Magnetism (3.5e Sphere)

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Author: Darth_Rabbitt (talk)
Date Created: June 16, 2021
Status: Mostly complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
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Magnetism Sphere

A sphere for using magnetic powers on people and objects.

Magnetism [Fiendish, Elemental]

Special: You always know which direction is north and are constantly under the effect of a detect mineral spell (caster level equal to character level).


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AuthorDarth_Rabbitt +
Identifier3.5e Sphere +
RatingUnrated +
SpecialYou always know which direction is north and are constantly under the effect of a detect mineral spell (caster level equal to character level). +
Spellmagnetic oscillation +, magnetic armor +, magnetism (CArc) +, magnetic pulse +, telekinesis (metal objects and creatures only) +, repulsion +, repel metal or stone (metal only) +, sympathy (special bonus: antipathy) +, imprisonment + and soul bind (uses a piece of metal to hold the soul) +
TitleMagnetism +
TypeFiendish + and Elemental +