3.5e Monsters
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This page is a temporary navigation page that displays 3.5e homebrew monsters here on the wiki. Eventually it will be supplemented with an advanced, easy-to-use search feature.
Creature Entry | CR | Type and Subtypes | Size |
"Holy Shit is that a Mosquito?" (3.5e Monster) | Vermin | Medium | |
Abaddon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] | Large | |
Aberrant Troll Cavestalker (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Augmented Giant, Psionic, Xenoblooded] | Large | |
Absol (3.5e Monster) | Magical beast, Augmented | Medium | |
Abyssal Marauder (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Maita] | Medium | |
Accel XLV-5 Autocycle (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Vehicle] | Medium | |
Adamantine Devil (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Baatezu, Earth, Evil, Lawful, Menos] | Huge | |
Adamantoise (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Fire] | Huge | |
Adiporba (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Augmented Ooze] | Large | |
Admin, Inevitable (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Augmented Construct, Extraplanar, Lawful] | Large | |
Aegis (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Agarran (3.5e Monster) | Giant | Large | |
Air Elemental Tiny (3.5e Monster) | Elemental [Air, Extraplanar] | Tiny | |
Aisled Bodyguard (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Medium | |
Aisled Mechanic (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Medium | |
Aisled Pilgrim (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Medium | |
Aisled Worker (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Medium | |
Aker-Oros (3.5e Monster) | Outsider | Medium | |
Algollied (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Incorporeal, Psionic] | Large | |
Alkilith (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil] | Medium | |
Allosaurus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Almond Cow (3.5e Monster) | Plant | Large | |
Amarok AL-04a Attack Hound (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Large | |
Anatotitan (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Anenekro (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Angel (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Good, True Celestial] | Medium | |
Anguis (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Extraplanar, Positive] | Large | |
Animate Armor (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Sapient] | Medium | |
Animut (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Extraplanar, Lawful] | Medium | |
Ankylosaurus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Annihilator (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Colossal, Medium | |
Annis Hag, Aarnott (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid | Large | |
Antbird (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Tiny | |
Antemagus (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Abomination] | Large | |
Apocalypse Tarrasque (3.5e Monster) | Dragon | Colossal | |
Aquatoid (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Aran-388 Hunter Starship (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Vehicle] | Huge | |
Arcanum Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon | Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal | |
Arch-vile (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar, Yugoloth] | Medium | |
Archaeopteryx (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Small | |
Archeonipal (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Abomination] | Medium | |
Archer Fish (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Aquatic] | Small | |
Arclight Dragonfly (3.5e Monster) | Vermin | Huge | |
Arctic Fox (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [cold] | Tiny | |
Arctic Stallion (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Argus Sheep (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Huge | |
Armaboulder (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Earth] | Large | |
Armanite (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Large | |
Armordillo (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Small | |
Armored Turtle (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Small | |
Arsenal Titan (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large, Tiny | |
Arson Gremlin (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Chaotic, Fire] | Tiny | |
Arup TA-2 Drone Transport (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Vehicle] | Huge | |
Asabikeshiinh (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Psionic] | Huge | |
Asclepius-1928 Medibot (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Medium | |
Ash Ghoul (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Semi-Corporeal] | Medium | |
Ash Viper (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny | |
Ashgeist Ultra Trooper (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Human] | Large | |
Assassin, Nobody (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Assimilated Legionnaire (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Living Construct] | Medium | |
Asura (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, True Celestial] | Huge | |
Athanas-1923 Autonomous Bulldozer (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Vehicle] | Huge | |
Atlas Hamster (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Fine | |
Atma Weapon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider | Gargauntuan | |
Aubergine Lizard (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny | |
Automag Armor Glint (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Gargantuan | |
Automag Armor Goliath (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Colossal | |
