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|special1=[[#Arcane Knack|Arcane Knack]], [[#Aura of Unluck|Aura of Unluck]], [[#Distort Reality|Distort Reality (Bend)]], [[#Hex Blast|Hex Blast 1d6]], [[#Variable Saves|Variable Saves]]
|special1=[[#Arcane Knack|Arcane Knack]], [[#Aura of Unluck|Aura of Unluck]], [[#Distort Reality|Distort Reality (Bend)]], [[#Hex Blast|Hex Blast 1d6]], [[#Variable Saves|Variable Saves]]
|special2=Hex Blast 2d6, [[#Invocations|invocation]] (least), Arcane Resistance
|special2=Hex Blast 2d6, [[#Invocations|invocation]] (least)
|special3=[[#Mettle|mettle]], [[#Damage Reduction|DR 1/Law]] / [[#Summon Familiar|summon familiar]]
|special3=[[#Mettle|mettle]], [[#Damage Reduction|DR 1/Law]] / [[#Summon Familiar|summon familiar]]
|special4=[[#|Bestow Aura]], [[#Modify Magic|Modify Magic]], Hex Blast 3d6, invocation (least)
|special4=[[#|Bestow Aura]], [[#Modify Magic|Modify Magic]], Hex Blast 3d6, invocation (least)
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'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Hex Warriors are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor and with shields (But not heavy or tower shields). Hex Warriors can use their invocations while wearing light armor, medium armor, a buckler or a light shield without incurring arcane spell failure chance. A hex warrior in heavy armor or using a heavy shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure with all invocations. A multiclass hex warrior still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells derived from other classes.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Hex Warriors are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor and with shields (But not heavy or tower shields). Hex Warriors can use their invocations while wearing light armor, medium armor, a buckler or a light shield without incurring arcane spell failure chance. A hex warrior in heavy armor or using a heavy shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure with all invocations. A multiclass hex warrior still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells derived from other classes.
'''{{Anchor|Arcane Knack}} {{Sp}}:''' The Hex Warrior’s manipulation of chaos energy enables him to perform minor magical effects. He can duplicate the effects of ''[[SRD:Prestidigitation|prestidigitation]], [[SRD:Flare|flare]]'', and ''[[SRD:Daze|daze]]'' ''[[SRD:Detect Magic|detect magic]]'' at will as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to his levels in Hex Warrior.
'''{{Anchor|Arcane Knack}} {{Sp}}:''' The Hex Warrior’s manipulation of chaos energy enables him to perform minor magical effects. He can duplicate the effects of ''[[SRD:Prestidigitation|prestidigitation]], [[SRD:Flare|flare]]'', and ''[[SRD:Daze|daze]]'' at will as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to his levels in Hex Warrior.
'''{{Anchor|Variable Saves}} {{Ex}}:''' Hex Warriors are as diverse as the chaos energy that powers them. At 1st level they choose either Fortitude or Reflex to be their second save with a good save progression. Once chosen, it cannot be changed.
'''{{Anchor|Variable Saves}} {{Ex}}:''' Hex Warriors are as diverse as the chaos energy that powers them. At 1st level they choose either Fortitude or Reflex to be their second save with a good save progression. Once chosen, it cannot be changed.
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'''{{Anchor|Invocations}} {{Sp}}:''' At 2nd level, the Hex Warrior gains access to a single [[3.5e_Warlock_Invocations|warlock least invocation]]. At higher levels he gains additional invocations, as shown on the Table: The Hex Warrior. The invocations follow all the normal rules with one exception: a Hex Warrior does not incur arcane spell failure from medium armor. However, he must have a free hand to perform the necessary somatic components. For all purposes related to Invocations your caster level is equal to your hex warrior level (plus levels from any other class that grants invocations). Invocations gained from other classes suffer arcane failure chance as normal.
'''{{Anchor|Invocations}} {{Sp}}:''' At 2nd level, the Hex Warrior gains access to a single [[3.5e_Warlock_Invocations|warlock least invocation]]. At higher levels he gains additional invocations, as shown on the Table: The Hex Warrior. The invocations follow all the normal rules with one exception: a Hex Warrior does not incur arcane spell failure from medium armor. However, he must have a free hand to perform the necessary somatic components. For all purposes related to Invocations your caster level is equal to your hex warrior level (plus levels from any other class that grants invocations). Invocations gained from other classes suffer arcane failure chance as normal.
'''{{Anchor|Arcane Resistance}} {{Su}}:''' At 2nd level, a hex warrior gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum +1) on saving throws against spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural abilities.
'''{{Anchor|Mettle}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd level and higher, a hex warrior can harness chaos energy to repulse harmful magical effects. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping hex warrior does not gain the benefit of mettle.
'''{{Anchor|Mettle}} {{Ex}}:''' At 3rd level and higher, a hex warrior can harness chaos energy to repulse harmful magical effects. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping hex warrior does not gain the benefit of mettle.

