Claymore (3.5e Class)

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Author: Nari Mortem
Date Created: 25 Dec 2017
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Named after the Great swords they wield, they are half-human, half-monster hybrid warriors.

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This work is based on this replace: Claymore on dandwiki.

However, despite my gratitude for the work done, I had to change the mechanics of many moments so that it was just more... executable in the game. I also had to change the replace structure, because it was cumbersome and very difficult to understand. I also completed the part devoted to the plot moments in that it corresponded to a more standard form of class description and contained more points allowing the master to apply it to the company in any of the possible worlds.

In addition, I had to develop an Awakened template, it can be found at this link: Awakened (3.5e Template)


Named after the Great swords they wield, they are half-human, half-monster hybrid warriors. Normally, Claymores don't call each other by the name "Claymore"; instead, the humans gave them this name, alternatively referring to them as "silver-eyed witches/slayers."

Despite the fact that the original Organization and its experiment were destroyed by Claymore himself, the technology continues to exist among the endless galaxy of worlds: inherited from fugitives from the Organization, from Claymore renegades or recreated by hands of skilled scientists and magicians.

Claymore is a rare type of warriors and it’s quite hard in most worlds to find the opportunity to become one of them. But still it's possible.

Similar to the chivalry with its code of honor and strict rules aimed at reducing the number of Awakened, free Claymore orders are found in many worlds. No less often that creates free Claymore organizations, the technologies for transformation fall into the hands of religious or government organizations that use them to create tightly controlled powerful elite soldiers. Similarly, technology has fallen into the hands of evil forces that do not always regard Claymore as a "children's form" of the Awakened, but use them as agents in human lands or simply turn a character into Claymore for a lot of money, but do not take into account their fate and possible consequences.


Making a Claymore[edit]

Abilities: Constitution is important to a Claymore, as they are constantly placed at risk of dying. Similarly, Wisdom is important if for no other reason than that a good Will save will prevent them from a full Awakening. Depending on whether a Claymore is a Defensive or Offensive type, Strength or Dexterity is vital to their ability to deal damage in combat, though both are very useful for any Claymore

Races: Any Race

Alignment: Any

Starting Gold: 3d4×10 gp (75 gp).

Starting Age: Moderate

Table: The Claymore

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Hybrid, Threat of Awakening, Evil Nature Influence, Claymore Training, Restrained Evil
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Type Specialization I
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Claymore Training
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Scion’s Power I
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Slightly Awakening, Type Specialization II
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Claymore Training
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Restrained Evil
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Scion’s Power II, Type Specialization III
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Claymore Training
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Partially Awakening
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 Type Specialization IV
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Scion’s Power III, Claymore Training
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Restrained Evil
14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Type Specialization V
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Greatly Awakening, Claymore Training
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Scion’s Power IV
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Type Specialization VI
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Claymore Training
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Restrained Evil
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Dangerously Awakening, Scion’s Power V

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Claymore.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Claymores are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor, but not with heavy armor or any form of shield.

Hybrid: Claymores have their type changed to Outsider. They retain all type modifiers and subtypes, if applicable. A Claymore now consumes only one day's worth of rations over the course of a week under normal conditions and gain Fast Healing 1.


Claymore Training: Starting with the first level, using her personal Greatsword, Claymore can use weapons that are larger than her size category as if she were one size larger, reducing any attack roll penalties by 2 and allowing she to use weapons one size category larger than normal.

Starting with the third level, using her personal Greatsword, a Claymore can use her weapon, as if she has a Weapon Finesse feat and use it with melee weapons one size category larger than her and for Greatsword. Normal: Weapon Finesse only applies to light weapons, rapiers, whips, and spiked chains.

Starting with the sixth level, using her personal Greatsword, a Claymore uses her weapon, as if she has a Weapon Focus (Greatsword) feat. If she really has it, she uses her weapon, as if she has a Weapon Specialization (Greatsword) feat.

Starting with the ninth level, if Claymore used her personal greatsword in the last turn and it stays in her hands, when a Claymore uses a double move action on her turn and move in a straight, unobstructed line, her provoke no attacks of opportunity for leaving threatened squares.

Starting with the twelfth level, using her personal Greatsword, when a Claymore uses her Weapon Finesse feat or ability with a similar effect, her apply her Dexterity bonus in addition to her Strength bonus to attack roll. Normal: When you use Weapon Finesse, you replace your Strength bonus with your Dexterity bonus for the purposes of attack rolls.

