Radical Skateboard (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 12 January 2024
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Radical Skateboard[edit]

Radical Skateboard
Price: 1850 gp
Body Slot:
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint Transmutation
Activation: Use-activated and Standard
Weight: 3 lbs.

This well-worn wheelboard is nicely balanced. Though, the biggest draw are its quality of life enchantments.

As if a masterwork skill tool, this wheelboard provides a +2 circumstance bonus when performing skateboard tricks with it. If a holder attunes to it, taking 1 hour to do so, it provides other benefits as well. Only one person may be attuned to it at a time.

An attuned radical skateboard can be recalled to the owner's hand from up to 900 feet away by speaking a command word. The board avoids obstacles and flies the quickest route unerringly at a speed of 40 feet to do so. When in the owner's space, the owner may pick it up as a free action. Additionally, once per day, the attuned rider can declare a "big trick" and gain a +5 competence bonus to one skate trick check.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Mage Hand.
Cost to Create: 750 plus 350 gp for the masterwork wheelboard, 60 EXP, 2 days.

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AuthorGanteka Future +
Body Slot+
Cost1850 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA magical wheelboard that helps you with tricks and returns to your hand. Neato Torpedo! +
TitleRadical Skateboard +