Blackroot (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Aarnott (talk)
Date Created: 19:28, 12 February 2014 (UTC)
Status: Done
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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"What are you doing?"

"I found some blackroot. She loves it."

"Blackroot? I'm the father of two children, and you never, ever give a baby blackroot."

"Well my mother raised us on it. It's good for you! It put's hair on your chest, right Sticks?"

"Her name is not Sticks! She's Elora Dannen, the future empress of Tir Asleen and the last thing she's gonna want is a hairy chest!"

Blackroot comes from a thorny shrub found near creeks running through boreal forests. It's known for its effect at making people more "manly" (it still has the same effects on women).

After chewing on a sprig of blackroot for 1 minute, you get a +8 bonus to your effective Strength score for all Strength ability checks (lifting heavy stuff, throwing heavy stuff, etc.). This doesn't affect things like Bullrush, Trip or Grapple checks, but does include carrying capacity. This effect lasts 10 minutes, as long as you are chewing the blackroot the whole time.

Harvesting it takes a Survival check DC 10, in which one bush will yeild 1 sprig, +1 per 2 points you passed the DC by, up to a total of 6 sprigs per bush. Typically, there are only 3 harvest-worthy bushes in an area.

You can also use Craft (Alchemy) DC 10 to draw out a vial of blackroot extract from 3 sprigs, which provides the same bonuses, but only requires drinking the extract to get the full effect immediately, for 10 minutes.

Cost: 25 gp per sprig or 100 gp for a vial of extract.

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AuthorAarnott +
Cost25 gp + and 100 gp +
Craft DC10 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryChewing on these roots makes you feel manly! +
TitleBlackroot +