3.5e Spheres
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The rules for using spheres are given in the Tome of Fiends.
Name | Spells | Special Effect |
Acid | acid arrow, dispel magic, acid fog, acid fog, each creature in the fog is subjected to a targeted greater dispel magic when it takes damage, disjunction, acid storm (SpC), orb of acid (SpC), acid sheath (SpC), Persistent (CArc) Maximized acid arrow, Quickened orb of acid (SpC) | You gain Immunity to Acid. |
Acid, DR | acid arrow, orb of acid (SpC), acid storm (SpC), acid fog, transmute water to acid, unmaking, meltdown, acid breath (SpC), acid sheath (SpC), spell corrosion | Acid damage from your spell-like abilities ignores acid resistance and deals half damage to creatures normally immune to acid. |
Air | Expeditious Retreat (Also applies to Fly speed) , Wind Wall, Gaseous Form, Gust of Wind, Quickened , Control Winds, Overland Flight, Summon Nature's Ally VII (Cast as an [Air] spell only) , Whirlwind, Telekinesis, Quickened (Violent Thrust only) , Summon Elemental Monolith (CArc, Substitute: Elemental Swarm) (Cast as an [Air] spell only, no need to concentrate) | Elemental: Your Fly speed improves by one maneuverability class and 10'. If already perfect, it improves by 20'. Fiend: You gain the (Air) Subtype and the above ability. If you have no Fly speed, you instead gain a Fly speed of 15' (Good). |
Apathy | daze monster, calm emotions, mesmerizing glare (SpC), curse of crumbling conviction, hold monster, repulsion, hiss of sleep (SpC), mind blank, mass hold monster, imprisonment | You are immune to morale and fear effects. |
Arctic | Chill Metal, Icy Sphere (as Flaming Sphere, but cold) , Sleet Storm, Ice Storm, Fire Shield (Chill Shield only) , Polar Ray, Prismatic Spray (has [Cold] descriptor for no reason) , Flesh to Ice, Quickened (Frostburn, Substitute: Temporal Stasis) , Comet Swarm (as Meteor Swarm, but Cold) , Earthquake with added Ice Storm (covers entire area of Earthquake for full duration, does damage every round). | Your spell-like abilities with the [Cold] descriptor leave a frozen slick over all surfaces in their areas or touched by their Effects. This slick functions as a Grease spell, and lasts for two rounds. |
Aurak | disguise self (special bonus: your voice changes to match your disguise), suggestion, dimension door, dominate person, veil, teleport, greater, dominate monster, gate (travel version only), invisibility (self only), true seeing (self only) | As an attack action, you can fire an energy ray from your hand that deals 1d8+your Charisma modifier points of force damage. This is a supernatural ranged touch attack that can be used at will and has a range of 60 ft. When using the disguise self spell like ability from this Sphere, the ray appears to be a weapon appropriate to the form you are disguised as. If you have this Sphere at Advanced access you can fire two such rays (one from each hand) as a full attack. |
Blood | Holt’s Hemorrhaging Hematoma, Blood Brothers, Rapture of Rupture, Ishara's instant infarction, Freeze Blood, Avasculate, Blood Storm, Elush’s Explosive Exsanguination, Avasculate, Greater, Black Blood Chains(The spell count as Transmutation and the chains are made of blood instead of shadows) | Stanch – You gain fast healing equal to your level, which can heal you up to a maximum of half your total hit points. In addition, when reduced to below zero hit points, you automatically stabilize and are not at risk of dying of blood loss. |
Bone | command undead, desecrate, animate dead, black sand (Sandstorm), summon undead v (LM), animate dread warrior (UE), revive undead (LM), awaken undead (LM), general of undeath (MoF), plague of undead (LM) | Any creature of 10 HD or less killed by one of your spell-like abilities rises as a zombie under your control, with no control limits. |
Bone, DR | sobering skeletal stillness, bolt of bones, bone shape, skeletal overgrowth, bonetitan frame, bonesplinter, evil within | You can rebuke corporeal undead as a cleric of your character level. |