Automag Armor Zmeu (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Gargantuan | |
Auxiliel (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Good, Lawful, Logos] | Large | |
Avatar of Consumption (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil] | Huge | |
Avatar of Industry (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Avatar] | Gargantuan | |
Avatar of Nature (3.5e Monster) | Plant [Avatar] | Gargantuan | |
Avicularia (3.5e Monster) | Vermin | Tiny, Small | |
Axolota (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Kaiju, Water, Kaiju] | Colossal | |
Ayklay (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Dreamborn, Psionic, Shapechanger] | Medium | |
Azazel (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful] | Large | |
Azter (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Abomination, Aquatic, Evil] | Huge | |
Baatorian Enslaver - Edolicentia (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful, Living Construct] | Large | |
Babau (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Medium | |
Backahast (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Aquatic, Water] | Large | |
Bacon Elemental (3.5e Monster) | Elemental (Extraplanar) | Small | |
Bacon Elemental (3.5e Monster)/Large | Elemental (Extraplanar) | Medium | |
Bacon Elemental (3.5e Monster)/Medium | Elemental (Extraplanar) | Medium | |
Bafoon (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Balor (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Large | |
Baphomet (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Huge | |
Bar-lgura (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Medium | |
Baryonyx (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Battle Ship (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle, Siege] | Neo-Colossal(60x30x20/120 tons), Deka(120x60x30/360 tons), Hecto(300x150x100/1200 tons) | |
Battlehead (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Xenotheric] | Medium | |
Battlehead, Warhead (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Xenotheric] | Large | |
Battlemind Docent (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Diminutive, Large | |
Beacon Mothlet (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Small | |
Bearly Legal Grizzly Swarm (3.5e Monster) | Magical beast [Swarm] | Gargantuan | |
Bearmaid (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Aquatic] | Large | |
Bebilith (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Huge | |
Bee Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon | Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan | |
Bee Swarm (3.5e Monster) | Vermin [Swarm] | Fine | |
Beeholder (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Large | |
Beer Lurker (3.5e Monster) | Vermin [Aquatic] | Fine | |
Beer Pudding (3.5e Monster) | Ooze | Large | |
Beheliter Gargoyle (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid [Chaotic, Earth, Evil] | Medium, Tiny | |
Behemoth (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Huge | |
Behemoth Whale (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Colossal+++ | |
Belatucadros (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Lawful, Menos] | Large | |
Bell Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Bifrovs (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Large | |
Big Daddy (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Psionic] | Medium | |
Big McLargeHuge (3.5e Monster) | Giant | Gargantuan | |
Big Owl (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
BigDog-2005 Robotic Mule (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Medium | |
Bighorn Sheep (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Bile Myotis (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Binesi AL-05a Drone Fighter (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Medium | |
Bio-Drone (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Small | |
Black Chocobo (3.5e Monster) | Animal [Earth, Water] | Large | |
Black Entity (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Lawful] | Medium | |
Black Fly Swarm (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful] | Fine | |
Black Hole (3.5e Monster) | Elemental | Colossal | |
Black Leech (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Small | |
Black Unicorn, Variant (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Blanket Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Blattodea (3.5e Monster) | Vermin, Aberration [Xenotheric, Augmented Vermin] | Medium, Huge | |
Blind King Statue (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Medium | |
Bloathead Mosquito (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Small | |
Blood Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Water] | Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan | |
Bloodfeast Fiend (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Bloodstorm Devil (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Baatezu, Evil, Lawful, Menos] | Large | |
Blowfly (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Fine | |
Blue Tiger (3.5e Monster) | Outsider | Large | |
Bobcat (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Small | |
Bomblet (3.5e Monster) | Vermin | Tiny | |
Bonedrake (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Large | |
Boneswarm (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Swarm] | Tiny | |
Bonewheel (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Medium | |
Bonjira (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Colossal | |
Bonnacon (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Bookwyrm (3.5e Monster) | Dragon | Tiny | |
Booze Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Borchakian Tillhound (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Bore (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Boredom Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Psionic] | Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan | |
