Magma (3.5e Sphere)

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Author: Darth Rabbitt (talk)
Date Created: November 26, 2021
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity, spelling and grammar only
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Magma Sphere

A sphere about using molten rock in combat.

Magma [Fiendish, Elemental]

Special: You are immune to damage caused by exposure to or immersion in lava or magma (including that generated by the spell-like abilities from this Sphere), and can move through it with no penalty as if benefiting from freedom of movement (this does not give any of the other bonuses of that spell). You are not at risk of drowning from being immersed in lava or magma.


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Facts about "Magma (3.5e Sphere)"
AuthorDarth Rabbitt +
Identifier3.5e Sphere +
RatingUndiscussed +
SpecialYou are immune to damage caused by exposur
You are immune to damage caused by exposure to or immersion in lava or magma (including that generated by the spell-like abilities from this Sphere), and can move through it with no penalty as if benefiting from freedom of movement (this does not give any of the other bonuses of that spell). You are not at risk of drowning from being immersed in lava or magma.
ng]] from being immersed in lava or magma. +
Spelllava missile (Serpent Kingdoms) (special bonus: you are treated as a firenewt for purposes of this spell) +, molten strike (Heroes of Battle) +, firebrand (SpC) +, lava splash (Serpent Kingdoms) (special bonus: you are treated as a firenewt for purposes of this spell) +, wall of magma (Sandstorm) +, haze of smoldering stone (Dragon Magic) +, deadly lahar (Complete Mage) +, transmute rock to lava (SpC) +, erupt (Serpent Kingdoms) + and molten tornado +
TitleMagma +
TypeFiendish + and Elemental +