Nocturnus, Archdemon of the Night (3.5e Witch Patron)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 26th July 2017
Status: Finished
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Nocturnus, Archdemon of the Night


In the pitch black 652th Layer of the Abyss dwell the vampiric Archdemon Nocturnus who claim to rule the night. The ambitious dark lord seek to expand his influence over the mortal world, and thus often reaches for witches. Despite his demonic heritage he consider himself 'honorable' and will avoid lying or breaking his word with any would be pactmakers. He find pleasure at being 'refined' for a demon, being extremely well spoken and prefering the finer pleasure in life. However when angered or provoked he become as bloody as the worst of demons or vampire alike.

It is said that nocturnus used to be a powerful vampire lord who, through a dark ritual, made himself a demon. There is no denying that he possess great strength with the forces of undead, much like Orcus (although to a much smaller degree). Nocturnus is usually silent about his past, therefore it is difficult to know the truth.

Special Requirement and Rules

Nocturnus typically shun witches who are not chaotic or evil, but he may extend his powers to them in exchange for a favor, especially if he believe he can corrupt the witch in question. Despite being a demon, Nocturnus value his word highly and will only extremely rarely take away the powers of a Witch who made a deal with him.

A Patron Witch under Nocturnus's patronage cannot cast [light] spells.

Spell Granted

This Patron grant the Witch the following spell, she add those spell to her spell list but she must prepare them normally.

Granted Abilities

Bat Out of Hell

The Patron Witch count her class level as 2 higher for the purpose of determining her familiar bonus when her familiar is a Bat.

The Patron Witch of caster level 5th level or higher may change her familiar for a Bat Swarm. She may merge her bat swarm with herself as a move action, creating dark clothing such as a cloak or a dress, clothing created this way count as being made of Nighthide. Doing so may hide but do not remove any magical clothes or armor she was wearing until she separate from her swarm as a free action.

Blood Feast

A Patron Witch with Nocturnus as her Patron treat a pint of humanoid blood as enough food for an entire day. If the blood was harvested before the creature was killed and consume within the hour it also heal hit points as if she had rested 8 hours.

At 5th level or higher, the Patron Witch may instead of learning a new Hex gain the Cast Blood Rune feat as a bonus feat.

Night Eyes

You gain darkvision of 30 feet, if you already possessed darkvision it increase by 30 feet instead.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4449 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Witch Patron +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA powerful archdemon who grant vampiric and darkness-related powers to witches. +
TitleNocturnus, Archdemon of the Night +