Latest revision as of 23:53, 20 February 2018

Author: Spanambula (talk)
Date Created: 3 June 2015
Status: WIP
Editing: on talk page
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A capable front-line fighter capable of inflicting a wide array of debuffing and debilitating effects on his targets.

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Alternate Magic, Invocations, Other

Hex Warrior[edit]

Hex Warriors draw their power from a magical connection to the planes of Chaos, whether by birth, chance, bloodlines or contact with a chaotic outsider. Hex Warriors can suffuse their bodies with chaotic energy and unleash it to devastating effect. They can make limited use of a small pool of Warlock invocations, and eventually manipulate time and space itself.

Making a Hex Warrior[edit]

The hex warrior is a strong combatant who draws in raw chaotic energy and harnesses it to deadly effect in battle. Their training allows them to briefly alter reality around themselves and their enemies. The excel at short range and one-on-one combat, debilitating their foes before finishing them off. They work well in tandem with other front line and support classes, making enemies more susceptible to a variety of conditions, setting up sneak attack opportunities and suppressing enemy abilities. They can help more vulnerable allies by shielding them with their aura, but otherwise have limited support capability. They can make capable ranged fighters, but may find themselves feat-starved and falling behind other classes more specifically made to excel at long-range combat. While they have limited damage reduction, they have no real capacity for healing, so must rely on support classes for positive buffs.

Abilities: Charisma is the key score for Hex Warriors, as it increases the DCs of their reality Distortions and other abilities. Hex Warriors are often found fighting on the front line, so a high Strength or Dexterity score is important, but most cannot afford to maximize both. A High Constitution score adds hit points and helps them make Concentration rolls to recover expended Distortions. Intelligence and Wisdom are less important, but should not be neglected.

Races: Hex Warriors can be found among many races, especially those sharing a strong connection with chaos and arcane magic. Races with strong ties to law and order, or very rigid social structures produce few Hex Warriors, and those that do tend to be outcasts. As the effort of shaping chaos energy to do one's bidding requires a strong force of personality and strong physical reserves to draw on, races with weak Constitution and Charisma make very poor Hex Warriors.

Alignment: Any non-lawful. The energies of raw chaos take their toll on the psyche of a Hex Warrior, and over time the idea of a life devoted to promoting law and order seems nonsensical to them. While some may see the benefits of an orderly society, most will have a difficult time fitting in to such places, and will seek out a life where there is as much disorder as possible. If they work with governments at all, they are often chastised for their disregard for regulations and rules. The vast majority live where daily life is always changing and tumultuous. Many grow bored quickly by living in one place too long, and gain reputations as transients, sellswords, or adventurers.

Starting Gold: Same as Rogue.

Starting Age: Moderate

Table: The Hex Warrior

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Arcane Knack, Aura of Unluck, Distort Reality (Bend), Hex Blast 1d6, Variable Saves
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Hex Blast 2d6, invocation (least)
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 mettle, DR 1/Law / summon familiar
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Bestow Aura, Modify Magic, Hex Blast 3d6, invocation (least)
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Chaotic Strike, Blind Luck
6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Improved Hex Blast, Distort Reality (Twist), Hex Blast 4d6
7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 Arc Strike, invocation (lesser), DR 2/Law / improved familiar
8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 Quickened Aura of Unluck, Kismet, Hex Blast 5d6
9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 Split Hex 1/hour, invocation (lesser)
10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Hex Blast 6d6
11th +11/+6/+1 +3 +3 +7 Distort Reality (Warp), DR 3/Law / superior familiar
12th +12/+7/+2 +4 +4 +8 Improved Bestow Aura, Hex Blast 7d6, invocation (greater)
13th +13/+8/+3 +4 +4 +8 Chaos Step
14th +14/+9/+4 +4 +4 +9 Split Hex 2/hour, Hex Blast 8d6, invocation (greater),
15th +15/+10/+5 +5 +5 +9 DR 4/Law
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +10 Distort Reality (Tear), Hex Blast 9d6, Widened Aura of Unluck
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Improved Chaos Step, invocation (dark)
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Undo Reality, Hex Blast 10d6
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 DR 5/Law, invocation (dark)
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Agent of Chaos, Chaos Unending, Hex Blast 11d6

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Hex Warrior.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hex Warriors are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor and with shields (But not heavy or tower shields). Hex Warriors can use their invocations while wearing light armor, medium armor, a buckler or a light shield without incurring arcane spell failure chance. A hex warrior in heavy armor or using a heavy shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure with all invocations. A multiclass hex warrior still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells derived from other classes.