Brutality | Enlarge Person, Bull's Strength, Haste, Stoneskin, Crushing Despair, Telekinesis, Eyebite, Finger of Death, Iron Body, Time Stop | When taking this sphere, you're considered to have a +5 bonus to BAB to determine the bonuses you get from [Combat] feats. |
Bubbles | flaming sphere, water breathing, magic circle against good, resilient sphere, binding, telekinetic sphere, forcecage, prismatic sphere, temporal stasis, time stop | Three times per day, you may use the Sculpt Spell metamagic on any spell-like ability you can use, but only if you do not use the cone option of this metamagic feat. |
Carnage | seething eyebane (BoVD), blade of pain and fear (LM), lahm's finger darts (BoVD), blade barrier, fleshshiver (PGtF), disintegrate, flensing (CA), horrid wilting, mass harm (as mass heal, but based on harm instead), implosion | All of your damaging spell-like abilities do vile damage. |
Cat | feather fall †, cat's grace, arcane sight, summon pest swarm (Cityscape) ‡, bite of the weretiger (SpC), proximity to cat, lion's roar (SpC), fierce pride of the beastlands (SpC), sphere of ultimate destruction (SpC), shapechange (feline forms only) | You can speak with all feline creatures as though you shared a language. See the speak with animals spell description. |
Clouds | wall of smoke (SpC), fog cloud, stinking cloud, solid fog, cloudkill, acid fog, wind walk, pure incendiary cloud, wei yu's cloud tsunami, white incantation | You see through clouds, dust, fog, gas and smoke (whether naturally occurring or created through magic) as if they were clear air. |
Cold | cone of cold, creeping cold (CDiv), ice storm, wall of ice, freezing sphere, control weather, heat drain (SpC), freezing fog (CArc), fimbulwinter (Frostburn), frostfell (Frostburn) | You gain the [Cold] Subtype. |
Corruption | darkness, ghoul touch, dispel magic, black tentacles, Quickened fengut, eyebite, creeping doom, avascular mass (SpC), Empowered Horrid Wilting, Quickened cloudkill | You gain immunity to disease. |
Creation | Unseen Servant, Make Whole, Minor Creation, Stone Shape, Major Creation, Fabricate, Wall of Iron, Magnificent Mansion, Wish (Wealth and Magic Item only for free, spend for Raise the Dead and Increase power of item only) , Genesis | You gain a bonus [Item Creation] feat. |
Death | death knell, ghoul gauntlet (SpC), vampiric touch, enervation, raise dead, symbol of death, finger of death, death pact (SpC), wail of the banshee, implosion | You are immune to any magical death effect. You are also healed by negative energy like an undead creature (this does not interfere with any existing ability to be healed by positive energy). |
Diplomacy | Comprehend Languages, Calm Emotions, Tongues, Suggestion, Charm Monster, Lesser Planar Ally, Telepathic Bond, Mass Suggestion, Planar Ally, Demand | When taking this sphere, you gain the ability to make rushed Diplomacy checks at no penalty. |
Dominion | obscuring mist, web, wall of fire, solid fog, black tentacles, programmed image, wall of force, teleportation circle, gate (travel version only), storm of vengeance | Once per month, you may make one of these effects permanent. |
Dragon | blood wind (SpC), greater magic fang, wings of flurry (RoD), lesser dragon ally (Dra), primal hunter, primal instinct, primal senses, and primal speed, cast separately (DM), hiss of sleep (Dra), animate breath, treats your size as colossal (Dra), shapechange, dragons and reptiles only, greater dragon ally (Dra), dragon's breath | You can use detect magic at will. This effect also detects mundane wealth as if it was a magic item with a caster level of 1 per 1,000 GP. |
Dust | Gust of Wind, Glitterdust, Sleet Storm, Disintegrate, Cloudkill, Mass Blindness, Creeping Doom, Horrid Wilting, Summon Golem (Clay Only) (PHB2) , Disintegrate (You may use this ability as an immediate action.) | Your area spell-like abilities may, at your option, stir up a stinging dust cloud, inflicting a -2 penalty to Perception checks and a -1 penalty to attack rolls for one minute to any creature that does not successfully save against the spell. The cloud lasts one round, and its effects last one minute after the affected creature takes its last increase. |
