!-- other movement modes and speeds -->
* <!-- If the race has low-light vision or darkvision, use of the of following:"{{3.5e Darkvision|<!-- number of feet darkvision goes, leave 'ft' off -->}}" or "{{3.5e Low-Light Vision}}" -->
* <!-- name of special ability {{Ex}}, {{Su}}, {{Sp}}, or {{Ps}}. -->:  <!-- game rule information about special ability. repeat as needed -->
* [[SRD:Automatic Languages|Automatic Languages]]: <!-- languages with which characters automatically starts off -->.
* [[SRD:Bonus Languages|Bonus Languages]]: <!-- starting languages which characters may choose due to Int bonus -->.
* [[SRD:Favored Class|Favored Class]]: <!-- Use "{{Property Link|Favored Class|SRD:Wizard|Wizard}}" for each favored class of the race, replacing SRD:Wizard with the page name and Wizard with the class name for the appropriate class. If there is no favored class, put "[[Favored Class::Any]]" -->
* [[Level Adjustment]]: +[[Level Adjustment::<!-- Enter the LA of your race here. If it is +0, enter 0 -->]]
* [[ECL|Effective Character Level]]: [[Effective Character Level::<!-- Add the LA to the racial hit dice (if the race has no racial hit dice, add 1 instead) and enter that number here. -->]]
+2 To WIS and +2 to DEX. -2 to STR and -1 to INT. They are wisdom and nimble. However they are weak and not that smart. Because of their high WIS they have the ability to use arcane magic if they chose a class that uses it. Because of their low INT they may only learn a new language per every ten in their INT score.
+ 1 to size mod because they are small.
Speed: 15 land speed they can roll round 30 feet but when they roll it makes loud noises.
|Common male names: Raze, Gran, Haze, Baze, Gaze, Nort, Gurn, Faize, Jort, Ktagg
Roll: Instead of walking they can roll round longer distances.
|Common female names: Saz, Goongdy, Gapze, Jorgdy, Hoegdy, Vorny, Zigdy, Mormz, Krgdy, Souf
Wild empathy: They have a special relationship with nature.
===Racial Traits===
Read and Sense magic: They are born with a strange understanding of arcane magic. Have the ability to sense and read magic regardless of class.
* {{3.5e Racial Attribute Adjustment|-2|Strength}}. {{3.5e Racial Attribute Adjustment|+2|Dexterity}}, {{3.5e Racial Attribute Adjustment|-2|Intelligence}}, {{3.5e Racial Attribute Adjustment|+2|Wisdom}}: They are wise and nimble, but they lack muscle due to not spending much time fighting. Because of their low intelligence they can only learn a new lanugage for every ten in the INT score. 
* [[Type::Humanoid]]:  (and subtype)  "HUMANOID (Gnome)".
* {{3.5e Racial Size|Small|Raier}}
* Raier [[SRD:Base Land Speed|base land speed]] is 20 feet. However if they move more than 15 feet the begin to become tired and take a -4 to attack rolls and Dex checks for two rounds.
* {{3.5e Darkvision|20}}
* Dim Wit {{Ex}}:  Raiers are not the smartest.  They never gain Speak Language as a class skill.
* Roll {{Ex}}:  Raiers curl into a ball and roll around for faster movement. When Rolling they can roll 40 feet. However, This makes noise that is loud enough to alert many near by enemies. Because of this they receive a -4 to Move silently. However, when is this state they receive a +2 to tumble
* Spell-Like Abilities {{Sp}}:  At will- ''[[SRD:Detect Magic|detect magic]]'', [[SRD:Read Magic|read magic]]''. Regardless of what class they have
* Wild Empathy {{Ex}}:  Raiers gain the wild empathy class feature of a [[SRD:Druid|druid]] of their character level.
* Flexibility {{Ex}}: Raiers are extremely flexible gain a +4 to avoid traps when they know where it is.
* Raiers receive a +2 racial bonus on Balance, Handle Animal, Hide, Listen, and Move Silently checks.  They also receive a +1 bonus to Escape Artist, Spot, Swim, and Tumble checks.
* [[SRD:Automatic Languages|Automatic Languages]]: Raien, Common
* [[SRD:Bonus Languages|Bonus Languages]]: Any (except secret languages).
* [[SRD:Favored Class|Favored Class]]: {{Property Link|Favored Class|SRD:Barbarian|Barbarian}}, {{Property Link|Favored Class|SRD:Ranger|Ranger}} , {{Property Link|Favored Class|SRD:Shaman|Shaman}} , {{Property Link|Favored Class|SRD:Cleric|Cleric}}
* [[Level Adjustment]]: +[[Level Adjustment::0]]
* [[ECL|Effective Character Level]]: [[Effective Character Level::1]]
They receive a +2 to move silently, balance, listen, handle animal, and hide. They receive a +1 to swim, tumble, spot, and escape artiest.
Only males can become barbarians  and fighters and only females can become rangers and rouges. This is the only gender limit the race has on classes
===Vital Statistics===
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
|name=<!-- Raier -->
|start=<!--  25. They are considered adults at 25 as they don't mature fully until the age of about 15 and live to about 250 to 320 years. -->
|simple=<!-- +2 (i.e. Barbarian, Rogue, and Sorcerer) -->
|moderate=<!-- +3 Age modifier for moderate classes (i.e. Bard, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger) -->
|complex=<!--  +20 Age modifier for complex classes (i.e. Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Wizard) -->}}  
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
|name=<!-- Raier -->
|middle=<!-- 160 -->
|old=<!-- 200 -->
|venerable=<!-- 220/240 -->
|maximum=<!-- +50 -->}}  
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|name=<!-- Raier -->
|mHeightBase=<!-- 4 -->' <!-- 5 -->"
|mHeightMod=<!-- +2 -->
|mWeightBase=<!-- 75-90 -->
|mWeightMod=<!-- +1d4 -->
|fHeightBase=<!-- 3 -->' <!-- 9 -->"
|fHeightMod=<!-- +4 -->
|fWeightBase=<!-- 70-85 -->
|fWeightMod=<!-- +1d4 -->}}  