Boubaball (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Psionic] | Tiny | |
Brachiosaurus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Colossal | |
Brainlick (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Psionic] | Medium | |
Bronzeform Clanker (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Clockwork, Lawful] | Medium | |
Brown Chocobo (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Bubba The Headless Chicken (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Incorporeal] | Tiny | |
Bug of Holding (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Tiny | |
Bullfrog (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Bun-Mi of the Southern Wind (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Fire, Legacy] | Gargantuan | |
Buster MW-10 Ride Armor (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Vehicle] | Large | |
Butt (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Large, Huge | |
Butter Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Cadaver Collector (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Mechanical] | Medium | |
Calcinite (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Calefact Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Earth, Fire] | Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal, Huge | |
Caller of the Depth (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Aquatic, Psionic] | Medium | |
Cameleon (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Tiny | |
Candleghast (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Fire, Dark Minded] | Diminutive | |
Canolacat (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] | Small | |
Capgras Demon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Dreamborn, Evil, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Capra Demon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] | Large | |
Capricorn (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [True Celestial, Zodiac, Lawful] | Large | |
Carcikoma (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Medium | |
Cardiotula (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Medium | |
Carradine Strig (3.5e Monster) | Fey | Huge | |
Cash Cow (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Casinoid (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Catapult (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Siege] | Medium, Large, Huge | |
Catoblepas ATW-225 Armored Walker (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Colossal | |
Cave Demon Crab (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Tiny | |
Ceiling Knight (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Celestial Chicken (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Extraplanar] | Tiny | |
Celestubus (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Centipede-99 All-Terrain Miner (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Huge | |
Centipedeshark Tornadoman (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Air] | Large | |
Cepholathe (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Medium | |
Cerberus (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful] | Huge | |
Cerberus Puppy (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Extraplanar, Fire, Evil, Lawful] | Tiny | |
Cerulean Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Chaotic] | Medium, Large, Huge, Large | |
Champa (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Chaos Elemental (3.5e Monster) | Elemental [Extraplanar, Chaotic] | Small, Medium, Large, Huge | |
Chaos Knight (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Chaos Whirligig (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Chaotic, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Charnel Skinwalker (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Chef Homunculus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Diminutive | |
Chelamazikin (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Aquatic, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil] | Large | |
Chicken (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny | |
Chickfowl (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny | |
Chickfowl of the Sea (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny | |
Chimera (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Huge | |
Chiropteryx (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Chiyokoid (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Human, Psionic, Xenoblooded] | Medium | |
Chocobo Hatchling (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Chook, Equus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Chromatic Dwarf (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid | Medium | |
Chronodon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon | Large | |
Cibatel (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Good, Lawful, Logos] | Huge | |
Cloaker (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Large | |
Clockwork Assassin (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Clockwork] | Medium | |
Clockwork Owls Summon (3.5e Monster) | Construct (Clockwork) | Medium | |
Clothling, Drifter (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Air] | Medium | |
Clothling, Flagbird (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Small | |
Clothling, Stormbird (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Air, Kaiju] | Gargantuan | |
Cloudrail Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Collector Homunculus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Diminutive | |
Color Thief (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Small | |
Colossal Ruin (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Abomination, Evil] | Huge | |