Electricity | Lightning Bolt, Shocking Ray (as Scorching Ray, but electric) , Orb of Electricity (CArc) , Chain Lightning, Electric Shield (PHB2 Sonic Shield, but Electric) , Thunder Field (PHB2) , Power Word: Stun, Greater Shout, Electric damage and [Electricity] descriptor, not sonic. , Lightning Bolt, Maximized, 6 damage per caster level with no maximum , Chain Lightning, Quickened | You gain Immunity to Electricity. |
Electricity, DR | lightning bolt, chain lightning, ball lightning (SpC), wall of thunderbolts, lightning strikes twice, stasis energy field, delilah’s dispersal current, mighty thunderbolt, conductor of storms, apocalypse from the sky | You are constantly under the effect of a detect voltage spell and may use shocking grasp as a spell-like ability at will (caster level equals character level.) |
Electricity, NW | lightning bolt, seeking ray (PHBII), chain lightning, orb of electricity (SpC), ball lightning (SpC), call lightning storm, stun ray (SpC), stormrage (SpC), Directing your ball lighting, calling lightning with call lightning storm, and launching bolts from stormrage are free actions that can be taken once each per round, Quickened Maximized chain lightning | You gain Immunity to Electricity. |
Ether | Alarm, See Invisibility, Blink, Baleful Blink (PHB2) , Mage's Faithful Hound, Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Arcane Sight, Maze, Etherealness, Gate (Travel version only) | Your equipment all gains the Ghost Touch property for as long as you carry it. |
Fire | fireball, scorching ray, fire trap, wall of fire, fire shield, incendiary cloud, blackfire (CArc), fire seeds, meteor swarm, flame strike (this ability can be used as an Immediate action). | You gain the [Fire] subtype. |
Force | Mage Hand but can lift 50 pounds., Floating Disk, Levitate, Telekinesis, Wall of Force, Crushing Hand, Forcecage, Telekinetic Sphere, Time Stop, Singularity | You gain the feat Telekinesis |
Frostbite | shivering touch (Frostburn), freezing ray (as Scorching ray, but Cold subtyped and doing cold damage), cone of cold, flesh to ice (Frostburn), entomb (Frostburn), flesh to ice, chained (Frostburn), frostfell (Frostburn), iceburg (Frostburn), soul bind (uses a piece of ice to hold the soul), shivering touch, lesser (Frostburn) | Any creature taking cold damage from your spell-like abilities is frostbitten (treat as fatigued, which is removed when the damage is healed). If you have It's Cold Outside, you may use those frostbite rules if you want. |
Gravity | Shield, Levitate, Fly, Greater Floating Disk, Telekinesis, Quickened Greater Mage Armor, Reverse Gravity, Telekinetic Sphere, Crushing Hand, Singularity | You gain hover ability with perfect maneuverability. |
Gravity, DR | alter gravity (special bonus: if you have this sphere at advanced access it counts as 1 level higher for preparing the spell, and if you have this sphere at expert access it counts as 2 levels higher), graviton lance, graviton zero, reverse gravity, gravity collapsar, singularity, false gravity (SpC), undeniable gravity (special bonus: if you have this sphere at expert access it becomes undeniable gravity, legion’s) (Miniatures Handbook), gravitational distortion (special bonus: you may treat this spell as being cast in a 5th level slot), meteor | You automatically succeed on Wisdom checks to change direction in subjective directional gravity, and ignore any/all penalties from light and/or heavy gravity (you still benefit from bonuses). |
Hellfire | Firestar, Scorching Ray, Solar Flare, ParboilSandstorm, Solar Window, Skeletonize, Transmute Rock to Lava, Hellfire Void, Supernova, Deathxtreme! | Whenever you deal fire damage, half the damage is converted to Hellfire damage. This damage still benefits from any effects from feats and other abilities which affect fire damage. |
