Black Baroness's Amulet (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: Friday 13 August 2021
Status: Complete
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Black Baroness's Amulet

Price: 4000 gp
Body Slot: Neck
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate Conjuration
Activation: (see text)

This amulet was stripped from the neck of the infamous Black Baroness herself, Jolie Chateauxnoir, after her resurrection in the small town of Aerilon by her rival and hated enemy. The Baroness, cut in half at the hips by the pretender to the throne, faded from this world, fated to return when the time was right.

This diamond-cut ruby amulet is set in tarnished silver and attached to a tall, rigid black silk choker, giving a look not too dissimilar to a corset around the neck. The jewel glimmers a vivid vermillion.

The amulet allows the wearer to summon a masterwork dagger to either hand, having two in existence at a time. If thrown, the daggers vanish at the start of her next turn. The daggers are only summoned if in the action to draw them (as normal for the wearer), the wearer makes a successful Sleight of Hand skill check with a DC of 15. If there are no witnesses to provoke a check, the daggers may be summoned without requiring the check.

These daggers may be either steel, cold iron or silver at the summoner's choice when summoned.

In addition, three times per day, the wearer can add 2d6 sneak attack to a successful hit so long as the attack meets the requirements of being a sneak attack.

The amulet detects as an 8 HD evil outsider.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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AuthorGanteka Future +
Body SlotNeck +
Cost4000 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA ruby choker amulet that allows the wearer to summon daggers and perform a few precise attacks. +
TitleBlack Baroness's Amulet +