Starting with the fifteenth level, using her personal Greatsword, when a Claymore uses a charge maneuver or Spring Attack feat or ability with a similar effect, her provoke no attacks of opportunity for leaving threatened squares.

Starting from the eighteenth level, using her personal Greatsword, when a Claymore takes a move action or a double move action in a straight line, she can choose a side of that line (left or right). For every five feet she moves, she may attack each foe on that side of the line that she could normally reach, so long as she has not attacked that foe during this movement. Use her highest base attack bonus for these attacks, but apply a -4 penalty to all her attack rolls this round. If a Claymore uses this ability more than once in a round, during and after the second use she suffers a -8 penalty, during and after the third use she suffers a -12 penalty, and so on.

Threat of Awakening: A Claymore is susceptible to the urge to Awaken. Whenever a Claymore is in a stressful situation (virulent argument, combat, non-combat emergency, natural disaster, et cetera), they must make a Will save against a DC of 5 to resist the urge to Awaken. They must also make a Will save against a DC of 5 to resist the urge to Awaken once per minute so long as the situation continues. No matter the modifiers, the DC of this save cannot be reduced below 0, however, a natural roll of 1 on a d20 is not an automatic failure for this specific Will save. A character who is in an Awakened state is always considered to be in a stressful situation. A character who Awakens in this manner does not need to spend an action in order to do so - it instead happens automatically. The character cannot intentionally botch, Take 1, Take 10, or Take 20 on this roll unless they possess an ability, feat, or item that specifically states it permits such an option on an Awakening roll.

To Awaken, a Claymore spends a standard action heightening the outsider energies in their body, resulting in changes as indicated below in table 1-2: Awakening Effects. By doing so, a character who is Unawakened (default state) becomes Slightly Awakened, one who is Slightly Awakened becomes Partially Awakened, one who is Partially Awakened becomes Greatly Awakened, one who is Greatly Awakened becomes Dangerously Awakened, and one who is Dangerously Awakened becomes Fully Awakened and gaining the Awakened template. The player controlling this character transfers control over it to the DM in accordance with the rules described in the Awakened template.

A Claymore may spend a swift action to make a will save against Awakening to reduce their Awakened state by one or more stages, though the difficulty of this save is increased by +2 for each stage beyond the first.

The Will save to resist Awakening is modified by the situation the person is in, usually varying based on the level of stress. Modifiers can be applied by the DM for situations not covered on table 1-1: Awakening Save DC Modifiers, though the penalties should be determined by the DM.

Table 1-1: Awakening Save DC Modifiers

Effect Modificator
Character is at or below 3/4 HP +1
Character is at or below ½ HP +2
Family or loved one in obvious peril +2
Immediate threat of severe harm or death to +4
Severe challenge against character’s view of the world +2
Character is Chaotic +2
Character is Evil +2
Character is dying +6
Character is male +6
Character is Lawful -2
Character is Good -2
Character is Slightly Awakened +4
Character is Partially Awakened +8
Character is Greatly Awakened +16
Character is Dangerously Awakened +32

Table 1-2: Awakening Effects

Awakened Str Dex Con Speed Special
Slightly +1 +1 +1 +0'
Partially +2 +2 +2 +5' Fast Healing 2, DR 1/-
Greatly +3 +3 +3 +10' Fast Healing 3, DR 2/-
Dangerously +4 +4 +4 +20' Fast Healing 4, DR 2/-

Evil Nature Influence: Claymore’s eyes become permanently silver, and their hair becomes permanently either silver or platinum blonde.

Because a Claymore has become partly monster through artificial methods, she can become Awakened, increasing the hold of her Outsider parts and subsuming her original nature under that of the violent creature whose flesh and blood were used to alter her.

Awakening brings out the Evil nature of a Claymore while Slightly awakened, a Claymore has gold eyes instead of silver, which glow metallically and have vertically slit pupils. She will generally feel combative, and is unlikely to engage in any sort of discourse. While Partially awakened, Claymore’s veins bulge prominently, particularly wherever she is healing or exerting herself. Much like a Barbarian under a rage, a Partially awakened Claymore cannot take 10 or 20, and cannot use long-term skills such as Craft, Diplomacy, or Use Rope.

