Talk:Gutwrench (3.5e Spell)

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Revision as of 19:18, 2 April 2014 by Eiji-kun (talk | contribs)
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RatedDislike.png Eiji-kun dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
Save vs still lose can still work, as long as the "still lose" isn't worth an 8th level spell of its own. Which it is. If they don't die, they may as well be dead when nausated.

Is nausea really worth an 8, though? WotC decided that stinking cloud, which nauseates everyone in a big area for a reasonable duration (1d4+1 rounds), on a failed save admittedly, was only a level 3 spell. Not to mention that you have to keep saving against that spell. So would a single-target, one round/level nausea effect really justify a level 8 spell when a it's countered by a level 6 spell in heal? That's not to say that enemies would necessarily have access to heal, but just in terms of comparing spell level I think 8 would be a bit much for said nausea effect. - TG Cid (talk) 19:01, 2 April 2014 (UTC)

Its true that there's not much difference between 1d4+1 rounds and 1 round/lvl functionally, but that isn't the actual danger here. With the initial die removed, it's a single target no save stinking cloud, so only immunity will help. Except it doesn't, since you still get a full blast out of it anyway (only single target but still full). Is a lack of save and a full-blast on immunity worth 5 levels? Maybe, I'm sure it gets close. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 19:18, 2 April 2014 (UTC)
RatedNeutral.png Foxwarrior is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
Oh, just another kill spell.
DislikedEiji-kun +
NeutralFoxwarrior +