Heresy | align weapon (evil only), desecrate, magic circle against good, unholy sword (as Holy Sword but has the unholy property instead of holy), lesser planar ally, dispel good, unhallow, blasphemy, gate, miracle | Gain immunity to the Destroyed result of Turning and the Commanded result of Rebuking. |
Horizon | expeditious retreat, nondetection, haste, mind fog, passwall, mislead, simulacrum, mind blank, maze, shades | You gain the ability to, once a day, use one of the spell-like abilities granted by this sphere as an extraordinary ability. |
Hunger | sap strength (BoVD), tormenting thirst (Sandstorm), starvation (SpC), dire hunger (SpC), illusory feast (SpC), hungry gizzard (SpC), whirlwind of teeth (BoVD), bite of the king (SpC), maw of chaos (SpC), reality maelstrom (SpC) | You are immune to ingested poisons and diseases, and can derive sustenance from any organic matter, regardless of its freshness or source. |
Illusion | silent image, mirror image, major image, phantasmal killer, mirage arcana, permanent image, project image, simulacrum, you must still have a piece of the creature, weird, Quickened phantasmal killer | You can use ventriloquism and ghost sound at will. |
Justice | Doom, Zone of Truth, Detect Thoughts, Bestow Curse, Discern Lies, Lesser Geas, Mark of Justice, Geas/Quest, Forcecage, Binding | Once per day, you can make a Smite attack against an opponent who attacked you or an ally within the last minute. This attack gains a bonus to hit equal to your HD. |
Luck | improvisation (SpC), aid (special bonus: hinder), ruin delver's fortune (SpC), belladone's shared fortune/misfortune, unlucky backlash, moment of prescience, foresight, cursed one, miracle, unluck (SpC) (special bonus: alter fortune (PHB2)) | You gain a bonus [Luck] feat and gain an extra luck reroll. Whenever you have an ability that allows you a reroll (such as a [Luck] feat ability or the Luck domain power), you are not required to take the second result if it's worse. |
Magma | lava missile (Serpent Kingdoms) (special bonus: you are treated as a firenewt for purposes of this spell), lava splash (Serpent Kingdoms) (special bonus: you are treated as a firenewt for purposes of this spell), firebrand (SpC), wall of magma (Sandstorm), deadly lahar (Complete Mage), transmute rock to lava (SpC), molten tornado, molten strike (Heroes of Battle), haze of smoldering stone (Dragon Magic), erupt (Serpent Kingdoms) | You are immune to damage caused by exposure to or immersion in lava or magma (including that generated by the spell-like abilities from this Sphere), and can move through it with no penalty as if benefiting from freedom of movement (this does not give any of the other bonuses of that spell). You are not at risk of drowning from being immersed in lava or magma. |
Magnetism | magnetism (CArc), repulsion, repel metal or stone (metal only), imprisonment, soul bind (uses a piece of metal to hold the soul), maintenance, wall of magnets, greater mage hand (metal objects only) (SpC), warp metal (as warp wood, but affects metal instead of wood), telekinesis (metal objects and creatures only) | You always know which direction is north and can climb metal surfaces as if you were under the effect of spider climb. These are both supernatural abilities. |
Metal | Magic Vestment, Heat Metal (special bonus: Chill Metal) , Keen Edge, Rusting Grasp, Major Creation (metals only) , Wall of Iron, Blade Barrier, Iron Body, Binding, Summon Golem (Iron only) (PHB2) | You may burrow through metal using any existing Burrow speed. |
Metal, DR | rusting grasp, metal shape (as stone shape, but affects metal instead of stone), animate objects (metal objects only), major creation (metals only), wall of iron, iron body, shapechange (metal creatures only), heat metal (special bonus: chill metal), bands of steel (SpC), wish (wish for wealth, magic items or spells related to metal only) | For each and every effect where it matters, you may decide if you and/or your equipment count as metallic or not. |