While Greatly awakened, Claymore’s teeth become sharp and sharklike, and her jaw distends slightly, giving her a rather feral appearance, and making her inhumanity apparent at a glance. A Greatly awakened character suffers a -10 penalty to Disguise checks, even if the checks in question were made previously. In addition to the restrictions of Partial awakening, her attitude is automatically Hostile in all ways to those she is not familiar with, and she must attack any foes she can perceive to the best of her ability. If there are no foes present, she must either act in the most direct way possible to alleviate any stressful situation she is in aside from being Awakened, attack the nearest creature that is not at least a friend, or spend her action attempting to fight her Awakening (doing nothing).

While Dangerously awakened, Claymore’s body warps, the limbs becoming drawn out and her skin shifting color or flaking off to reveal a 'second skin' of an alternate color- usually a sanguine red or a wet-looking muscle color. Her body shifts drastically, and fitted items such as armor may warp or pop off due to the changes. In addition to the restrictions of Great awakening, her attitude is automatically Hostile in all ways, even to those with whom she is familiar. If there are foes present, she must attempt to attack them in some way, even if it is likely to prove ineffectual. If there are no foes present, she must either attack the nearest creature, or spend her action attempting to fight her Awakening. If any creature provokes an attack of opportunity from her, she must take that attack of opportunity, even if the creature in question is a trusted friend or family member.

A Claymore who is Dangerously Awakened by failing the next save against awakening becomes Fully Awakened and gaining the Awakened template. The player controlling this character transfers control over it to the DM in accordance with the rules described in the Awakened template.


Restrained Evil: A Claymore gains a +2 bonus on Will saves to avoid Awakening. At seventh level, this bonus increases to +4, and at thirteenth level, this bonus increases to +6, but at level 19, it drops back to +4. The more practice a Claymore gets at restraining her inner Evil, the better she gets at it, but the greater her power grows, the harder it is to fight this part of her nature. There is a point at which the urge to give in to the power grows faster than the focus to resist it.

Type Specialization I: Claymores learn to specialize in one of two ways: defensively, or offensively. On reaching level 2, a Claymore selects either Defense Type or Offense Type. She cannot later change this selection.

A Defense Type Claymore gains a +1 bonus on Will saves when she selects her specialization. She also replaces her Fast Healing 1 with Regeneration 1. Because she has Regeneration, a Defense Type Claymore does not suffer lethal damage from any attack form. However, she can be dealt a coup de grace that will kill her, even if the damage type dealt by the coup de grace method would normally be converted to nonlethal damage, so long as the coup de grace either destroys her brain or removes her head. Additionally, when a Defense Type Claymore has nonlethal damage equal to or in excess of her hit points, she may make a Will save (DC 15) to remain conscious. She is still staggered even if she remains conscious.

An Offense Type Claymore gains a +1 increase to her Base Attack Bonus when she selects her specialization. She also gains a +2 reaction bonus to all initiative checks. Offense Type Claymores are always ready for a fight, even if only to depart it. Because her attack bonus is an increase to Base Attack Bonus, it does affect when she gains her extra attacks, and how many she may gain.

Also, each specialization gets its additional features at each stage of awakening, as it is reflected in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3: Awakening Effects for Specialization

Awakened Offensive addition Defensive addition
Slightly +5’ speed, +1 to Hit DR 1/-
Partially +10’ speed, +2 to Hit DR 2/-
Greatly +20’ speed, +4 to Hit DR 4/-
Dangerously +30’ speed, +6 to Hit DR 6/-

Type Specialization II: At fifth level, a Claymore becomes stronger in her specialization. As her body attunes to the way she uses her Evil Nature power, she instinctively handles it better.

A Defense Type with Type Specialization II increases her Regeneration to a value of 2, and gains a +2 reaction bonus to initiative.

An Offense Type with Type Specialization II improves her Fast Healing to Fast Healing 2, and her Base Attack Bonus increases by an additional +1 again.

Type Specialization III: At eighth level, Claymore's specialization begins to truly show through, heavily coloring her overall capabilities. The increased control and focus of her command over her power further enhance her body.

A Defense Type Claymore with Type Specialization III increases her Regeneration rating to 3, and increases her Will save bonus by +1 again.

An Offense Type Claymore with Type Specialization III increases her reaction bonus to initiative checks to +4, and further increases her Base Attack Bonus by +1.

Type Specialization IV: At eleventh level, a Claymore becomes even more used to the passive effects of her Evil Nature power, and her body uses the power still more efficiently.

A Defense Type with Type Specialization IV increases her Regeneration rating to 4, and her Will save bonus to +3.

