3.5e Hairbinder Spells

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Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsSpells

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This page contains the homebrew class spell list for the Hairbinder class. For the full spell list, including SRD and other entries, please see the class description.

Hairbinder Spells

1st-Level Hairbinder Spells

Brooke's Lupine Transformation: This spell transform the user into a terrible wolf-like creature.

Faith's Inspiring Encouragement: Increase the bonus from aid another.

Summon Esper I: You summon the manifestation of a powerful creature to make an instantaneous attack.

2nd-Level Hairbinder Spells

Alter Physiognomy: A more powerful transmutation version of disguise self.

Summon Esper II: You summon the manifestation of a powerful creature to make an instantaneous attack.

3rd-Level Hairbinder Spells

Summon Esper III: You summon the manifestation of a powerful creature to make an instantaneous attack.

4th-Level Hairbinder Spells

Conjure Ghostly Kamikaze: You create a bunch of explosive ghosts.

Sudden Hulking: You hulk up, gaining a large increase in muscle mass.

Summon Esper IV: You summon the manifestation of a powerful creature to make an instantaneous attack.

5th-Level Hairbinder Spells

Summon Esper V: You summon the manifestation of a powerful creature to make an instantaneous attack.

6th-Level Hairbinder Spells

Hyperbite: A giant mouth appears and devours your opponent.

Summon Esper VI: The ultimate expression of summon esper line of spell.

Adding New Spells[edit]

To add a spell to this list, make certain that the article belongs to Category:3.5e, Category:User, and Category:Spell. The spell must also have "Hairbinder #" in it's level entry. It may take up to 24 hours after these steps are completed for your spell to be listed on this page. If you have any issues, please contact an admin.