Arcane Knack (Sp): The Hex Warrior’s manipulation of chaos energy enables him to perform minor magical effects. He can duplicate the effects of prestidigitation, flare, and daze at will as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to his levels in Hex Warrior.

Variable Saves (Ex): Hex Warriors are as diverse as the chaos energy that powers them. At 1st level they choose either Fortitude or Reflex to be their second save with a good save progression. Once chosen, it cannot be changed.

Hex Blast (Su): Once per round, Hex Warriors can hurl tiny fragments of raw chaos energy at their foes, causing physical damage and other unpleasant effects. As a standard action the Hex Warrior makes a ranged touch attack against an opponent within 60 feet. The blast deals 1d6 damage, plus an addition al 1d6 per 2 levels of Hex Warrior. The Hex Warrior must have a free hand with which to hurl the blast. At the Hex Warriors option, he may choose to deal non-lethal damage with his Hex Blast instead without incurring a penalty. He may change between non-lethal and lethal damage as a free action. Hex Blast counts as an eldritch blast for the purposes of prerequisites, feats, items and class features that affect a blast. However, you cannot apply a blast essence or shape to a Hex Blast being used to create any Reality Distortion.

Certain hex warrior abilities cause a reduction in the hex blast’s damage output. If using such an ability would bring the damage of the hex blast below 1d6, it cannot be used.

Distort Reality (Su): While his array of abilities is impressive, what makes Hex Warriors truly terrifying is their ability to distort reality and reshape it to produce crippling effects on their foes. The degree to which they can affect their enemies depends on their experience and personal power; the strongest Hex Warriors seem to rend reality asunder and reshape the world whenever it suits them.

Reality Distortions are delivered as part of a Hex Blast unless otherwise indicated in their entry. From weakest to strongest, Distortions are classified into the following 4 groups: Bend Reality, Twist Reality, Warp Reality, and Tear Reality. The effects of a bend or twist may be removed with a ‘'remove curse’’ spell, warp effects can be removed with a break enchantment spell, and tears may only be removed with a limited wish, wish, or miracle spell. All distortions are Supernatural effects unless otherwise noted. The save DC for all Reality Distortions are 10 + 1/2 Hex Warrior Levels + Charisma Modifier.

While every hex warrior knowns all the distortions available at his level, due to the difficulty of shaping chaos energy into the desired effects, he can only ready a limited number of Distortions at any given time. The number of distortions is equal to 3 + 1/2 his Hex Warrior level. A Hex Warrior can hold multiples of the same Distortion, but each one counts towards his limit. Once used, the distortion is unavailable for use until it is prepared again. A hex warrior can recall a single expended distortion as a standard action with a DC 15 Concentration check, or can recall all his distortions with a full-round action, both of which provoke attacks of opportunity. By spending one minute in concentration, a hex warrior can replace some or all of his currently prepared distortions with different distortions. Once prepared, a distortion is held ready to be used for 24 hours.

Aura of Unluck (Su): By focusing on drawing the chaotic energies of the world around them, a Hex Warrior can create a bubble of random probability around himself, causing attacks go awry and projectiles and even magical rays veer away from their target. As a standard action, the Hex Warrior may initiate the Aura of Unluck, which provides him with a 10% miss chance plus an additional +2% for each level of Hex Warrior, to a maximum of 50% miss chance at level 20. He can maintain the aura through concentration, costing a move action each round. When he ceases concentrating, the aura remains for 1 round, plus an additional round at 3rd level and every 3 levels beyond. The Hex Warrior does not suffer a miss chance from his own aura.

Invocations (Sp): At 2nd level, the Hex Warrior gains access to a single warlock least invocation. At higher levels he gains additional invocations, as shown on the Table: The Hex Warrior. The invocations follow all the normal rules with one exception: a Hex Warrior does not incur arcane spell failure from medium armor. However, he must have a free hand to perform the necessary somatic components. For all purposes related to Invocations your caster level is equal to your hex warrior level (plus levels from any other class that grants invocations). Invocations gained from other classes suffer arcane failure chance as normal.

Mettle (Ex): At 3rd level and higher, a hex warrior can harness chaos energy to repulse harmful magical effects. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping hex warrior does not gain the benefit of mettle.