An Offense Type with Type Specialization IV increases her Fast Healing rating to 3, and gains a +2 bonus to Will saves against Fear effects and mind-altering effects.

Type Specialization V: At fourteenth level, there is no question as to the difference between an Offense Type and a Defense Type- the two kinds of Claymore function differently on an almost fundamental basis, working in thoroughly different ways.

Defense Type Claymores with Type Specialization V improve their Regeneration rating to 6, and increase their Initiative bonus to +4.

Offense Type Claymores with Type Specialization V gain an additional +1 to their Base Attack Bonus, and their reaction bonus to Initiative is increased to +8.

Type Specialization VI: At level seventeen, Claymore's type specialization reaches its pinnacle, showing the severe difference in results that can be made by the slightest change in early circumstance and choice.

A Defense Type Claymore with Type Specialization VI improves her Regeneration value to 8, and increases her bonus to Will saves to +4.

An Offense Type Claymore with Type Specialization VI improves her Fast Healing value to 4, and increases her Base Attack Bonus by a further +1.

Awakening: Starting with the fifth level, a Claymore with Slightly Awakening may shift from her normal state to a Slightly Awakened state as an Immediate action, even when it is not her turn. A Claymore with Slightly Awakening suffers only half of the Will save vs. Awakening DC increase for being Slightly Awakened (+2 instead of +4).

Starting with the tenth level, a Claymore with Partially Awakening may shift from her normal state to a Partially Awakened state as an Immediate action, even when it is not her turn. A Claymore with Partially Awakening suffers only half of the Will save vs. Awakening DC increase for being Partially Awakened (+4 instead of +8).

Starting with the fifteenth level, a Claymore with Greatly Awakening may shift from her normal state to a Greatly Awakened state as an Immediate action, even when it is not her turn. A Claymore with Greatly Awakening suffers only half of the Will save vs. Awakening DC increase for being Greatly Awakened (+8 instead of +16).

Starting with the twentieth level, a Claymore with Dangerously Awakening may shift from her normal state to a Dangerously Awakened state as an Immediate action, even when it is not her turn. A Claymore with Dangerously Awakening suffers only half of the Will save vs. Awakening DC increase for being Dangerously Awakened (+12 instead of +24).

Scion’s Power I: At the fourth level, a Claymore chooses the form in which his evil legacy is revealed. He can choose one of the following forms of Force listed for each form only available when Claymore is Slightly Awakened.

Body Warper (Defensive/Offensive): Thanks to your focus on improving your own body’s resilience and flexibility, you have learned to distort your bones and muscles. This allows you to strike from startling distances without ever losing your grip on your weapon. Thanks to the unnatural flexibility of your entire body, you become more difficult to harm. You gain DR 1/Slashing or Piercing (both attack forms bypass your DR). Additionally, as a Swift action, you may increase your natural reach by 5' until your next action.

Brute Strength (Defensive): By focusing large amounts of your Evil Nature Power into the muscles of your body, you reinforce not only your healing, but your raw strength as well. By striking with such incredible strength, you are able to penetrate even the toughest of defenses. When you wield a weapon one-handed, you may apply one and a half times your Strength bonus to damage, just as though you were wielding a two-handed weapon. Additionally, whenever you strike a creature or object, you may ignore your Strength bonus in Damage Resistance or Hardness, to a maximum of five points.

Death Strike (Offensive): By focusing on the blows you strike and pouring all your focus and Evil Nature energy into a single swing, you are able to inflict massive damage in only a brief instant of offense. You may apply your Dexterity as well as your Strength to damage when you are making only a single attack during your action.

Extreme Dexterity (Defensive/Offensive): By focusing your Evil Nature Power into your limbs, you are able to strike at speeds that are so extreme as to be invisible. This allows you to attack at an unbelievable rate. You gain the Flurry of Blows ability with any weapon you wield. You may apply your Dexterity bonus instead of your Strength bonus to your melee attack rolls.

Monstrous Agility (Defensive/Offensive): By using your Evil Nature power to enhance your ability to move, you have become extremely agile. You have learned to engage in bursts of speed that leave other Claymores gaping in wonder. Sometimes, you even leave yourself behind. You gain the Dodge feat, even if you do not qualify for it. You also gain a +2 Dodge bonus to your Armor Class.