Oracle | Identify, Augury, Tongues, Divination, Commune, True Seeing, Vision, Discern Location, Metafaculty, Wish (Undo Misfortune and Turn back Time only, no EXP cost to Undo Misfortune if you don't undo the same round more than once) | Roll all chances for every divination you cast to work or backfire twice, and take the more advantageous result. |
Pain | power word pain (RotD), rebuke (SpC), bestow curse, finger of agony (Complete Mage), wrack (SpC), symbol of pain, final rebuke (SpC), wrathful castigation (SpC), quickened wave of pain (BoVD), eternity of torture (BoVD) | You are immune to spells and abilities that function off of causing debilitating pain (such as the spell-like abilities in this Sphere). This does not give immunity to any other forms of damage or debilitating effects. |
Permafrost | Chill Touch, Gentle Repose, Hold Monster, Wall of Ice, Stoneskin, Transmute Mud to Rock ([Cold] descriptor, rock appears as frozen mud) , Waves of Exhaustion, Horrid Wilting, Imprisonment, Simulacrum | Three times per day, whenever you cast a spell or spell-like ability with the [Cold] descriptor, you may apply the Extend Spell metamagic feat to it for free. |
Plant | Entangle, Wood Shape (bonus: Warp Wood) , Plant Growth, Command Plants, Wall of Thorns, Liveoak, Animate Plants, Control Plants, Shambler, Mass Awaken (Trees only) (SpC) | You gain the Druid's Wilderness Stride ability. |
Plant, NW | entangle, kelpstrand (SpC), plant growth, command plants, wall of thorns, minor creation (as a standard action), control plants, deadfall (SpC), shambler | You can speak with plants as if under the effect of speak with plants. |
Plasma | blistering radiance (SpC), flashburst (SpC), transform into light, wall of plasma, wall of quark soup, supernova, sun bolt (Shining South), sunbeam, sunburst, searing light | Fire damage from your spell-like abilities ignores hardness and deals full damage to objects. Any of your damaging spell-like abilities with the [Light] descriptor count as dealing fire damage when beneficial. |
Psionics | protection from chaos/evil/good/law, blur, telepathic bond, dimension door, telekinesis, plane shift, telekinetic sphere, mind blank, foresight, implosion | You can use feather fall at will as a spell-like ability. This takes the same action that a feather fall spell does, and counts as Psionics. |
Pyre | burning hands, flame blade, fireball, charnel fire (BoVD), parboil (Sandstorm), ashen union (Sandstorm), fireball, Quickened, incendiary cloud, gate (calling version only, fire subtype creatures only), storm of vengeance (all elemental damage is fire damage) | Fire damage from your spell-like abilities bypasses Fire Resistance, but not Immunity to Fire. |
Quicksand | Soften Earth and Stone, Earthen Grasp (CArc, Substitute: Entangle (requires earth, not plants)) , Water Walk, Stony Grasp (CArc, Substitute: Black Tentacles) , Transmute Rock to Mud, Acid Fog, Flesh to Stone, Sympathy, Gate (Travel only, always oriented flat horizontally and facing up) , Imprisonment | You can walk and stand on soft or sticky ground, even quicksand, as if it was firm. You still can't normally walk on water. |
Radiance | Color Spray, Faerie Fire, Daylight, Continual Flame, Invisibility Purge, Widened, Sunbeam, Prismatic Spray, Sunburst, Prismatic Wall, Prismatic Sphere | You can cast Light as a swift action at will, and gain resistance to damage from [Light] sources equal to your character level. This resistance is subtracted from each source of such damage you take, to a minimum of zero. |
Rainbow | color spray, rainbow beam (SpC), rainbow blast (SpC), rainbow pattern, prismatic ray (SpC), prismatic aura (Complete Mage), prismatic spray, prismatic wall, prismatic sphere, prismatic deluge (Complete Mage) | Whenever you roll on a random table, e.g. from spells you cast or magic items you use, roll twice and take whichever result you'd prefer. |
