Talk:Frankenstein's Monster (3.5e Power)
Blocked Rating |
Leziad opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
This can build a superpowerful being for it level. A friendly superpowerful being for the cost of 10 minutes and 7 power points. It also on the Psion/Wilder list with no business to being placed there. Overall this would make me extremely wary as a GM. The fact it accessible to pretty much to all Psion and Wilder remove any potential reservation I would have positively toward this power. |
Blocked Rating |
Ghostwheel opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4. |
At the very least, the reanimated creature should lose all of their class levels in order for this feat to be H-level rather than VH. |
Losing all class levels makes them pretty unintelligent. Though you make a good point on the wilder, will increase cost to augment. Also, they do receive penalties to Intelligence, which would hurt a Wizard, will also add a penalty to Wisdom scores as well.--Franken Kesey 15:39, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- *eyeroll* So a wilder/sorcerer if you want Charisma. Or a Tome Samurai. Or a Tome Fighter. It doesn't matter. Also, -2 to a stat is meaningless when you can have an effective cohort. You already have the flavor in there necessary to facilitate that change--they lose many of their memories and experiences. Thus, it makes sense that they should lose their class levels as well. --Ghostwheel (talk) 15:52, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- Check the inspiration video (see below). Want them to be able to continue ranking in their class. This is especially designed to bring a cleric from the dead into an undead cleric. Bringing a 11 HD creature back to life at 19th level which is just a brute is not the design. Even a wildknife with it surged can only bring a 14 HD creature back to life. The memories intact is important to this.--Franken Kesey 15:59, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- They lose some intelligence from cell death, not all. More similar to someone with PTSD, forgetting the traumatic event, but still remembering what their life was like before the event.--Franken Kesey 16:27, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- @Leziad:
- The reason that it starts at 5HD max is that for a Egotist/Judge they gain access to 4th level powers at 7th level. Thus the cohort is 2 HD lower than the manifester. With augment, this remains 2HD lower. Meanwhile a Wildknife gains access at 10th, and could augment it by 3 HD, which is also 2HD below the manifester. Sure the wildknife could surge it for 3 more HD to make it 1 more HD than the manifester. Surging powers is what make wilders so powerful (and any class like them). That all being said, this power is generally 2 HD below the manifester, which is not super powerful.
- More an issue of flavor, but this technically does not create anything. Instead it restarts an already dead corpse.
- Did not know you made something with the same name, awesome!
- Check the link at the bottom. Essentially, want this to be manifestable (if that is a word), on recently dead party members as an alternative to resurrection. Returning as an undead instead of normal living. Thus added the option for a resurrected player to continue to level.--Franken Kesey 14:27, 12 May 2019 (MDT)
- Completely rewrote to be more like raise dead than animate dead.--Franken Kesey 18:04, 12 May 2019 (MDT)
→Reverted indentation to one colon
Reverted back to old version, removed class levels. Also made it so that it is always 2HD or more less than manifester (even if surging)--Franken Kesey 07:44, 13 May 2019 (MDT)
While there a problem with giving that power by itself (wilder become one of the best necro in the game), please avoid putting powers that replicate spells onto the Psion/Wilder list. There a few things that should be unique to casters and I believe that just giving everything to psionic is a bad idea. If you have to give them something, you need to go about it in a new way. --Leziad (talk) 10:11, 14 April 2019 (MDT)
- Within the SRD there are at least 37 powers which are a direct copy of spells. Yet, there are whole schools which are not represented within psionics. Thus I am doing the same thing when a spell is not represented so that psionic classes have similar options. Psionics have little to no transmutation, necromancy or healing capability.