Damage Reduction (Su): By suffusing his body with chaos energy, the Hex Warrior can mitigate some of the damage from physical attacks, gaining damage reduction 1/lawful. At 7th level and every four levels beyond, a Hex Warrior’s damage reduction improves by 1, as shown on the table.

Summon Familiar (Ex): By giving up the energy required for his damage reduction, a Hex Warrior may obtain a familiar, which functions identically to the familiar of a sorcerer. At 7th level the Hex Warrior gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat, replacing his improvement to his damage reduction. At 11th level, the Hex Warrior gains Superior Familiar as a bonus feat. If he already has either of these feats, he may instead select another feat for which he meets the prerequisites. The Hex Warrior gains no damage reduction at 15th level or beyond.

Bestow Aura (Su): A 4th level Hex Warrior can transfer his Aura of Unluck to a willing ally within 90 feet as a free action, though he may only do so on his turn. It requires the same actions to maintain. Should the ally move more than 90 feet away, the aura automatically returns to the Hex Warrior.

Modify Magic (Su): A 4th level Hex Warrior is capable of adjusting the duration of magical effects on himself. When the Hex Warrior is subjected to a non-extraordinary effect with a duration other than instantaneous or permanent, he may decide to either lengthen or shorten the duration by one round. At 6th level, and each even level beyond he can lengthen or shorten the duration by an additional round, to a minimum of one round.

Chaotic Strike (Su): The 5th level Hex Warrior has learned to put a bit of chaos energy into every strike or shot. All natural and manufactured weapons wielded by the Hex Warrior are treated as Chaotic-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Blind Luck (Su): A Hex Warrior of at least 5th level has learned to protect himself while attempting to blindly activate magic items. Hex Warriors do not suffer mishaps on a Use Magic Device check, regardless of how low the result of their check is.

Improved Hex Blast (Su): At 6th level, the Hex Warrior may now throw a Hex Blast as an attack action instead of a standard action. Additionally, the Hex Warrior can deliver a Hex Blast through a melee or ranged attack with a natural or manufactured weapon. A channeled blast deals the weapon's normal damage in addition to the damage from the hex blast, as well as the effect of whichever distortion was applied, if any. Regardless of the number of melee attacks he makes in a round, the hex warrior can still only make one Hex Blast per round.

Arc Strike (Su): A 7th level Hex Warrior can hurl his hex blasts in curves, spirals, and even u-bends en route to his target. His hex blasts can ignore all cover except for total cover, though the energy required makes his blasts less potent. Arc strikes decrease hex blast damage by -1d6.

Kismet (Su): An 8th level Hex Warrior can harness chaos energy to alter chance events and the outcome of certain actions. Once per hour the Hex Warrior can force a reroll of a single d20 roll, either his own, an ally’s or an opponents as an immediate action. The second roll result must be used, regardless of whether it was better or worse than the first roll.

Quickened Aura of Unluck (Su): An 8th level Hex Warrior may now initiate his aura as a move action, and maintain it as a swift action.

Split Hex (Su): Starting at 9th level, a Hex Warrior can split a Hex Blast to affect two targets instead of one. He makes a single attack roll against both targets, and may apply any reality distortion he has prepared. If struck by the blast, both targets make their saves as normal. A Hex Warrior cannot channel a split Hex through a weapon, nor can he target the same creature twice. Split Hexes decrease the hex blast damage by -1d6.

Improved Bestow Aura (Su): At 12th level, the Hex Warrior can Bestow an Aura of Unluck to a willing ally while maintaining his own aura.

Chaos Step (Su): A 13th level Hex Warrior can distort reality and space. As a move action, he disappears and instantly reappears in a location within his current move speed. This is not a teleportation effect, does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and requires line of sight to the destination square, but not line of effect. Using chaos energy in this manner depletes the power of his hex blasts by -2d6 for each chaos step made. The hex warrior recovers 1d6 of damage to his hex blasts at the end of his turn every round in which he does not make a chaos step.

Widened Aura of Unluck (Su): At 16th level Hex Warrior can project her Aura of Unluck to all allies within 30 feet, but at half the normal miss chance.

Improved Chaos Step (Su): The hex warrior can now use his Chaos Step as an immediate action, at the cost of a -4d6 penalty to his hex blast. Improved Chaos Step has a cooldown of 1d4 rounds, but during this time a normal Chaos Step may still be made.