Power Sense (Defensive/Offensive): Thanks to extensive training in control and perception, you are able to sense Evil power, and define it by strength and distance. This allows you to locate and react to those with supernatural power without normally perceiving them. As you become better at this, you gain the ability to define these powers in more detail, allowing you to predict the movements. As a Swift action, you may locate twice your character level in hit dice of Outsiders within 30' + 10' per Claymore level. This ability starts with yourself, and reaches the nearest available targets. You have a perfect impression of their location relative to you. You also gain the benefits of the Uncanny Dodge ability against attacks by creatures you have sensed with this ability, and a +2 insight bonus to initiative rolls in any combat where any of your foes are Outsiders.

Scion’s Power II: At the eighth level, a Claymore can select an additional form from those he chooses at level 4, or improve his ability to handle the previously selected form. The forces listed for each form are only available when Claymore Partially Awakened.

Body Warper (Defensive): Your DR increases to 2/Slashing or Piercing. As a Swift action, you may increase your natural reach by up to 10' until your next action. Brute Strength (Defensive) As a Swift action on your turn, you may increase the DC of your next Awakening check by up to 5. If you do so, you apply the bonus to your Strength equal to twice the added difficulty (so increasing the Awakening DC by 3 yields a +6 bonus to Strength, for example). This bonus lasts until your next action.

Death Strike (Offensive): When you use a Full Attack action, you may choose to make only a single attack. For each attack you have foregone in this manner, your attack deals +4 damage.

Extreme Dexterity (Offensive): You suffer no penalty to attack rolls for making a Flurry of Blows attack. Monstrous Agility (Defensive/Offensive) You gain the benefits of the Spring Attack and Mobility feats, even if you do not qualify for them. You may use these feats while you are not Awakened. If you already have these feats, you gain a +10' proficiency bonus to your movement speed when you use Spring Attack, and the bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity increases to +6. While you are Awakened, you gain a +10' bonus to your movement speed when you use Spring Attack.

Power Sense (Defensive/Offensive): The maximum range of your Power Sense ability extends to 100' + 20' per Claymore level. As a Free action, you may suppress your own power, and do not count as an Outsider for purposes of spells and effects (including effects like Favored Enemy). You gain a +2 Insight bonus to Armor Class and attack rolls against creatures that you have identified or sensed with your Power Sense.

Scion’s Power III: At the twelfth level, a Claymore can select an additional form from those he chooses at level 4, or improve his abilities with the previously selected form. The forces listed for each form are only available when Claymore is Greatly Awakened and can only be taken for a form that has already been selected twice.

Body Warper (Defensive): You may, during your action, increase or decrease your natural reach to any amount between your normal natural reach and your normal natural reach plus 15', even between individual attacks of a full attack action. Additionally, you may grapple an opponent at any distance that is at least 5' less than your current natural reach.

Brute Strength (Defensive): You gain the benefits of the Cleave feat, even if you do not qualify for that feat. If you have the Cleave feat, you gain the benefits of the Great Cleave feat, even if you do not qualify for that feat. Additionally, whenever you strike a creature or object, you may ignore up to ten points of Damage Resistance or Hardness.

Death Strike (Offensive): When you use a Full Attack action, for each round previous to that during which you took no Move or Standard actions, your first attack this round deals +10 damage (to a maximum of +20).

Extreme Dexterity (Offensive): When determining the attack bonuses and the number of attacks for your full attack, you may count your Dexterity bonus as Base Attack Bonus for the purposes of determining your number of attacks and their attack bonuses. This ability is not affected by the normal limit of four iterative attacks. (For instance, with a Base Attack Bonus of +15 and a Dexterity bonus of +6 -an effective total of +21- you may make five attacks, one each at +15, +10, +5, +0, and -5)

Monstrous Agility (Defensive/Offensive): Your move speed increases by 10'. You may, as part of your action, spend a Move action to prepare Sudden Evasion. If you do, you may use an Immediate action in response to a melee attack (successful or otherwise) to move up to your movement speed. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as though it were the movement made on your turn. When you use a charge action, you may charge to a square on the opposite side of an opponent from yourself. If you do so, you may treat that opponent as flat-footed against your charge attack(s).

Power Sense (Defensive/Offensive): The maximum range of your Power Sense ability extends to 200' + 30' per Claymore level, and you may sense up to four times your character level in hit dice of Outsider. You also gain the benefits of Improved Uncanny Dodge and Evasion against creatures you have detected or identified with your Power Sense.

