Sonics (3.5e Sphere)

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Author: Darth_Rabbitt (talk)
Date Created: June 16, 2021
Status: Mostly complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
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Sonics Sphere[edit]

A sphere that gives control over sound and silence.

Sonics [Fiendish, Elemental]

Special: You are immune to the deafened condition and may use ghost sound and ventriloquism as spell-like abilities at will (caster level equals character level.)


  • 1 – sound lance (SpC)
  • 3 – silence (special bonus: amplify) (SpC)
  • 5 – great thunderclap (SpC)
  • 7 – orb of sound (SpC)
  • 9 – wall of sound (as wall of force but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force)
  • 11 – shout, greater
  • 13 – soundcage (as forcecage but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force)
  • 15 – power word stun
  • 17 – wail of the banshee
  • 19 – detonate, sonic-substituted (PHB2)

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Facts about "Sonics (3.5e Sphere)"
AuthorDarth_Rabbitt +
Identifier3.5e Sphere +
RatingUndiscussed +
SpecialYou are immune to the deafened condition and may use ghost sound and ventriloquism as spell-like abilities at will (caster level equals character level.) +
Spellsound lance (SpC) +, silence (special bonus: amplify) (SpC) +, great thunderclap (SpC) +, wall of sound (as wall of force but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force) +, soundcage (as forcecage but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force) +, detonate, sonic-substituted (PHB2) +, wail of the banshee +, orb of sound (SpC) +, shout, greater + and power word stun +
TitleSonics +
TypeFiendish + and Elemental +