Undo Reality (Su): Once per day, an 18th level Hex Warrior can channel so much chaos energy that he ruptures spacetime, reverting the actions of 1 round. All events in the last round are returned to the end of the slider's last turn, but the hex warrior retains memory of the event. This action leaves the hex warrior exhausted for 1d4 rounds. He cannot be immune to this exhaustion, as it is an exhaustion of the mind, not the body. After the exhaustion ends, the hex warrior remains shaken (to which he is likewise unable to be immune) for 1d4 minutes.

Agent of Chaos (Su): Upon reaching 20th level, the hex warrior has channeled so much chaos energy through himself that he becomes an embodiment of it. His type changes to Outsider with the Chaotic and Extraplanar subtypes.

Chaos Unending (Su): By taking a -8d6 penalty to the damage dealt by his hex burst, the hex warrior can cause the duration of a distortion with a variable duration to become permanent instead. If a distortion allows for a save, a successful save causes a duration in rounds to become measured in minutes, durations measured in minutes become hours, and durations in hours become days. Permanent Distortions can only be removed by the use of a Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle spell.

Reality Distortions[edit]

Bend Reality

Design Flaw: Hex Blast deals full damage to objects instead of half.
Flammable: Target catches fire, dealing 1d6 fire damage, and 1d6 fire damage per round until extinguished. Reflex negates ongoing fire damage, but not the initial damage. (Hex Warrior must be at least 3rd level to use this Distortion)
Iron Heart Scourge: Target receives only half normal benefit from all healing sources for 1d4 minutes. (Hex Warrior must be at least 3rd level to use this Distortion)
Nearsighted: Everything beyond 30 feet of target is a murky blur for 2d4 rounds. All creatures beyond 30 feet have total concealment against target as if blinded. Fortitude halves duration.
Nightmare Glimpse: Target is shaken for 2d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Will negates.
Self-Inflicted: Target’s next attack with a melee weapon automatically hits himself instead, as the backbiterSpC spell. Magic weapons receive a will save to negate the effect. (Hex Warrior must be at least 3rd level to use this Distortion)
Slow Reaction: Target suffers -2 to AC for 2d4 rounds. Will negates.
Sour Stomach: Target is sickened for 1d6 rounds. Fortitude Negates.
Spasms: Severe muscle tics all over! Treated as entangled for 2d4 rounds, Will negates. (Hex Warrior must be at least 3rd level to use this Distortion)
Sticky Feet: Target treats all ground as difficult terrain for 2d4 rounds.
Tangled Bootlaces: Target’s next move action causes him to fall prone unless he makes a Reflex save, moves at half-speed for 1 round on successful save.
Tinnitus: Target takes 1 sonic damage/ Hex Warrior level (max 5) deafened for 2d4 rounds, or 1 round on successful Fortitude save.

Twist Reality

Special: Upon gaining access to this level of distortions, all previously known distortions have any variable duration increased by one die. This effect is cumulative.
Abhorrence: Non-mindless target must attack only you with melee, as the mindless rageSpC spell for 1d6 rounds. A successful Will save causes the creature to take a -2 penalty on all attacks at anyone other than you.
Boom Goes the Dynamite: All creatures within a 20-foot radius of target must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round, Fort save or be deafened for 1 minute, and Reflex save or fall prone. (Hex Warrior must be at least 8th level to use this Distortion)
Brainfreeze: Living target takes a 2d4 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma for 1d4 x 10 minutes. This cannot reduce scores below 1. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Distort Gravity: Target must make a Reflex save each round for 2d4 rounds or fall prone. On a failed save when already prone, the target may not stand up that round.
Fatal Distraction: Target provokes AoOs from all opponents currently threatening it. The target can make a Concentration check with a DC of 10 + damage dealt by the hex warrior to ignore and negate the effect.
Hex Curse: as bestow curse. On a successful Will save, target takes a -1 penalty to attack and damage, and has a 5% chance of taking no actions on its turn for 1 minute.
Internal Bleeding: Target is nauseated for 1d6 rounds, and sickened on successful Fortitude save.
Phantom Flanker:An image of a flanking attacker is always in the corner of the target's eyes, causing the target to be treated as flanked by any enemy threatening them in melee for 2d4 rounds. Creatures immune to flanking must succeed on a Will save or take a -1 penalty to AC.
Punchline: Target is afflicted with hideous laughter for 2d4 rounds on a failed Will save. (Hex Warrior must be at least 8th level to use this Distortion)
Repulsion: Blasts Medium or smaller targets 2d4 x 5 feet away from you, where they land prone. If they strike any objects or creatures along the way, they take 1d6 damage per object struck. Reflex save negates.
Sap Strength: Target becomes exhausted for 1d4 minutes, or fatigued on a successful Fortitude save.
Stand Fast: Target's feet are held in place for 2d6 rounds, or entangled on a successful Reflex save. The target can break the effect with a successful Strength check, with a DC of 15 + the Hex Warrior's Charisma modifier.
Strip Magic: as the spell dispel magic (targeted only).
Unseen Swarmers: Target feels themselves covered with invisible tiny stinging insects, and can only take a standard or a move action every round, receive a -2 to AC, and must make concentration checks to cast spells for 2d6 rounds. A successful Will negates all but the AC penalty. Each round the target is entitled to a new save.
Vacuum bubble: Target cannot breathe for 2d6 rounds, rendering it unable to speak. The condition can be removed with a full round action, or target must begin making checks to avoid suffocation. Has no effect on creatures that do not need to breathe.
Whiteout: Target is blinded for 3d4 minutes, or 1 round on a successful Fortitude save.