Combustible Chicken (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Tiny | |
Compost Bear (3.5e Monster) | Plant [Earth] | Large | |
Compsognathus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny, Small | |
Cooler Homunculus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Diminutive | |
Core Dreadnaught (3.5e Monster) | Elemental [Earth, Fire, Lawful] | Colossal | |
Corgi Archon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Archon, Extraplanar, Lawful, Good] | Small | |
Corgiriff (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Corythosaurus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Coulombra (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Coutlsaur (3.5e Monster) | Outsider (Native) | Medium | |
Cow (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large (long) | |
Cow Sniper (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid | Large | |
Cowbird (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Diminutive | |
Crab Spider (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Huge | |
Crawlnest (3.5e Monster) | Plant | Small | |
Creeper (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Small | |
Creeper, Mage King Variant (3.5e Monster) | Naught | Tiny | |
Crescendo (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Small, Medium, Large | |
Crimping Crawler (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Bot] | Large | |
Crool (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Goblinoid] | Medium | |
Crossbow Scorpion (3.5e Monster) | Vermin | Medium | |
Crying Owl (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Incorporeal] | Medium | |
Cursed Warrior of Anubis (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Medium | |
Cyberzombie Demon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar] | Huge | |
Cyclopean Yokai (3.5e Monster) | Fey | Medium | |
Cynoduat (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Lawful] | Medium | |
Dabus (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Daeijine Illithid (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Medium | |
Daemon, Mail (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil] | Small | |
Daemonic Circuit (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Evil, Incorporeal] | Tiny | |
Daggerling (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Baatezu, Evil, Lawful, Menos] | Small | |
Dagon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Aquatic, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Obyrith] | Gargantuan | |
Dairymaid (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Angel, Extraplanar, Good] | Medium | |
Dancer (3.5e Monster) | Naught | Medium | |
Dancer, Nobody (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Dancing Dead (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Medium | |
Dancing Wildstraw (3.5e Monster) | Plant [Augmented Fey] | Small | |
Dark Blue Chocobo (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Dark Pygmy (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Tiny | |
Dark Spirit Plush (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Living Construct] | Small | |
Darkhood (3.5e Monster) | Fey | Small | |
Darksylph (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Dartpuff Flowerbed (3.5e Monster) | Plant | Small | |
Darwin Monkey (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid | Small | |
Dazreth (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Huge | |
Dead (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Medium | |
Dead Hand (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Earth] | Medium | |
Dead Iron Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Deathclaw (3.5e Monster) | Animal [Xenotheric] | Medium | |
Deep Blue-Ringed Octopus (3.5e Monster) | Animal [Aquatic] | Diminutive | |
Deep One (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Deepbiter (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Dekarabia (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Demiurgic Being (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Maita] | Huge | |
Demogorgon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Obyrith, Tanar'ri] | Huge | |
Demon Chicken (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil] | Tiny | |
Demon Core (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Medium | |
Demon Wall (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] | Large | |
Destradoloth (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar, Yugoloth] | Large | |
Destrudo, Lord of Hate (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Devastation Beetle (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Colossal | |
Devilhead (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful] | Diminutive | |
Devourer Demon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar] | Huge | |
Devourer Demon, Liber Demonica (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] | Huge | |
Devourer of Sin (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Large (Long) | |
Devouring One (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Abomination] | Large | |
Devouring Pillow (3.5e Monster) | Ooze | Tiny | |
Dextersphere (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Medium | |
Diablos Summon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider (Evil) | Large | |
Diculacetus (3.5e Monster) | Animal [Earth] | Gargantuan | |
Digger-360 Autonomous Backhoe (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Vehicle] | Huge | |
Dilophosaurus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | huge | |
