Master Biomancer (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Enigma (talk)
Date Created: July 7th 2017
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<A highly select number of Biomancers posses the drive and aptitude to push their abilities far enough to become Master Biomancers. Master Biomancers are adept at shaping life on a cellular level and excel at mixing life forms and creating new life, new abilities, and new possibilities. They are highly adaptable and limited only by their will and imagination. >

Master Biomancer

A highly select number of Biomancers posses the drive and aptitude to push their abilities far enough to become Master Biomancers. Master Biomancers are adept at shaping life on a cellular level and excel at mixing life forms and creating new life, new abilities, and new possibilities.They are highly adaptable and limited only by their will and imagination.

Becoming a Master Biomancer

There are many skilled Biomancers, becoming a Master Biomancer requires a drive to do something out of the ordinary in addition to displaying skill. A biomancer who has research goals beyond that of his colleagues will display the drive required to become a Master Biomancer. Improving upon nature in ways none before have thought of.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Good only.
Base Attack Bonus: Base Attack Bonus +4.
Race: Any Race
Skills: Heal: 8 Ranks, Knowledge(Nature): 12 ranks Class: minimum 5 levels of Biomancer
Special: INT 20 or higher.

Table: The Master Biomancer

Hit Die: d8

Level 1 Base Attack Bonus Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st 0 2 0 2 Cytoplasm I, Somatic Fusion, Bonus Feat +1 Level of existing Biomancer class
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Cytoplasm II +1 Level of existing Biomancer class
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Cytoplasm III, Bonus Feat, Genetic engineering as "Elder thing" +1 Level of existing Biomancer class.
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Cytoplasm IV +1 Level of existing Biomancer class
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Cytoplasm V,Advanced Somatic Fusion, Bonus Feat +1 Level of existing Biomancer class

Class Skills (3 + Int modifier per level.)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Ride (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Master Biomancer.

As you level up as a Master Biomancer you continue to level up as normal as a Biomancer as well. You cast spells as a Biomancer does, but add the following spells to your options.

1st—Acid Geysers, Continuous Cure Wounds , Spider Calling

2nd—Tongue Serpent, Lifebreath, Ooze Whip, Baleform Burst.

3rd—Bull's Strength Greater, Eagle's Splendor Greater, Haste, Greater Cure Deadly Wounds, Baleform Transmogrification.

4th—Create Life, Asepsis, Mass, Bone Shape, Ipsophagia, Art of the Lilliputian.

5th—Greater Heal, Art of the Gigantes, Cryostasis, 'Form of the Colossus, Complete Restoration .

Class Features

A Master Biomancer has two main abilities that grow as they level up.

Somatic Fusion (Ex)

The Master Biomancer has an incredibly in depth knowledge and control of life on a cellular level, this allows her to fuse together with her test subject to form one being. As two creatures, it gains class levels/hit dice and all physical based abilities (those inherit to the body of the creature, such as regeneration) of the classes of each of the two creatures that fused and the mental scores of the character in control of the resulting body (agreed on before fusion). In addition to this, the Test Subject's physical ability score modifiers( STR, DEX, and CON) are gained as an inherit bonus to the Master Biomancer's base scores. The Fused Being also gain both spell lists (and powers, power points, bio-energy, etc) from each class or, if spell types differ, gains spells per day and known spells for each class type. If class types are the same upon fusion, the spells per day (and known spells if known) stack. Natural armor bonuses from both creatures stack as well. Both creatures must be willing and they must be willing, conscious, and not under any mind controlling effect. This fusion lasts for 1d4 + INT modifier rounds, the biomancer must make a DC 15 concentration check. The Biomancer has some control over the appearance of the fused being, however the form must reflect the amount of biomass present in the fusion. For example fusing with a small snake cant result in a huge naga-like tail. A fusion between two medium creatures may be medium or large, but not smaller than medium or larger than large or a medium and large fusion can be large or huge.Additionally she chooses which of the two are in control of the body. After the fusion ends, both creatures become fatigued. If the Master Biomancer attempts to fuse fatigued creatures there is a +2 DC penalty on the concentration check. This is a Standard Action, and can also be applied to any other pair of targets with a class/animal companion type feature.