Revulsion | fengut (WotC web enhancement), boiling blood (Complete Mage), curse of the putrid husk (BoVD), burning blood (SpC), blood creepers (PHB2), heartclutch (BoVD), death by thorns (BoVD), gutwrench (BoVD), masque of the red death, greater avasculate | You are immune to the sickened and nauseated conditions. |
Roots | Pass without Trace, Barkskin, Poison, Antiplant Shell, Antiplant Shell, Ironwood, Transmute Metal to Wood, Regenerate, Clone (Self only, must grow in earth) , Soul Bind (Uses a seed to hold the soul) | You can heal yourself by one hit point per spell-like ability this Sphere has granted you as a standard action as long as you are in either light as bright as natural sunlight or standing on earth (or, stone if you can burrow into it). |
Sand | black sandSand, control sandSand, wall of sandSpC, sandformSand, transmute stone to sandSand (bonus: transmute sand to stone, transmute sand to glass), awaken sandSand, mephit mobSand (maximize number called, earth, salt, ash, dust, mineral, salt, and glass mephits only, desert bindingSand, quickened gale force, gorgon's glare (targets are turned into sand sculptures instead) | You are immune to desiccation damage, and gain the earth subtype, as well as a burrow speed of 30ft in sand, ash, dust, cinders, or loose soil. |
Seduction | entice gift, suggestion, glibness, charm monster, sympathy, mass suggestion, mass charm monster, simulacrum, programmed amnesiaCAr, mind rapeBoVD | You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive. |
Shadow | Darkness, Mirror Image, Displacement, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Project Image, Greater Shadow Conjuration (bonus: Greater Shadow Evocation) , Simulacrum, Shades | You can see in any kind of darkness, even magical darkness, out to 60', or 30' more than you normally could, whichever is more. |
Sleep | deep slumber, waves of fatigue, waves of exhaustion, dream, nightmare, symbol of sleep, demand, weird, programmed amnesia (CArc), astral projection | You can Coup de Grace a sleeping foe as an attack action. |
Smoke | Heat Metal, Pyrotechnics, Stinking Cloud, Flame Blade, Quickened , Cloudkill, Mirage Arcana, Delayed Blast Fireball, Horrid Wilting, Implosion, Summon Efreeti (as Summon Monster IX, but summons an Efreeti) | Any [Fire] spell-like ability you cast that affects an area may, at your option, produce a smoke cloud that provides concealment to any creature more than 5' away through it, and total concealment to any creature more than 10' away through it. This smoke cloud lasts for one round per caster level and fills the entire area. |
Sonics | sound lance (SpC), silence (special bonus: amplify) (SpC), great thunderclap (SpC), wall of sound (as wall of force but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force), soundcage (as forcecage but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force), detonate, sonic-substituted (PHB2), wail of the banshee, orb of sound (SpC), shout, greater, power word stun | You are immune to the deafened condition and may use ghost sound and ventriloquism as spell-like abilities at will (caster level equals character level.) |
Stone | earth glide (RoS), spike stones, stone shape, stone tell, wall of stone, move earth, transmute rock to mud (special bonus: transmute mud to rock), earthquake, meteor swarm, genesis (SpC) | You gain the Tremorsense ability, allowing you to detect and target anything touching the ground within 60 feet of yourself. |
Telepathy | Command, Suggestion, Detect Thoughts(or Quickened Greater Command), Modify Memory, Dominate Person, Mass Charm Monster, Mass Sugesstion, Dominate Monster, Quickened demand, As Dominate Person but effects 1 target/level | Gain the telepathy special quality. If you already have this special quality, or later gain it from another source, then you gain Detect Thoughts as an at-will spell like ability. |
Terror | cause fear, scare, halt undead, fear, phantasmal killer, symbol of fear, eyebite, fear, Quickened, weird, wail of the banshee | Gain Intimidate as a class skill, and may make an Intimidate check to Demoralize Opponent as a free action once a round. |
