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Darkhunter (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 11th October 2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The darkhunter are a specialized function of inquisitors, who renounce fighting over religious differences and instead focus on defeating the scourge of the night.

Class: Inquisitor

Level: 1st, 2nd, 5th

Replaces: Weapon Proficiency, Detect Alignment, Discern Lies

Benefit: A darkhunter gain the following class features:

Skills: A darkhunter add acrobatics to her inquisitor list of class skills.

Weapon Proficiency: A darkhunter gain weapon proficiency with either the chain whip, the whip, or a martial weapon of her choice.

This replaces the inquisitor's proficiency with her deity's favored weapon.

Hunter's Training (Ex): At 1st level a darkhunter gain Vampire Hunter Tradition and one technique feat she meet the prerequisites of. Whenever she may select a teamwork feat as a bonus inquisitor feat, she may instead select a technique feat. She may change between a teamwork and technique feat when she changes her last teamwork feat gained.

This ability replaces detect alignment.

Detect Scourge (Sp): A 5th level darkhunter can use both detect fiendish presence and detect undead as spell-like abilities at-will.

This ability replaces discern lie.

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