Warp Reality

Special: Upon gaining access to this level of distortions, all previously known distortions have any variable duration increased by one die. This effect is cumulative.
Anarchy: Combines with any Reality Bend, and affects all enemies in a 30-foot radius of the target. This cannot be used in conjunction with the split Hex ability. This power reduces the Hex blast damage by -4d6. Once used, this distortion (or it's greater version) cannot be used again for 1d4+1 rounds.
Cloud of Needles: A 5-foot flying swarm of animated diminutive sharp objects appears and follows the creature wherever it moves for 3d6 rounds, moving up to 80 feet per round. Any creature that begins its turn in the cloud takes 3 points of bleed. The cloud can be directed to a new target as a swift action on the Hex Warrior's turn.
Crippling Agony: The Target suffers pain so intense it is rendered helpless for 2d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates the helpless condition, but the brief burst of pain leaves the target shaken for 3d6 rounds afterward.
Evil Twin: Creates an exact duplicate of the target (with all current HP, conditions, etc), who then attacks the target at the start of the target's turn, pursuing the target to attack again if need be. The twin is not under the Hex Warrior's control, counts as an opponent for all purposes, and will only attack (or move to attack) the target. Lasts 3d4 rounds. A successful Will save halves all damage from the Evil Twin and reduces the duration to 1 round.
Essence Drain: As the spell enervation.
Loci Interference: Target cannot travel ethereally or teleport for 1d6 minutes, or 1d6 rounds on successful Will save.
Melt: As the spell corporeal instabilitySpC, except duration is 3d4 rounds.
Sandman Blast: As the invocation Painful Slumber of the AgesCM. Damage dealt by your hex burst does not count towards the damage needed to wake the target. Will negates. This is a mind-affecting enchantment effect.
Sensory Deprivation: Target loses all sense of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing for 2d4 rounds. This blocks all forms of perception (all such checks automatically fail), and causes the target to be flat-footed. While unable to perceive any kind of stimulus, the target is not considered helpless. Telepathy and similar effects still function normally. A successful Will save blinds and deafens for 1d4 rounds.
Strip Protection: Lowers all forms of the target's DR, energy resistance, and damage resistance by 1/2 caster level. Lasts 2d4 minutes. A successful Fortitude save halves the reduction and reduces the duration to 2d4 rounds.
Terrify: as the spell fear, but only affects a single target.
Time Bomb: Target takes no damage from any source for up to 4 rounds. At the end of the 4 rounds, the target takes all damage all at once, as if from a single attack. This applies only to hit point damage, other effects which may rely on a successful hit and damage to activate function normally. The Hex Warrior can detonate the effect before the 4 rounds have expired as an immediate action.

Tear Reality

Special: Upon gaining access to this level of distortions, all previously known distortions have any variable duration increased by one die. This effect is cumulative.
Anarchy, Greater: Combines with any Reality Bend or Twist, and affects all enemies in a 30-foot radius of the target. This cannot be used in conjunction with the split Hex ability. This power reduces the Hex blast by -6d6. Once used, this distortion (or it's lesser version) cannot be used again for 1d4+1 rounds.
Pure Chaos: as the spell word of chaos, but affects only target struck by the hex blast.

Ex-Hex Warriors[edit]

A Hex Warrior who becomes lawful can no longer control the chaos energy that infuses him, and loses access to all the supernatural abilities of this class. Hex Warriors may serve in lawful enterprises such as a military or city watch, but they must compensate by chaotic behavior elsewhere, such as drinking to excess, drug use, gambling, pit fighting, or even vigilanteism on a regular basis.