Latest revision as of 17:47, 28 June 2015

Author: Unsanemaker (talk)
Date Created: 9/24/2012
Status: complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Raier (Pronounced Ray-er) are a a group people that live in forests. They are a peaceful group that look down on evil intent. They have special relationship with nature and a strange understanding of divine magic.


They are peace loving. They generally do not wish to fight unless they are truly in danger. They enjoy studying the nature around them and studying some divine magic. They are generally shy around new people but are usually welcoming.

Physical Description[edit]

They are mammals. They stand on two legs and have large hands.

Height: Males are 4-4'8 feet tall whereas females are 3'8-4'2 feet tall.

Weight: 75-90 pounds

Skin: A blueish gray

Hair:Their hair grows is patches on their head. It grows long and grows down on females and upward if male.

Hands and feet: Their hands are large of their bodies and have three wide short fingers with no nails. Their feet have two large toes but no toe nails

Eyes: The eyes they have are small and have a gray iris.

Their heads are nearly oval shaped. Their nose is just two small slits in just above their mouth. Their lips are small, are the same color as their skin, and are nearly unnoticeable. Their eyes are almost indented into their heads. Males tend to have large brows that protrude out while females do not have such brows. The lower half of their face resembles a chimp.

They have the strange ability to curve their back and pull themselves into a ball. This allows them to move down steep hills and inclines without the chance of being injured. they will also do this to escape danger when they can.


They are peaceful, shy, and they are always willing to help others.


The are usually NG or CG. The Shamans of the village are LG. Evil Raiers are hunted and killed.


The live in scattered villages in vast forests. All the villages are connected. They generally eat plants and rarely eat meats. Males wear short pants or a loincloth whereas females wear loose shirts and and short skirts over short pants.