- Further, there are only three standard psionic classes (excluding soulknife). Unlike the seven spellcasters, which have more selection in classes. Most the new powers exclude psychic warrior, which only allows two classes to have it.--Franken Kesey 10:47, 14 April 2019 (MDT)
- I have to agree with Leziad here. This is pretty poor and lazy, and the fact that there's some psionic-spellcasting equivalents in the SRD doesn't make it any better. If you wanna make some psionic options, they should have some kind of different flavor. If you just want "spell as a power", you might as well just use the Spells-to-Powers Erudite or just make a variant rule and do it all in one fell swoop. "Transmute Gravity" - interesting. "Psionic Necromancy" - boring. Surgo (talk) 10:58, 14 April 2019 (MDT)
- The reason there are entire schools that are not represented in psionics is because they don't fit the flavor. Psionics isn't "magic with power points". It has (or should have, at least) a completely different flavor when compared to magic, and should not be able to do things like simply replicate wizard spells. --Ghostwheel (talk) 11:01, 14 April 2019 (MDT)
- Needed an undead option for a psionic class, but psionics have no necromancy. The Psianimate Biology (3.5e Power) does look interesting, would have considered replace it with that. However psianimate biology is too high in level an too powerful. Need a low-level necromancy. Its existence removes the need for create undead, thus removing from this power. Will also, draw up better flavor more akin to a Frankenstein's Monster than skeletons and mummies.--Franken Kesey 11:16, 14 April 2019 (MDT)
- Rewrote to be more like an intelligent zombie (but removed the monster's memory). Check it out.--Franken Kesey 12:04, 14 April 2019 (MDT)
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I agree, I dont think that necromancy fits the flavor of psionics. Psionics is not magic and a Psion should not be able to do everything that a wizard can do, just because a wizard can do it, dispite how many things do or don't match spell SRD. If there are very little to no transmutations/necromantic/healing abilities in psionics, that's on purpose. The reason that they left those out/didn't make many/any of them is that when they were designing the class, they decided that those things are not what being a Psion was about. The same way a witch doesn't cast fireball or other evocations is because it doesn't fit the flavor. Same in psionics. As a spell this would work fine, aside from the fact that you're making an undead and giving it d10 instead of d12. Monster manual description of creature types clearly states that undead have a d12 hit dice as a creature type. But as it stands, I don't feel that necromancy has a place in psionics. Why do you say you "need" a low-level necromancy ability? What are you trying to accomplish? The-Marksman (talk) 12:01, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- It originally had d12s, and double the score bonus/penalties, plus DR and armor bonus. Weakened it today to make it fit in high balance. Can revert the edit to d12s. It is a pretty minor nerf.
- The judge controls life and death. This fulfills the latter.--Franken Kesey 12:29, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- Fixed HD and discipline. Wildknife has healing utility abilities, as part of mastering the self. This mastery of their own cells has taught them how to change their cells into viruses, at later levels this cell control allows them to restart the cells in another.--Franken Kesey 13:24, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- Good point will add to fluff.--Franken Kesey 14:14, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- In Hyperconciousness on page 106 there is a power called Psianimate Dead. Psionics does have necromancy!--Franken Kesey 09:03, 12 May 2019 (MDT)
Transforming to High BalanceEdit
Weakened some of the abilities already to make it High balanced. What would be good ways to do this? Want an intelligent zombie with memories intact.--Franken Kesey 09:00, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
Inspiration for this PowerEdit
This was inspired from resurrection gone wrong, skip to 1:45, watch until 2:25; and intelligent corporal, skip to 1:40, watch until 3:10.
- Just watched a minute of your video. In order to hold true to this you don't need to keep the class levels. He only said that he had his memories in tact. He implied that he was a cross between the corporeal and incorporeal undead, in that he was a rotting corpse but still had some semblance of his soul. Having your soul does not mean having your class features. You could say that the soul is what retains the memories of the past life, that doesn't have to include your skill set. I agree with Ghost that this makes it possible to have a super powerful cohort. You should consider the ramifications of the rules you're laying out. The-Marksman (talk) 17:34, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
- Completely rewrote.--Franken Kesey 19:46, 11 May 2019 (MDT)
I've begun the salvage operation. This one is clunky and weird. Psionics really shouldn't have this, and even if they did the method of doing this all implies the application of a template rather than employing a spell. I wouldn't mind a Frankenstien template, but this probably isn't the way to go about it. I'll let others handle this one. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 03:21, 10 July 2019 (MDT)