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Entropic Wanderer (3.5e Prestige Class)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 4/22/2017
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Entropic Wanderers are those who combine their innate ability to step outside time with the power of the all-consuming blackness within their own souls. 10 6 Good Good Good Poor

Alternate Magic,
"Other." is not in the list (Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Psionics, ...) of allowed values for the "Class Ability" property.


Entropic WandererEdit

Time... The ultimate assassin; Inevitable, inescapable, eternal. Why should this inspire you to be afraid? Because I am Time. Run if you like... But do so while gibbering your last words, because I will find you, and you will become one of my favorite things - History.
—Dragoth Malor, Human Entropic Wanderer, Tales From The Rift

Time consumes all. Men die, kingdoms fall, gods are forgotten and the victor of these unfought battles is time itself. Entropic Wanderers are those who embrace this concept and become instruments of time; Consuming and destroying with their innate connection to time and their internal darkness.

Becoming an Entropic WandererEdit

Often, those who have accessed their Gate tend to be very good at creating destruction, but they find that this destruction also affects them, and want to learn more about how to renew themselves in order to further their cause. Just as often, many who can step outside of time can see how time consumes all, and wish to utilize that power. Both tend to become Entropic Wanderers, blacksouled men who seek nothing but ultimate power.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any nongood.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Timevoid.
Invoking: Ability to use Least Sacrifices.
Special: Fast Healing 1.
Table: The Entropic Wanderer

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Sacrifices
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Entropy, Entropic Blow, Time Walker Abilities, Expanded Sacrifice List +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Entropic Burst 1/day, Extra Sacrifice +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Warp Strike +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Withstand The Entropy +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Temporal Flurry +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Extra Sacrifice, Hungry Blow, Entropic Burst 2/day +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Temporal Resistance +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 Withering Blow, Warped Step +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
9th +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 Enervating Blow +1 Sacrifice-Using Class
10th +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 Extra Sacrifice, Final Blow, Entropic Burst 3/day, Eternal +1 Sacrifice-Using Class

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Dungeoneering) (Religion) (The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class FeaturesEdit

All of the following are class features of the Entropic Wanderer.

Sacrifices: At each level, you gain new Sacrifices known and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in a Sacrifice-using class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Entropy: The Entropic Wanderer's power revolves around entropy, the ability of time to decay all. As such, any of their Gate Knight abilities that deal negative energy damage can be chosen to deal Entropy damage instead. Very few creatures have resistance to Entropy damage; However, ageless creatures - Such as most outsiders - are immune to it, and some creatures that live for horrendously long times, like dragons, tend to have resistance to Entropy, treating their Constitution modifier as Energy Resistance against Entropy. Creatures under the effect of time-altering magic tend to be affected differently by Entropy; Hasted creatures take 50% more damage from Entropy and Slowed creatures take only half damage from Entropy. Entropy is difficult to heal; it heals naturally at half the rate it normally would and healing magic only cures 1 point of Entropy damage per 2 points of damage it would normally cure. Creatures killed or destroyed by Entropy damage are treated as having died from old age and their bodies turned to a fine dust.

Entropic Blow (Su): When the Entropic Wanderer makes a Dark Blow as part of a Temporal Strike, he can choose to merge them, turning the attack into an Entropic Blow. This functions as a normal Temporal Strike with the added damage from the Dark Blow, except that the Dark Blow adds 1d4 Entropy damage to the attack for every HP the Wander sacrifices as part of the blow.

Time Walker Abilities: Each level of Entropic Wanderer advances your Movement Speed bonuses, Temporal Strike bonuses, Flow Of Time uses per day and improvements, and your Fast Healing ability.

Expanded Sacrifice List: Entropic Wanderers have access to their own list of Sacrifices that utilize their Time Walker abilities. The list is shown below.

Least: Entropic Ray, Linked Gates, Speed Of Death

Lesser: Entropic Slice, Steal Time, Wall Of Entropy

Greater: Aetherion Shaper, Fracture Timeline, Gatebound Fate, Essence Vampire

Dark: Moment Stop

Entropic Burst (Su): At 2nd level, the Entropic Wanderer gains the Dark Burst ability, or an additional use per day if they already possess the ability. In addition, a Dark Burst attack made as part of a Temporal Strike becomes an Entropic Burst. This functions like a normal Dark Burst, except the damage is 3d4 per point of health sacrificed, all targets struck by the Burst are affected by the Fatigue (And possibly Exhaustion) from the Temporal Strike, and those who fail their saving throw against the Burst are Stunned for one round as the Burst temporarily severs their mind's connection to time, preventing them from acting or reacting. The Entropic Wanderer gains an additional use of Dark Burst every 4 levels after 2nd (6th, 10th, and so forth).