Dire Ape (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Dire Badger (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Dire Bat (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Dire Bear (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Dire Boar (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Dire Chicken (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Dire Chicken, MS Variant (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Dire Eagle (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Dire Elephant (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Gargantuan | |
Dire Elf (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Elf] | Medium | |
Dire Hummingbird (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Diminutive | |
Dire Hummingbird Swarm (3.5e Monster) | Animal [Swarm] | Diminutive | |
Dire Hyena (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Dire Hypnotoad (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Tiny | |
Dire Lion (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Dire Ostrich (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Dire Rabbit (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Dire Rat (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Small | |
Dire Rhinoceros (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Dire Shark (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Gargantuan | |
Dire Skunk (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Dire Squirrel (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Small | |
Dire Tiger (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Huge | |
Dire Toad (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Dire Weasel (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Small | |
Dire Wolf (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Dire Wolverine (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Discordant Ego (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Incorporeal, Psionic] | Small | |
Displacer Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Colossal+ | |
Displacer Drake (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Colossal | |
Displacer Eel (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Aquatic] | Large | |
Displacer Fish Swarm (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Aquatic, Swarm] | Tiny | |
Displacer Newt (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Aquatic] | Huge | |
Displacer Wyrm (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Gargantuan | |
Dizzywing Homunculus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Diminutive | |
Djadokhta AL-06c Anti-Personnel Hunter (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Medium | |
Dodoguaan (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Dodoguaan, Awakened (3.5e Monster) | Monstrous Humanoid [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Dogstorm (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Swarm] | Gargantuan | |
Doki Doki (3.5e Monster) | Fey | Tiny | |
Doodle Homunculus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Diminutive | |
Doppelganger (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Shapechanger] | Medium | |
Dossunlith (3.5e Monster) | Elemental [Earth, Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Dracoid Follower (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Dragonblooded, Human] | Medium | |
User:DraconicMan/Cattra (3.5e Monster) | Wild animal [Feline] | Large | |
Dragoon (3.5e Monster) | Naught | Medium | |
Dragoon, Nobody (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Drake (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Fire] | Large | |
Dread Devourer (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Extraplanar, Evil] | Huge | |
Dread Moth (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Small | |
Dream Sponge (3.5e Monster) | Ooze, SRD: Type | Huge | |
Dreaming Serpent Atropabel (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Dreamborn, Extraplanar, Psionic] | Gargantuan | |
Dreamnaught (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Dreamborn] | Colossal | |
Drebbel-1562 Submarine Hunter (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Large | |
Dreg Colossus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Gargantuan | |
Dreg Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon (Acid) | Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal | |
Dreg Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Dreg Mine (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Medium | |
Dreg Titan (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Colossal | |
Dregling, Mailbreaker (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid | Medium | |
Dregling, Sword (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid | Medium | |
Dretch (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Small | |
Drifting Ruin (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Abomination, Evil] | Medium | |
Drowzeeble (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Psionic] | Tiny | |
Druin (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Small | |
Drukkna (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Aquatic, Elemental Spirit, Evil, Water] | Medium | |
Drunkard Swarm (3.5e Monster) | Other | Medium | |
Duality Elemental (3.5e Monster) | Elemental | Small, Medium, Large, Huge | |
Duck (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny | |
Dullahan (3.5e Monster) | Fey, Magical Beast | Medium, Large | |
Dungeon Mastermind (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Lawful, Chaotic] | Large | |
Dusk (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Dusk, Mage-King Variant (3.5e Monster) | Naught | Medium | |
Duskmane (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Duskwalker (3.5e Monster) | Outsider (Cold, Incorporeal, Native) | Medium | |
Earth Elemental Tiny (3.5e Monster) | Elemental [Earth, Extraplanar] | Tiny | |
Egg of Magic and Mystery (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Earth] | Diminutive | |