Scion’s Power IV: At the eighteenth level, a Claymore can select an additional form of those that he chose on the fourth level, or to improve their ability to form previously selected. The forces listed for each form are only available when Claymore is Dangerously Awakened and can only be taken for a form that has already been selected three times.

Body Warper (Defensive): Your Improved Body Warper reach may extend your natural reach to as much as your normal natural reach plus 20'. Additionally, you may use this ability even when it is not your turn. Your DR from Body Warper is replaced by DR 3/-. If you have DR/- from another source, this DR stacks with it- but only with DR/- from one other source.

Brute Strength (Defensive): Whenever you strike a creature or object, you may ignore up to twenty points of Damage Resistance or Hardness. Additionally, you may use your Brute Strength to increase the DC of your next Awakening check by up to 10.

Death Strike (Offensive): When using your Death Strike ability, the maximum damage that you may add to your attack is increased to 10 x (your Constitution bonus). Additionally, you may apply this bonus to an attack you make as part of a charge as well as to an attack you make as part of a Full Attack action.

Extreme Dexterity (Offensive): You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity while awakened. Additionally, when taking a full attack action, you may choose to take a -2 penalty to all your attack rolls in order to make an extra attack at your highest attack bonus (which is also affected by this penalty). You must declare this ability before rolling for your attacks. You may use this ability with your Flurry of Blows ability.

Monstrous Agility (Offensive): Your Dodge feat grants a +2 bonus instead of a +1 bonus to your Armor Class. Your movement speed increases by another 10'. You may, as part of your action, spend a move action to prepare a Phantom Evasion. Treat this ability as Sudden Evasion, except that you do not apply your Armor Class to the attack received. Instead, you make a Dexterity check that is affected by your Dodge bonuses, and gains an additional +1 for every 10' of your movement speed. If your check result is higher than the opponent’s attack, the attack misses.

Power Sense (Defensive): When you use your Power Sense to detect Outsiders, you detect creatures that have suppressed their presence as though they had one hit die. However, you do not know how many hit dice they have, although you do become aware that they are suppressing themselves. You also increase the insight bonuses from Power Sense from +2 to +4 (These bonuses are to Armor Class, Attack rolls, and Initiative.).

Scion’s Power V: At the twentieth level, a Claymore can choose an additional form from those he chose on the fourth level, or improve his abilities with the previously chosen form. The forces listed for each form are only available when Claymore is Dangerously Awakened and can only be taken for a form that has already been selected four times.

Body Warper (Defensive): Your Body Warper reach may extend your natural reach to as much as your normal natural reach plus 25' and you may use this ability even when it is not your turn. Additionally, you may grapple an opponent at any distance than your current natural reach and may grapple additional target in your current natural reach if you achieve success by grapple your first target. Your DR from Body Warper is replaced by DR 5/-. If you have DR/- from another source, this DR stacks with it- but only with DR/- from one other source.

Brute Strength (Defensive): Whenever you use your Brute Strength to increase the DC of your next Awakening check you not only receive a bonus to the power, but also increases the threat range of your weapon by 1 for every 2 points the added difficulty (so increasing the Awakening DC by 4 yields a +2 bonus to threat range). Additionally, whenever you strike a creature or object, you may ignore up to twenty-five points of Damage Resistance or Hardness.

Death Strike (Offensive): You may apply your Death Strike bonus to each your attacks during your Full Attack.

Extreme Dexterity (Offensive): You gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity while awakened. Additionally, when taking a full attack action, you may choose to take a -2 penalty to all your attack rolls in order to make an extra attack at your highest attack bonus (which is also affected by this penalty). You must declare this ability before rolling for your attacks, but you may use it any number of times each round, so long as the penalty does not exceed your highest Base Attack Bonus. You may use this ability with your Flurry of Blows ability.

Monstrous Agility (Offensive): Your Phantom Evasion provokes no attacks of opportunity for leaving threatened squares. You also gain a +4 Dodge bonus to your Armor Class and your movement speed increases by another 10’.

Power Sense (Defensive): The maximum range of your Power Sense ability extends to 400' + 40' per Claymore level, and you may sense up to four times your character level in hit dice of Outsider. You automatically recognize any outsider being closer to you than at 60 ', even if he hides his presence by magical or other methods. You get information about the number of his hit points, speed and alignment and get against him all the bonuses from Power Sense. You also increase the insight bonuses from Power Sense from +4 to +6 (These bonuses are to Armor Class, Attack rolls, and Initiative.).


