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Hypno (3.5e Template)

Revision as of 22:34, 17 June 2013 by Havvy (talk | contribs)
Author: Havvy (talk)
Date Created: July 8th, 2010
Status: Complete
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All glory to the Hypnotoad.

Animals with a special hypnotizing power.

Hypno- creatures are animals that have somehow gained the ability to hypnotize creatures. The template adds a prefix to the base creature's name. For example, a lion with the Hypno- template would be called a Hypnolion and a Dire Toad would be called a Dire Hypnotoad.

Creating a Hypno-

This template can be applied to any animal or magical beast, hereafter called the base creature. The creature must have functional eyes.

Size and Type

An animal who gains this template becomes a magical beast. The base creature also gains the psionic subtype.

Hit Dice

Racial hit die change to d10s, as per the magical beast type. Racial BAB changes to Good (same as fighter), as per the magical beast type.

Special Attacks

A hypno- creature gains the ability to Fascinate and Dominate Monsters, as described below.

Fascinate (Sp): As a standard action, a hypno- creature may make a fascinating gaze. Any creature that views this gaze must make a will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hypno- creature's HD + Cha modifier) or become fascinated. A creature may purposely fail this Will save, as the hypno- creature may also induce feelings of a story. If creatures voluntarily fail their will save to this effect, the hypno- creature may make Perform (hypnotize) checks. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Dominate Monster (Sp): As Psionic Dominate. May use this ability once a week. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 hypno- creature's HD + Cha modifier. Caster level equals HD and the hypno- creature may augment the power using its HD as the maximum amount of PP used. For example, a hypno- creature with 9 HD may make this ability last for 24 hours instead of concentration. Unlike normal domination effects, a creature dominated by this ability may be commanded to perform suicidal actions, but such a target gains a new saving throw against this, automatically succeeding if the target is immune to death effects.


The hypno- creature gains +4 to Intelligence to a maximum of 12. If the base creature already has an Intelligence score higher than 12, use that score. The hypno- creature also gains +4 Charisma.


The new creature gains a +8 racial bonus to Perform (Hypnotize) checks.

Challenge Rating

As base creature +2 if it uses the Dominate Monster ability. As base creature +1 otherwise.


Hypno- creatures may be of any alignment, and may change alignment based on the higher intelligence score.


Hypno- creatures advance in the same manner as their base creature.

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