Epic Hex Warrior[edit]

Table: The Epic Hex Warrior

Hit Die: d10

Level Special
21st Epic Hex Blast 12d6, Double Distortion
22nd Split Hex 1/minute, DR 6/ Law and Epic
23rd Epic Hex Blast 13d6
24th DR 7/ Law and Epic
25th Epic Hex Blast 14d6
26th DR 8/ Law and Epic
27th Epic Hex Blast 15d6
28th DR 9/ Law and Epic
29th Epic Hex Blast 16d6
30th DR 10/ Law and Epic

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

‘’’Epic Hex Blast:’’’ At 21st level, and every 2 levels beyond, the damage of the hex blast increases by +1d6.

‘’’Double Distortion (Su):’’’ At 21st level, the hex warrior may now apply two distortions to each hex blast. Targets save for each distortion as normal.

‘’’Split Hex:’’’ The Hex Warrior can now use their Split Hex ability once every minute instead of twice per hour.

‘’’Damage Reduction:’’’ The Hex Warrior’s damage reduction can now only overcome by damage that is both Epic and Lawful. It increases every 2 levels.

Human Hex Warrior Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: longsword.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Concentration 4 Con &mdash
Intimidate 4 Cha &mdash
Knowledge (Arcana) 4 Int &mdash
Spellcraft 4 Int &mdash
Use Magic Device 4 Cha &mdash

Feat: Improved Initiative.

Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus (Longsword).

Gear: As Fighter.

Gold: 3d6.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Warrior[edit]

Religion: Few Hex Warriors are interested in organized religion for obvious reasons, though some will worship deities associated with Chaos or Magic.

Other Classes: Hex Warriors are chaotic, but not (usually) stupid. They are aware that they function best with other fighters to flank with, support classes to scout, sneak, buff and heal, and casting classes with a much broader array of magical prowess. Their high Charisma can help them be a secondary or even primary party face, but their unpredictable tendencies make them ill-suited for extended bouts of diplomacy. They get along very well with rogues and similar classes that share their view of fighting dirty and crippling enemies before finishing them off. Relations with those with a strong sense of honor and a personal code such as Crusaders, Monks, and Paladins can be strained at times. Hex Warriors usually make friends with other arcane casters, many of whom are glad to have another party member who is (usually) capable of activating magic items such as scrolls and wands. Many Hex Warriors find druids, rangers, and other classes associated with the wilderness difficult to relate to, as Hex Warriors overwhelmingly prefer more urban environments. To Hex Warriors, nature is something you're forced to deal with while traveling from point A to point B.

Combat: Hex Warriors usually begin combat by throwing one or two hex blasts with weakening distortions to soften up their opposition before closing into melee range. If facing multiple opponents the hex warrior will attempt to activate his Aura of Unluck before combat begins so as not to have to waste actions starting it in combat. He will work with other front-line and support characters wherever possible, exploiting the enemy's weaknesses, or creating new weaknesses to exploit. It the back line is threatened, a hex blade will often attempt to hurl a hex blast at the threat to lock it down and give the back line space to reposition.

Advancement: Many Hex Warriors are reluctant to deviate from their progression for too many levels, but it does happen. Martial classes are often attractive choices for Hex Warriors, with maneuvers and stances providing some additional flexibility. Others may dip into Rogue or Skirmishing classes, adding more precision or skirmish damage to their already potent strikes. And some melee-focused Warlocks may take a few levels of Hex Warrior for the boost in hit points, weapon proficiencies, and early abilities to supplement their broader array of invocations.

Similar to Warlocks, Hex Warriors can benefit from prestige classes that advance arcane spellcasting. Such classes advance stack with their levels of Hex warrior to determine the number of distortions they can hold ready as well as the level of distortion they have access to and the power of their hex blast. They do not gain any other class feature of the Hex Warrior, however. The Hex Warrior's levels in Hex Warrior counts as his caster level for the purposes of prerequisites, but like Warlocks, he cannot qualify for classes with spellcasting level requirements because he does not actually cast spells.

Hex Warriors in the World[edit]

A word of advice if you're fighting a hex warrior: Be immune. To everything. It's the only way to be sure.
—Baz Stronginthearm, Dwarven Warblade

Hex Warriors are most often traveling sell-swords, thrill-seekers who never stay in one place for very long unless they have a strong interest in doing so. They will join groups of adventurers, but will leave if things become too dull or tedious for their taste. They often thrive in the criminal underworld where life is decidedly more chaotic and violent, though Hex Warriors have no particular affinity with either good or evil. Some Hex Warriors are relentless do-gooders that protect the helpless with their own personal code. Some are highwaymen and robbers who crave the excitement of crime more than the riches and rewards a successful robbery might bring. The quiet peace of the countryside is lost on Hex Warriors, who overwhelmingly prefer the bustle of large towns and cities. Accomplished Hex Warriors with the means to do so will often travel to other planes, living in strange, alien cities for a change of pace.