Extra Sacrifice: At 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the Entropic Wanderer learns an additional Sacrifice of any grade they can currently employ. The limitation is that these bonus Sacrifices must be chosen from those specifically available to Entropic Wanderers, not the standard Gate Knight Sacrifices.

Warp Strike (Su): The Entropic Wanderer is not unused to the fabric of reality itself decaying in his presence, and at 3rd level, he begins to be able to instigate this to his advantage. When a Entropic Wanderer of 3rd level or higher is under the effects of his Flow Of Time ability, he may choose to cut through the fabric of reality and slingshot himself through before the hole closes, making a Warp Strike as a standard action. In doing so, he makes a single melee attack - Which is a Temporal Strike, thus using up that ability for the round - And teleports a distance up to his speed either before or after the attack. He must have line of sight to his target, of course.

When teleporting before the attack, the target is usually caught off-guard the first time (Thus being denied their Dexterity bonus to AC against the attack), but each subsequent Warp Strike used in this manner against the same opponent allows them a Will save (DC 10 + class level + Wisdom modifier) to avoid being caught flat-footed against the attack, and each time, that target gains a +1 bonus on this save. The bonus to saves against the ability resets after 24 hours, but the ability to make a save does not.

When teleporting before the attack, the Entropic Wanderer can appear in any square adjacent to his target. Once used, Warp Strike cannot be used for another 1d4 rounds.

Withstand The Entropy (Ex): At 4th level, the Entropic Wanderer learns how to better resist the effects of Entropy controlled by others. He gains the effects of both the Mettle and Evasion abilities, but only against attacks and abilities specifically utilizing Entropy, and he also gain Energy Resistance against Entropy damage equal to his Wisdom modifier, multiplied by his class level.

Temporal Flurry (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, the Entropic Wanderer's Temporal Strike affects all of his attacks while he's under the effects of his Flow Of Time ability, allowing him to rapidly break down foes. This can be combined, of course, with his Dark Blow to cause a flurry of Entropic Blows.

Hungry Blow (Su): Beginning at 6th level, when the Entropic Wanderer makes an Entropic Blow against a target already Exhausted by the ability, he also deals 1 point of Strength damage for every 3 points of Entropy damage the Blow deals, which is gained by the Wanderer as an Enhancement bonus. This Strength bonus lasts for 1 round per caster level.

Temporal Resistance (Su): At 7th level, the Entropic Wanderer gains a form of protection against effects that alter his place in the timeline without his permission. This functions as Spell Resistance (Equal to 11 + his caster level + his Wisdom bonus), except that it functions against time-based effects, such as Temporal Strike, the Slow, Time Stop and Temporal Stasis spells, and so forth. When the origin of the effect doesn't have a caster level, a simple level check is used instead. This functions even against spells and effects that don't allows spell resistance. The Wanderer can raise or lower this Temporal Resistance at will just as one can raise or lower Spell Resistance, so as to gain benefits from things such as a Haste spell cast by an ally.

Withering Blow (Su): Beginning at 8th level, when the Entropic Wanderer lands an Entropic Blow upon a foe already weakened by his Hungry Blow class feature, he can cut a hole in the creature's temporal existence, causing them to bleed away into nothingness over time. If this Withering Blow is successful, the target takes 2d4 Entropy damage each round, and the target ages one year for every 5 points of damage they take from this temporal bleed. The target is allowed a Fortitude save (Same DC as your Dark Blow ability) for half damage; Three successful saves in a row ends this temporal bleed, mending the hole created by the Withering Blow. However, it doesn't reverse any of the damage done.

Warped Step (Su): At 8th level, the Entropic Wanderer gains the ability to step further outside of time than ever before. While under the effects of his Flow Of Time ability, the Entropic Wanderer may take a Move action to step just outside of reality, into a state called the Timevoid. While in this state, the Wanderer is completely undetectable to those who cannot sense differences in time or are not in the Flow Of Time state themselves. True Seeing and the like reveals their presence as a distortion in the air, but not even Ghost Touch weaponry can harm them in this state. However, they also cannot harm anything in the material world in this state. However, the Wanderer's movement speed is doubled while in this state, as is the rate of their Fast Healing. When they step into the Timevoid in this manner, they can apply Entropy directly to status effects they are under; Each round they can remove one disease, poison, spell effect or negative level from themselves, or cure 1d4+1 points of ability damage. However, re-entering the timestream is difficult, leaving the Wanderer Staggered for 1d4 rounds. While Staggered, they can make only Standard or Move actions each round, not both (And thus cannot make full-round actions, either).