At level 5 the Master Biomancer gains the ability to use Advanced Somatic Fusion. Fusion can now be completed as a swift rather than a standard action, they gain further control over the biomass/appearance of the fused form, they can now be any size within one step of EITHER fusion halves.

Cytoplasm Capsules (Su):

The Master Biomancer is capable of conjuring a strange magically charged Cytoplasm in the form of a large pod. This bioluminescent, highly nutritive plasm is perfect for a variety of Biomancy tasks. Primarily, it can be used to encase and protect subjects. As a standard action, a Cytoplasm Pod can be generated up to 50 feet away from the caster. A standard pod has a hardness of 25 and 50 HP, the high nutritive state gives a +3 bonus to STR and DEX for 1d4 rounds and cures ability damage and poison/disease. If an unwilling target is targeted they can make a Reflex save to negate, and if captured may attempt to escape or break the pod using an appropriate skill. An unwilling creature caught in a pod still benefits from the nutritive environment once broken out.

Cytoplasm Capsules come with an upgrade at every level

Cytoplasm I

At first level the Cytoplasm pod gains the ability to temporary templates added through the Biomancer's genetic engineering ability or the Evince Lineage Spell permanent, to do so takes 1 week of incubation in a pod, and requires the biomancer to contribute 15 points of Microbe Touch points per day + 1 per LA of the lineage, if she fails to do so the experiment fails and the subject is sickened for 1d6 days. Only one template may be added to an individual creature. If the Master Biomancer is attempting to make a Genetic Engineered template permanent, she must also take the Bio-Energy cost of engineering the template per day as bio-energy drain, feeding it into the pod.

Cytoplasm II

+ 20 hardness + 40 HP

Cytoplasm III

A pod may be generated as a swift action, and two templates may be made permanent per creature. But any Microbe Touch/ Bio-Energy costs are doubled.

Cytoplasm IV

Pods may be used to halve the time and gold required and remove the XP cost of: Clone, Create Life,Reincarnation and other spells which grow living tissue/creatures. A creature contained in a level IV pod required half the Bio-Energy to Genetically Engineer

Cytoplasm V

Fresh (no older than one day) corpses may be contained in pods and kept alive if fused with another creature within 24 hours. The soul of the dead creature must be able and willing to return to the body and fuse with another willing and aware creature. This works as the fusion ability, but can be with any truly aware and willing creature.

A Master Biomancer may now generate 2d8 pods (rolled when activating the ability) at once instead of one.

Genetic Engineering (Su): At level 3, if they have access to a bio-energy pool, the Master Biomancer excels at genetic engineering and can do so with a touch. Genetic engineering comes in two forms, the quick way and the long way. The quick function allows a Master Biomancer to temporary apply the effects of a template to a pre-existing creature. For 4 bio-energy points, a Master Biomancer can make a touch attack as a full-round action and provide the effects of an valid LA 1 template. For each additional 4 bio-energy points it can make another LA of adjustment. The effects last for 1 minute/level before the biological changes rot away. The creature is left sickened for 1 hour afterward.

The long function allows the elder thing to take a piece of living tissue from a creature and encase it in an ectoplasmic egg. Then they may grow a newborn creature over the course of 1 month. To grow a creature, they take bio-energy burn equal to the CR of the creature being produced every day for 1 month. If they do not apply the required bioenergy to the egg for 1 week, the tissue sample and creature inside dies.

Typically pre-existing creatures are created, but with sufficient time and research new species may be generated. Newborn creatures typically are friendly to their creators but are not necessarily under mind control.

Ex Master Biomancers

If a Master Biomancer breaks his base Code of Ethics he loses access to his Master Biomancer abilities as well. Additionally, a Master Biomancer who's intelligence permanently drops below 20, or ceases to be Good aligned she will also lose her abilities. To regain class features she must raise her Intellegence back to the appropriate level or atone and become Good again depending on the cause of loss.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEnigma +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
RatingUnrated +
SkillConcentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Knowledge +, Ride +, Profession +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Spellcraft + and Survival +
Summary<A highly select number of Biomancers p
<A highly select number of Biomancers posses the drive and aptitude to push their abilities far enough to become Master Biomancers. Master Biomancers are adept at shaping life on a cellular level and excel at mixing life forms and creating new life, new abilities, and new possibilities. They are highly adaptable and limited only by their will and imagination. >
d only by their will and imagination. > +
TitleMaster Biomancer +