Daily Life: Your average Hex Warrior usually wakes up with a groan, as memories of last night's revelry slowly return, accompanied by a hangover, or sometimes the pain of drug withdrawal. A quick wash, a quick bite to eat, a quick inspection of gear and equipment (and gold, if there's any left after last night), and it's off to work, or to look for work, or to look for some action. If there isn't any action, well, then it'll be time to create some of your own, one way or another.

Notables: Few notable Hex Warriors exist; as few of them choose to settle down and grow roots somewhere. Most tend to test themselves to destruction, or bite off more trouble than they can handle. Those Hex Warriors who become powerful enough to change into Outsiders tend to vanish into the swirling outer planes, seeking battle after battle after battle.

Organizations: No reliable organizations of Hex Warriors is known to exist, as organizing Hex Warriors tends to be like trying to herd cats. While no two Hex Warriors are exactly alike, groups of Hex Warriors tend to be less effective than a well-rounded group of different classes, as their skill sets overlap instead of complement each other. The rare exceptions to this rule tend to have some kind of unifying mark, tattoo, or emblem on their armor.

NPC Reactions: Some people who know how Hex Warriors operate think of them as dirty tricksters and cheaters. After all, it hardly seems fair when the strongest fighter in the village is lying facedown and vomiting uncontrollably before he could so much as swing his blade at the Hex Warrior. Many innkeepers and bartenders are all too-well acquainted with the disorder that tends to follow a Hex Warrior around, but few are willing to give offense by disrespecting them to their faces.

Hex Warrior Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (the planes) can research Hex Warriors to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Arcana)
DC Result
5 Hex Warriors are often confused with Hexblades, but are far more dangerous, with a much wider array of curses. They can seamlessly blend melee combat and warlock-like abilities, reducing even the strongest opponent to a shivering wreck.
10 Hex Warriors draw their power by harnessing chaotic arcane energies and shaping the power in ways that change the very fabric of reality. Most of their abilities only affect single-targets.
15 Hex Warriors can channel their hexes through their melee strikes like a Duskblade, and in dire need can even rewind time on the battlefield, if only for a few seconds.
20 The most powerful Hex Warriors become so infused with the chaotic energies they wield that they become Outsiders, directly linked to the planes of chaos. They can alter reality to such a degree that their changes can be permanent unless dispelled by the powerful of magic spells.

Hex Warriors in the Game[edit]

As mentioned earlier, Hex Warriors do best on the front lines, debuffing enemies while avoiding direct damage when possible.

Adaptation: Instead of chaos magic, hex warriors could be agents of some powerful Fey. For a lower-powered game, change the Reality Distortions from supernatural to spell-like.

Sample Encounter: A local magistrate has asked the PCs to put an end to a popular underground fighting ring that has grown out of control, resulting in one or two dead fighters, one of whom was the magistrate's nephew. It's run by a formidable masked swordsman who promises a chest of gold to anyone who can stand against him one-on-one in the ring for more than half a minute. So far, no one's been able to do it. The swordsman might agree to leave town peacefully if he's beaten in the ring. The swordsman seems to know when the guards are coming, so the magistrate has come to the PCs for help instead.

EL 7: Kaltos, Human Hex Warrior 7. He'll go one-on-one in the ring with the PCs, or possibly two-on-one if the PCs can talk him into it. If the PCs threaten to end the fighting ring by force outside the ring, Kaltos will be aided by two 5th level Partisans and a 6th level rogue with poisoned knives. If beaten in the ring, he offers the chest of gold (hidden in a different location) to the PCs as promised. If beaten outside the fighting ring, he will attempt to bargain with the PCs: the location of the chest of gold in exchange for allowing him to get out of town.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClassesBase Classes

Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorSpanambula +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionGood +
Class AbilityAlternate Magic +, Invocations + and Other +
Fortitude Save ProgressionPoor +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level1 +
Rated ByLeziad +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillBalance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Disguise +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Profession +, Ride +, Search +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Swim +, Tumble +, Use Magic Device + and Use Rope +
Skill Points4 +
SummaryA capable front-line fighter capable of inflicting a wide array of debuffing and debilitating effects on his targets. +
TitleHex Warrior +
Will Save ProgressionGood +