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This is a conversion of the AD&D Spelljammer setting published by TSR to 5th edition. The intent of this conversion is to recreate the feel of the original using the rules from 5ed. The document is a work-in progress and as new 5th edition material is printed expect the rulse here to be changed to comply with the published cannon
This page is a conversion of the Spelljammmmer setting to 5E
Players Guide
Worlds of Spelljammer
Dungeon Master's Guide
- Alien races inhabiting the Spelljammer universe included humans, dwarves, xenophobic beholders, rapacious neogi, militant giff (humanoid hippopotami), centaurlike dracons, hubristic elf armadas, spacefaring orcs called "scro", mysterious arcane, the Thri-kreen insectoids, bumbling tinker gnomes, mercantile illithids and simian Hadozee.
- Various gear, goods, equipment and magical items available to characters.
- List of official and home brewed ships
- Supplemental information on spells and enchantments, as well as the nature, uses and practices of magic.
- Character Creation
- Rules and advice for Creating Characters.
- Races
- The many races of Spelljammer
- Classes
- The classes available to characters.
- Character Options
- All the ways to customize characters.
- Gear and Equipment
- All the miscellaneous stuff you'll ever need.
- Magic
- The mystical forces of .
- A crystal sphere (also known as a crystal shell) is a gigantic spherical shell which contains an entire planetary system.
- Wildspace is similar to the outer space of science fiction, with planets, asteroids and stars, but with different physics.
- The phlogiston (also known as "the Flow") is a bright, extremely combustible gas-like medium that exists between the Crystal Spheres.
- The Spelljammer is a legendary ship which looks like a gigantic manta ray, and houses an entire city on its back.
- History
- History, times, eras.
- [[5E Spelljammer (5e Campaign Setting)/History#|]]
- Cultures
- Rituals, heirarchies, legends, oral traditions.
- Geography and Environment
- Places and locations of interest in .
- Deities, Demigods, and Heroes
- All the divinity in the multiverse.
- Cosmology and the Planes
- The layout of the cosmos.
- Organizations
- The groupings of people in .
- NPCs, Minions, and Notables
- All the people your players may see, talk to, or kill.
- Dangers and Diseases
- Painful and disgusting things to torture players.
- Bestiary
- The vile beasts, horrid creatures, and savage species.
- About
- Information on this campaign and suggestions.
- Running a Campaign
- Basics on how to run a game with this setting.
- Adventures and Quests
- Things to do in .
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