Eiji Variant Adamantine Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Huge | |
Eiji Variant Clay Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Shapechanger] | Large | |
Eiji Variant Flesh Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Eiji Variant Iron Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Eiji Variant Mithral Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Huge | |
Eiji Variant Stone Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large, Huge | |
Ekolid (3.5e Monster) | Variant Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Obyrith] | Small | |
Eladrin, Noviere (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Eladrin, Good, Water] | Medium | |
Elder Thing (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Aquatic, Xenotheric] | Large | |
Electric Yak (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Elemental Airship (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Air, Earth, Fire, Vehicle, Water] | Colossal | |
Elephant in the Room (3.5e Monster) | Fey | Huge | |
Empyrean Jade Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Encased Titan (3.5e Monster) | Giant | Colossal | |
Energy Demon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar] | Large | |
Engineer of Ruin (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Abomination, Evil] | Colossal | |
Enogo (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
Eraser Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon (Air) | Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan | |
Erebian Bear (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Erinyes (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Baatezu, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful] | Medium | |
Eryloth (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Native, Shapechanger, Yugoloth] | Medium | |
Erzilibrot the Dim (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Demon] | Large | |
Etezu (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Baatezu, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful] | Small | |
Ethereal Psychopomp (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Large | |
Ethereal Scutigera (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Xenoblooded] | Large | |
Everlasting, Kenzon the Messenger (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Everlasting] | Medium | |
Evil In the Pot (3.5e Monster) | Construct, Outsider [Evil, Incorporeal] | Small, Tiny | |
Expanded Dead (3.5e Monster) | |||
Extheoria Reaper (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Psionic] | Colossal | |
Eye Jellyfish (3.5e Monster) | Vermin [Aquatic, Swarm] | Diminutive | |
Eyeball (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Beholderkin] | Tiny | |
Eyeball Beholderkin (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Beholderkin] | Tiny | |
Eyeder (3.5e Monster) | Vermin [Swarm] | Medium, Fine | |
Eyes of Orz (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Extraplanar] | Tiny | |
Fairy Shrimp (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Aquatic] | Diminutive | |
Falchion Police (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Lawful] | Medium | |
Falcon 9 (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot, Vehicle] | Huge | |
False Priest (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Human] | Medium, Huge | |
Famael (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Good, Lawful, Logos] | Tiny | |
Fast Headcrab (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Xenotheric] | Tiny | |
Father Ghede (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Large | |
Fatman MS-08 Power Armor (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Large | |
Faunaphiel (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Good] | Medium | |
Faux (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Tiny | |
Felwrack Crusader (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Elf] | Medium | |
Felwrack Darkbinder (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Elf] | Medium | |
Felwrack Farseer (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Human] | Medium | |
Felwrack Inquisitor (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Elf] | Medium | |
Felwrack Priest (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Elf] | Medium | |
Felwrack Sister (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Elf] | Medium | |
Fenrir AL-04c Attack Hound (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Medium | |
Fetum Homunculus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Small | |
Fiendish Chicken (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Extraplanar] | Tiny | |
Figgy Pudding (3.5e Monster) | Ooze | Medium | |
Fighter Ship (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle, Siege] | Gargantuan(20x10x10/40 tons), Large(10x5x5/20 tons), Huge(15x5x5/30 tons) | |
Fighting Damashii (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Native] | Medium | |
Final Arbiter Danjonmasutā (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Colossal | |
Fire Beetle (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Fire] | Large | |
Fire Elemental Tiny (3.5e Monster) | Elemental [Fire, Extraplanar] | Tiny | |
Fire Giant (3.5e Monster) | Giant [Fire] | ||
Fire Rune (3.5e Monster) | Elemental (Fire) | Medium | |
Fire Sprite (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Fire] | Diminutive | |
Firebrat (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Tiny | |
Firefriend (3.5e Monster) | Vermin [Extraplanar] | Small | |
Fizzle Sprite (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Fire] | Tiny | |
Flabberghast (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Augmented Abberation] | Large | |
Flame Phoenix (3.5e Monster) | Elemental [Air, Fire, Extraplanar] | Huge | |
Flame Sprite (3.5e Monster) | Fey | Diminutive | |