There are unconfirmed rumors that the changes taking place in the body of Claymore can be reversed and return the character to a state when he no longer appears as Claymore. However, given the constant unsuccessful search for a medicine for Awakening, it is almost impossible to believe in these rumors. There is always some unique combination of circumstances, such as divine intervention along with the unique properties of Claymore itself. However, a clear and proven way to stop being Claymore is not described.

Epic Claymore[edit]

Table: The Epic Claymore

Hit Die: d8

Level Special
22nd Bonus Feat
24th Bonus Feat
26th Bonus Feat
28th Bonus Feat
30th Bonus Feat

2 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Bonus Feats: The epic Claymore gains a bonus feat every 2 levels after 20th.

Epic Claymore Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Combat Archery, Damage Reduction, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Distant Shot, Energy Resistance, Epic Endurance, Epic Leadership, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization, Exceptional Deflection, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Manyshot, Improved Stunning Fist, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Infinite Deflection, Instant Reload, Legendary Commander, Legendary Rider, Legendary Wrestler, Overwhelming Critical, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Reflect Arrows, Spellcasting Harrier, Storm of Throws, Superior Initiative, Swarm of Arrows, Two-Weapon Rend, Uncanny Accuracy.

Epic Claymores can consider their Claymore level, as Fighter level for prerequisites for feats.

Human Claymore Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: Large Greatsword (3d6, crit 19–20/×2, 16 lb., martial, two-handed, slashing)

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability
Concentration 4 Con
Listen 4 Wis
Tumble 4 Dex
Balance 4 Dex
Climb 4 Str
Spot 4 Wis

Feat: Weapon Focus (Greatsword).

Gear: Backpack, Adventurer’s Kit, any type of light armor.

Gold: 80gp

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Claymore[edit]

Claymores is positioned as a warrior-weapon, aimed at the extermination of dangerous creatures from the Abyss, demons and other truly evil and directed against people supernatural enemies.

In many respects, warriors of this type are like witches and demon hunters, but the main difference a Claymore is her supernatural inherited from the flesh of the evil creature (most often Baatezu or Taanari, but the technology of creating Claymores is adapted to the evil beings of many worlds and in fact only needs sufficient power of the material used, so, for example, a Claymore can be created using the material of a vampire, a rakshasa or an evil dragon) from which Claymore draws strength and with which she always fights to prevent her awakening and not to turn into a powerful and evil creature called Awakened.

Claymores are not necessarily more powerful than demons or other evils, being only half-monster themselves. However, due to their highly advanced martial arts training, and the fact that only the most resilient and intelligent survive the final exam (there is, perhaps, an 80% fatality rate) Claymores succeed in defeating evils by using "brains over brawn." A proper parallel would be humans hunting dangerous wild beasts such as boar, wolves, or bears.

Standard Claymore abilities include heightened physical strength, speed, durability and regeneration, limited shapeshifting and the ability to detect Outsiders and other Claymores by sensing their supernatural energy. To further enhance these abilities, they access the powers of their evil half. In most cases, a Claymore will lose her human mind and become a super-predator called an Awakened Being if the amount of supernatural energy she releases exceeds a certain limit. This process is known as "Awakening". However, there are exceptions to this rule and certain Claymores are able to temporarily go over their limits and then revert back to their original forms. Unfortunately, all Claymores will eventually succumb to their Evil sides and Awaken due to the extreme toll that supernatural energy release has on the human mind and spirit. To, hopefully, prevent this from happening, a Claymore will send a black card marked with her personal symbol to another Claymore of her choice, usually a trusted friend, when her Awakening draws near so that she can die as a human before the process is completed and she becomes an Awakened Being.

Religion: Claymores of the orders of chivalry and religious organizations treat with respect deities, directed against evil and with hatred, belong to the followers of evil deities. However, many religions consider the Claymores as broods of darkness, which can lead to conflict and succession, as well as to the fact that evil religions try to subordinate the Claymores to their will and put them to the service of their deity. Free Claymores look with caution and distrust at religious associations.

Other Classes: Claymores of the orders of chivalry and religious organizations perfectly interact with the paladins and knights, but hardly digest most of the mages or classes of scammers.

Claymores of government organizations in front of work well under the guise of mages and paired with classes like rogues. They are neutral to knights and paladins, believing that they themselves can perform their functions.

Free Claymores and Claymores serving the forces of evil, rely on classes of scammers and magicians, and are friendly with the Druids and other secret societies. They try to stay away from the paladin or knight's associations.