Enervating Blow (Su): At 9th level, the Entropic Wanderer can make a deadly Enervating Blow against a target already experiencing temporal bleeding from their Withering Blow ability. This is accomplished by using an Entropic Blow against the target; And if successful, you inflict 1d4 Negative Levels upon the target, aging them 1d4 years for each negative level inflicted. They target is allowed a Fortitude save (Same DC as your Dark Blow ability) to reduce the number of negative levels incurred by half (Or negate them altogether if the attack would've only inflicted 1 negative level).

Final Blow (Su): Upon reaching 10th level, the Entropic Wanderer may execute a Final Blow by using their Entropic Blow ability upon a target already suffering from a negative level due to their Enervating Blow ability. This Final Strike attempts to accelerate all Entropy present within the target in an instant. If the Entropic Blow is successful, the target must make a Fortitude save (Same DC as your Dark Blow ability) or die, reduced to dust by Entropy and unable to be returned to life by anything short of a Wish, a Miracle or the direct action of the divine. If the save is successful, the Entropic Blow's damage is Maximized, which may still kill the target and reduce them to dust despite the successful save. The saving throw against the death effect is separate from the Will save allowed to reduce the damage from the Entropic Blow by half.

Eternal (Su): At 10th level, the Entropic Wanderer's control over Entropy is so supreme that he becomes ageless, no longer taking penalties for aging, becoming immune to Entropy damage, and never dying of old age (Though he still gains bonuses for aging and any existing penalties are not removed). Upon being slain, the Wanderer's form and all he is carrying collapses into a Sphere of Annihilation. This Sphere wanders aimlessly, but after 1d4 days, the Wanderer and his possessions re-form from the Sphere at the Sphere's current location as long as the Sphere hasn't been destroyed. When returned to life in this manner, the Wanderer suffers no level or Constitution loss. Finally, the Wanderer may control Spheres of Annihilation as if they possessed a Talisman Of The Sphere, and Spheres pass right through the Wanderer with no effect, as if the Wanderer wasn't there.

Epic Entropic WandererEdit

Table: The Epic Entropic Wanderer
Level Special
13th Bonus Feat
14th Entropic Blow 4/day
16th Bonus Feat
18th Entropic Blow 5/day
19th Bonus Feat

The epic Entropic Wanderer gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Entropic Wanderer feats) every 3 levels after 10th.

Epic Entropic Wanderer Bonus Feat List: Blinding Speed, Epic Dodge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Speed, Epic Will, SRD:Fast Healing,Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Manyshot, Perfect Health, Superior Initiative, Uncanny Accuracy.

Ex-Entropic WanderersEdit

Entropic Wanderers who become good lose all class abilities except the Time Walker abilities advanced by this prestige class, and the Withstand The Entropy and Temporal Resistance abilities. If they once more adopt a non-good alignment, their abilities return without issue.

Campaign InformationEdit

Playing an Entropic WandererEdit

Combat: Entropic Wanderers are almost always found on the front lines, relishing in melee and consuming foes.

Advancement: Most Entropic Wanderers choose to go back to the Gate Knight and Time Walker classes; However, other desirable advancement options include the Aeon Walker and Temporal Dancer prestige classes.

Resources: None. Entropic Wanderers are as likely to consume other Wanderers in their paths as they are to consume anyone else.

Entropic Wanderers in the WorldEdit

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and the fire turns to ice...
—Dragoth Malor, Human Entropic Wanderer, Tales From The Rift

Most fall into the same roles as the Gate Knight, very much an anti-Paladin, but with a slightly different twist.

NPC Reactions: Most are immediately terrified. Some are immediately consumed.

Entropic Wanderer LoreEdit

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Religion) can research Entropic Wanderers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Religion)
DC Result
11 Entropic Wanderers are those who have learned to consume time itself using the holes within their beings.
16 Wanderers can step through reality to strike at foes, or even cut away their strength.
21 Powerful Entropic Wanderers can cause a foe's remaining time in this world to simply bleed away, aging them to dust right before your eyes.
26 Those who attain this level of success can gain information about a specific Entropic Wanderer, their name and whereabouts, and/or lore surrounding them.

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