Flaredrake Homunculus (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Diminutive | |
Flayed Horror (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Eldritch] | Large | |
Fletch Haunt (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Medium | |
Flintspark (3.5e Monster) | Fey [Incorporeal, Earth] | Tiny | |
Floating Eye (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Small | |
Flowering Death (3.5e Monster) | Plant [Chaotic, Evil] | Medium | |
Fluxagon (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Devil, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful] | Medium | |
Flying Fruit Snake (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Tiny | |
Flying Laser Squirrel (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast [Extraplanar] | Tiny | |
Flying Polyp (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Air, Xenotheric] | Huge | |
Food (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Small | |
Force Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Psionic] | Medium | |
Forestheart Warden (3.5e Monster) | Plant [Earth] | Huge | |
Forisel (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Good, Lawful, Logos] | Large | |
Formideus (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar] | Large, Huge | |
Fraz-Urb'luu (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Baatezu, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil] | Huge | |
Frog (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Fine | |
Frost Giant, Jotun (3.5e Monster) | Giant [Cold] | Large | |
Frost Worm, Variant (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Huge | |
Fulgigas (3.5e Monster) | Giant [Earth] | Huge | |
Fumblegrass (3.5e Monster) | Plant [Swarm] | Diminutive, Large | |
Fungus Beast (3.5e Monster) | Plant | Huge | |
Funk Ape (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Fyre Fiend (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Large | |
GOAT (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Gakku Spirit (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Dark Minded] | Large | |
Galaxiasaurus (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Shapechanger] | Gargantuan | |
Gallimimus (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Gambler (3.5e Monster) | Naught | Medium | |
Gambler, Nobody (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar] | Medium | |
Gasheklah (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Earth, Evil, Extraplanar] | Large | |
Gastrolder (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Beholderkin] | Medium | |
Gastropotamos (3.5e Monster) | Animal [Xenotheric] | Large | |
Gastrowurm (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Huge | |
Gate of Zalgo (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil] | Huge | |
Gauth (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Beholderkin] | Small | |
Gear Actua (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Gear] | Medium | |
Gebhardt-1916 Autonomous Mixer (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Bot] | Huge | |
Gelidus Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Air, Cold] | Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal | |
Gelotine (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Cold, Elemental Spirit, Evil] | Large | |
Generic Dragon (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [See Text] | Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal | |
Genie, Noble Efreet (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Extraplanar, Fire, Genie] | Huge | |
Genslatr (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Baatezu, Evil, Lawful, Menos] | Large | |
Geostase (3.5e Monster) | Ooze | Colossal | |
Gestalt the Undying Death (3.5e Monster) | Dragon [Evil] | Huge | |
Ghast, Deathless (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Deathless] | Medium | |
Ghost Frog (3.5e Monster) | Undead [Incorporeal] | Fine | |
Ghostfire (3.5e Monster) | Undead | Diminutive | |
Ghrelin (3.5e Monster) | Aberration | Medium | |
Giant Cave Salamander (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Medium | |
Giant Cockatoo (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Huge | |
Giant Dire Ant (3.5e Monster) | Vermin | Large | |
Giant Elven Tit (3.5e Monster) | Magical Beast | Medium | |
Giant Scarab Beetle (3.5e Monster) | Vermin | Large | |
Gibling (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar] | Small | |
Gibling, Liber Demonica (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Tanar'ri] | Small | |
Gift Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Gigant Human Warrior (3.5e Monster) | Giant [Human] | Large | |
Gillman (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Aquatic] | Medium | |
Glabrezu (3.5e Monster) | Outsider [Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri] | Huge | |
Glowstone Golem (3.5e Monster) | Construct | Large | |
Gnarlwick (3.5e Monster) | Plant | Medium | |
Gnoll Devourer (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Gnoll] | Medium | |
Gnoll Enslaver (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Gnoll] | Medium | |
Gnoll Shock Trooper (3.5e Monster) | Humanoid [Gnoll] | Medium | |
God-Machine Arm (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Huge | |
God-Machine Body (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Huge | |
God-Machine Leg (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Huge | |
God-Machine Sword (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Huge | |
God-Machine Wings (3.5e Monster) | Construct [Vehicle] | Gargantuan | |
Gog (3.5e Monster) | Giant [Goblinoid, Orc] | Large | |
Gokiburi (3.5e Monster) | Aberration [Xenotheric] | Medium | |
Gold Chocobo (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Large | |
Golden Hen (3.5e Monster) | Animal | Small |
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