Revised Belt of Ogre Strength (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 24th January 2018
Status: Finsihed
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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This item has been made to work alongside the Scaling Benefits variant rule and work wonky if used without.

Belt of Ogre Strength
Price: 20,000 GP
Body Slot: Waist
Caster Level: 11th
Aura: Moderate Transmutation
Activation: Passive
Weight: 10 lbs

This rare belt grant the strength of an Ogre to whoever wears it. A creature wearing a Belt of Ogre Strength increase it Strength to 21 (which overlap any other bonuses) or grant a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, whichever is greater. A Belt of Ogre Strength double the enhancement bonus granted by Scaling Benefits for the purpose of determining Strength check and carrying capacity.

Prerequisites: Wondrous Items, bull's strength.
Cost to Create: 10,000 GP, 800 EXP, 20 days.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotWaist +
Cost20,000 GP +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA Belt of Ogre Strength grant the user the strength of an ogre. +
TitleRevised Belt of Ogre Strength +