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Vile Platinum (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 2-25-17
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Vile PlatinumEdit

In rare cases there is an evil so great, it warps whatever it touches transforming mortals into fiends, environments into hellscapes, and in the case of the material holy platinum, it can warp this celestial metal into something it should not be. Like holy platinum, it is durable and holds an edge. It also retains its extreme weight, burdened with warped spikes and glossy organic nodes of raw evil. The platinum itself has been stained metallic black and formed into jagged violent energies, symmetrical for more lawful evil sources and chaotic amalgamations for more chaotic evil sources. Any items made of vile platinum are twice as heavy as a weapon made of steel.

When made into a weapon a vile platinum's weight work to it disadvantage, when wielding a one-handed or two-handed holy platinum weapon the user take a -4 penalty when attacking with it unless she possess a Strength score of 19 (or 4 point higher if the weapon already possessed a strength requirement, whichever is higher). If the wielder wield a one-handed weapon two-handed she count her Strength as 4 point higher for the purpose of this penalty. Despite it great weight, after being forged it become as hard as Adamantine, allowing it to ignore hardness less than 20 and bypass DR/Adamantine. A vile platinum weapon also count as Cold Iron whenever doing so would be beneficial.

Finally a a weapon made of vile platinum is bestowed corrupt and profane powers, granting it the Unholy and Pure Elemental (Fire) enhancements which both stacks with the actual enhancements and do not count on the price of enhancing the weapon. A weapon made of vile platinum gain a 10% discount on the Unholy, VampiricMIC, Profane enhancements or any enhancement which deal fire damage. It radiates an aura of evil equal to the weapon's caster level.

When made into Armor or Shield, vile platinum grant the same bonuses as Adamantine. It also receive the Dark Sanctified enhancement which do not count on the price of enhancing the armor. This acts identical to Sanctified, but counts as an unholy symbol, radiates unhallow, and staggers good aligned users. A vile platinum shield receive both benefits or armor and weapon, using the weapon benefits when used on shield bash.

Type of Vile Platinum Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +360 gp
Light Armor and Shield +9,000 gp
Medium Armor and Heavy Shield +20,000 gp
Heavy Armor and Tower Shield +40,000 gp
Weapon +18,000 gp

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