Welcome to the Dungeons and Dragons Wiki sandbox!
This page exists so that you can practice editing or formatting (see Help:Editing) without changing any serious content. Feel free to try wiki editing out here first.
There is a tutorial on the Central (coordinating) Wikia that will step you through more of the things you can do. Wiki allow for rather complicated formatting. It can look overwhelming when you begin, but don't let it worry you. Just start with the basics... enter some text, and learn the other pieces as you go. Your content contributions are welcome and important. The wiki is a collaborative effort and others can help with formatting and other improvements.
Best wishes!
This page is a sandbox, and therefore material here is in an unfinished form. It will be moved to a page when complete.
Common Templates
- Template:5e Class Features
- Template:5e Class Simple
- Template:5e Magic Item
- Template:5e Magic Weapon
- Template:5e Monster
- Template:5e Spell
- Template:5e Weapon
- Template:SRD5
- Template:srd5lc
- {{Title Only|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}
Table Class
class="zebra d20"
th color: #e8d693;
th color: #eDdc9B;
class="zebra" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#c8b673; border-radius:0.5em;"
Shaded Boxes
Shaded multi-column list
<div style="column-count:3;-moz-column-count:3;-webkit-column-count:3"> <ul class="zebra"> * * * </ul> </div>
Test background
background: #fdf9d3; |
background: #ece8c2; |
Sandbox Pages
- Rlyehable/sandbox
- Rlyehable/sandbox/1
- Rlyehable/sandbox/10
- Rlyehable/sandbox/2
- Rlyehable/sandbox/3
- Rlyehable/sandbox/4
- Rlyehable/sandbox/5
- Rlyehable/sandbox/6
- Rlyehable/sandbox/7
- Rlyehable/sandbox/8
- Rlyehable/sandbox/9
- Rlyehable/sandbox/Apprentice (5e)
- Rlyehable/sandbox/Cosmic Mind (5e Sorcerous Origin)
- Rlyehable/sandbox/Group Patron (5e)
- Rlyehable/sandbox/Jack of All Trades
- Rlyehable/sandbox/NPC Overlays
- Rlyehable/sandbox/Subclass Preload
- Rlyehable/sandbox/subclass test