Time | paige's bolt of entropy, haste (special bonus: slow), stasis field, sequester, temporal stasis, turn back the pendulum, time stop, extreme burst (special bonus: you don't have to expend psionic focus), rien's rotting touch, time jump (special bonus: you can treat this spell as being cast in a slot 2 levels higher) | You do not age and are immune to magical aging. You are also immune to damage from quintessence, entropy and/or youthdrain. |
Trickery | Silent Image, Mirror Image, Invisibility (Extended), or Invisibility Sphere, Confusion, Persistent Image, Mislead (Quickened) , Project Image, Mirage Arcana (lasts for 1 day per level) , Astral Projection, Mind Rape | You can take 10 on bluff checks. You also gain a +2 bonus to diplomacy and sense motive checks. |
Vacuum | stolen breath (SpC), twister rush, cyclonic blast (SpC), supersonic flight, vacuum sphere, drown (removing air from lungs has same effect as water, gains [Air] tag and loses [Water] tag), hurricane disc, hurricane force, drown, mass (removing air from lungs has same effect as water, gains [Air] tag and loses [Water] tag), atmospheric press | You do not need to breathe. |
Venom | desecrate, poison, bestow curse, mind poison (SpC), cloudkill, major creation (poison or venom only), circle of death, finger of death, shapechange (venomous creatures only), symbol of death | Gain immunity to poison. |
Vermin | summon swarm (spiders only), wall of vermin (Complete Scoundrel), infestation of maggots (SpC), doom scarabs (PHB2), insect plague, fire spiders (SpC), creeping doom, maggot storm, shapechange (vermin and insectoid creatures only), apocalyptic swarm | You gain wild empathy as a druid of your character level that applies to creatures of the vermin type and insectoid magical beasts. |
Violation | hypnotism, suggestion, modify memory, dominate person, lesser planar binding, geas, greater planar binding, dominate monster, gate (Calling verson only), mind rape (BoVD) | Gain the telepathy special quality. If you already have this special quality, or later gain it from another source, then you gain Detect Thoughts as an at-will spell like ability. |
Voracity | death knell, shadow spray (SpC), vampiric touch, enervation, magic jar, power leech (BoVD), steal life ((BoVD), energy drain, reaving dispel (SpC), absorption (SpC) | Any time one of your spell-like abilities grants negative levels or ability damage/drain to a target, you heal 5 HPs of damage per level or point. |
Water | Grease ([Water] descriptor) , Quench, Control Water, Freedom of Movement, Transmute Rock to Mud, Acid Fog, Telekinetic Sphere, Arctic Cloud (as Incendiary Cloud, but cold damage) , Summon Elemental Monolith (Water only) (CArc, substitute: Elemental Swarm) , Crushing Hand | You gain the (Water) subtype and a Swim speed equal to your base land speed. If you already have those, your Swim speed improves by 10' |
Weather | Obscuring Mist, Sleet Storm, Call Lightning Storm, Solid Fog, Ice Storm, Extended , Acid Fog, Control Weather, Horrid Wilting, Meteor Swarm, Storm of Vengeance | You suffer no penalties (such as to Listen, ranged attacks, or ability to make ranged attacks at all) due to weather conditions or wind of any kind. |
Weather, NW | obscuring mist, sleet storm, great thunderclap (SpC), solid fog, control winds, whirlwind, control weather, Quickened telekinesis, meteor swarm, storm of vengeance | You can use gust of wind at will. |
Wind | Wings of Cover (RotD) ([Air Descriptor]), Wind Wall, Sleet Storm, Wings of Flurry (RotD) ([Air Descriptor]), Control Winds, Defenestrating Sphere (Spc), Control Weather, Whirlwind, Summon Elemental Monolith (Spc) (Air only, no concentration required, only one at a time), Greater Whirlwind (Spc) | Immune to own SLAs of this sphere and their effects and Listen is always a class skill with no listen penalties from wind effects. |
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