Claymores in the World[edit]

Creation: All current Claymores are female. Originally, male warriors were also created. But they were found to be more prone to awakening due to their inability to resist the urge, as the Awakening process brings sensations akin to sexual pleasure.

A trained healer or biomancer uses young girls to create Claymores by inserting evil flesh and blood into their bodies through an incision made from the throat to the mons pubis.

This incision never heals. The incision is held together through a series of stitches throughout the life of the Claymore. The transformation is extremely painful, as long as the transplant does not adapt to the human body. Side effects include loss of pigment in the hair and eyes, resulting in all Claymores having silver eyes and pale brown, blond, or silver hair. A few also develop pointed, elf-like ears.

Appearance/Physical Traits: Claymores tend to be slender and elegant. They appear to be fully human, save for their silver eyes and unusually light-colored hair. Certain individuals may have elf-like ears. The most common hair colors are varying shades of blonde or very light brown; silvery-white is also occasionally seen.

Claymores can survive on minimal amounts of food, needing only to consume a very small portion once every couple of days, and can easily go a week without water or nourishment.

Upon reaching adulthood, Claymores stop aging, maintaining lifelong youth.

Stigma: A Claymore's upper body also bears a stigma, a hideous deformation that frightens most people who see it. This is said to be a result of taking evil flesh into their bodies. The stigma itself takes the form of a large vertical incision extending from the neck all the way down to the groin and, without the aid of sutures, would burst open, causing the warrior's organs to spill out. Deneve explains that once the Evil flesh and blood are placed inside, the Claymore gains the ability to heal rapidly and, in the case of defensive warriors, regenerate whole limbs and organs. However, this particular wound would never heal.

Eyes: Claymores' eyes are the only visible characteristic that undoubtedly sets them apart from regular humans. The irises are normally silver in color, but shift to gold when at least 10% of a Claymore's yoki is released.

Silver eyes maintain the normal round pupils of a human. Gold eyes show the slitted, cat-like pupils.

Symbols: The tradition originating from the original Organization is supported by knightly orders of Claymores, by many government Claymores and as a kind of irony even Claymores reversed by the forces of evil. A simple but unique symbol consisting of several features is engraved on the Claymore's sword and her armor and serves as a more recognizable designation than even the name.

Lifestyle: Despite protecting humans, Claymores are usually feared and shunned due to their incredible powers, their relation to Evil, and their typically aloof attitudes. Humans often refer to them "silver-eyed witches/slayers" or "monsters."

Due to their background, evil blood, training, social isolation and harsh lives, Claymores tend to be outwardly cold, unexpressive and emotionless. Claymores live unhappy, lonely lives due to their solitary lifestyle and the knowledge that the only thing they have to look forward to is either death or Awakening. Some become hot-tempered and aggressive; some suffer from psychological problems and mental instability, most often due to emotional trauma; and others become homicidal killers who enjoy taking any form of life, more savage than the evil they hunt. Generally, companionship with humans is avoided.

Claymores require far less food and water to survive than normal humans do. They need only consume a small portion once every few days and if required, can go for over a week without any. Claymores usually rest by sticking their swords into the ground and leaning against them rather than lying down as it seems to be the only "comfortable" way they can rest.

When a Claymore dies, her sword is used as her gravemarker.

Claymore Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (planes) can research Claymores to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (planes)
DC Result
5 This is a specific type of warrior aimed at eliminating evil. Claymores is most often a woman. They rely on their sword, and as you heard from someone, the supernatural physical qualities that he draws from a connection with some evil.
10 Each Claymore is created with the help of the flesh of an evil creature, which enhances its physical characteristics, but can lead to horrific consequences.
15 The more power from implanted evil flesh, a Claymore gets, the more powerful she is in battle, but the closer to losing control and turning into a nightmarish evil creature.
20 The stronger she is injured and the more dangerous the situation in combat, the more likely she is to turn into a monster called the Awakened. Claymores are divided into two types: attacking and defensive, some are effective in causing huge damage, others can withstand a large number of foreign attacks.

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Facts about "Claymore (3.5e Class)"
Article BalanceHigh +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Rated ByGhostwheel +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
SkillBalance +, Climb +, Concentration +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Listen +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Spot +, Swim + and Tumble +
Skill Points2 +
SummaryNamed after the Great swords they wield, they are half-human, half-monster hybrid warriors. +
TitleClaymore +
Will Save ProgressionPoor +