Males and females are taught to farm, care for young, how to build huts, and if the time call for it fight. Males are taught to hunt and fight hand to hand. Females are taught to be midwifes and a trained to fight with long range weapons.

Shamans, are the village leaders and the only ones who are allowed to use magic. If another uses magic the punishment is general affected by how the used it, what they used it for, and how they got the magic. For example if a member uses it to wage war on on anyone the punishment is death but if they use it for their own gain they are locked away and given a full year in the Mogei, which is a special zone that the Shamans create that makes anyone in their feel as if they are starving, are going to die of thrust, and consent sickness. If it is used for well intent then that member is punished by having to serve the Shamans as personal workers for one full year. This isn't that bad because they are treated fairly but are only allowed to see their loved ones on holidays. If a member of the village obtains a magic artifact that grants them powers they look at that person as a hero sent by the gods to protect them.

The reason why rangers are the exception is because they do not view it as magic. They view it more as having a special connection with nature.

They live in the forests because they have a certain joy that they get from nature.


Usually they will worship deities of nature


They speak Raier. It sounds similar to Orc mixed with a bit of elven. Like the Orcs, they have no alphabet.


Their names have Z and/or G sounds in them. Usually Male names end with a "AZE" at the end but not always. Female names usually end with "GDY".

|Common male names: Raze, Gran, Haze, Baze, Gaze, Nort, Gurn, Faize, Jort, Ktagg

|Common female names: Saz, Goongdy, Gapze, Jorgdy, Hoegdy, Vorny, Zigdy, Mormz, Krgdy, Souf

Racial Traits[edit]

  • -2 Strength. +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom: They are wise and nimble, but they lack muscle due to not spending much time fighting. Because of their low intelligence they can only learn a new lanugage for every ten in the INT score.
  • Humanoid: (and subtype) "HUMANOID (Gnome)".
  • Small: As a Small creature, a Raier gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –4 size penalty on special attack (bull rushes, grapples, overruns, and trips) checks, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Raier base land speed is 20 feet. However if they move more than 15 feet the begin to become tired and take a -4 to attack rolls and Dex checks for two rounds.
  • Darkvision: A 20 can see in the dark up to 20 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a Raier can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Dim Wit (Ex): Raiers are not the smartest. They never gain Speak Language as a class skill.
  • Roll (Ex): Raiers curl into a ball and roll around for faster movement. When Rolling they can roll 40 feet. However, This makes noise that is loud enough to alert many near by enemies. Because of this they receive a -4 to Move silently. However, when is this state they receive a +2 to tumble
  • Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will- detect magic, read magic. Regardless of what class they have
  • Wild Empathy (Ex): Raiers gain the wild empathy class feature of a druid of their character level.
  • Flexibility (Ex): Raiers are extremely flexible gain a +4 to avoid traps when they know where it is.
  • Raiers receive a +2 racial bonus on Balance, Handle Animal, Hide, Listen, and Move Silently checks. They also receive a +1 bonus to Escape Artist, Spot, Swim, and Tumble checks.
  • Automatic Languages: Raien, Common
  • Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages).
  • Favored Class: Barbarian, Ranger , Shaman , Cleric
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Only males can become barbarians and fighters and only females can become rangers and rouges. This is the only gender limit the race has on classes

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Raier Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
25 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d20
Table: Raier Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
160 years 200 years 230 years +10d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Raier Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 4'5" +1d4 80 lb. × (1d4) lb.
Female 3'9" +1d8 80 lb. × (1d4) lb.

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Facts about "Raier (3.5e Race)"
AuthorUnsanemaker +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassBarbarian +, Ranger +, Shaman + and Cleric +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments-2 Strength +, +2 Dexterity +, -2 Intelligence + and +2 Wisdom +
RatingUnrated +
SizeSmall +
SummaryThe Raier (Pronounced Ray-er) are a a group people that live in forests. They are a peaceful group that look down on evil intent. They have special relationship with nature and a strange understanding of divine magic. +
TitleRaier +
TypeHumanoid +