Draconiel (3.5e Race)

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Author: Primordial Elder Dragon (talk)
Date Created: 03/17/18
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
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Draconiel Sample = Auralymiratha(80% colored) Sized.jpeg
This is a more than basic gist of what they look like. I drew this myself and it took about two days. I will upload a fully painted one later.

The Draconiel[edit]

A race of hybrids born from the bloodlines of ancient Angels and Dragons. Magical and Powerful, hearty defenders of truth.

In the ancient days, there was a ware that ravaged the realms of the mortal and divine. A conflict that would of swallowed the world whole if it was not for the one driving force that can bind people together. Love. Love for a fellow being and the utter hatred of conflict as a whole.

In the ancient days. Bahamut and his Sister and Eternal Rival, Tiamut were at odds as they still are even now. This is much tot he dismay of their parent deity and mother Io, but in these days the conflict was hellish beyond measure. The dragon on dragon violence was not only taking heavy losses on both sides, but the civilians on the material plane were caught in the middle. While they did not fault the Plantinum Dragon for rebuffing the Five-Headed Goddess, the after effects of the fighting left lasting consequences on the land and their own lives. So because of this the mortals over pray to their God's and Goddesses, praying for the fighting to end and the peace to last as long as it could.

The Gods listened, and soon on the battlefield appeared the legions of the heavenly hosts to quell the fighting. The Astral Devas and Solars brandished their might against the Primordial Dragons of the Ancient Age. Fang, Fire and Wrath was wrought against heavenly steel and divine will. But the Angels of heaven did not just bare their might against the forces of Tiamat's veil kind. They also tried to placate and subdue those of Bahamut's brood as well. It was not long before the conflict of Dragon on Dragon kind was slowly shifted to that of the Dragons Vs the Ranks of the Heaven. The Celestial Dragonsong War began and soon both Tiamat and Bahamut lowered their arms towards each other and then bared their fangs towards the other gods. While they understood the reasons as to why the other Gods would choose such a stance, neither one agreed with how it was employed.

Angel and Dragon met on the field of battle, flooding the Seven Mountains and Celestia with the ichor of the Divine and Dragon alike. But amongst the fighting there was also two on both sides that did not take kindly to the fighting. A General of Bahamut's army and a Lieutenant of one fo the highest ranking choirs of the Solars. The were in love in secret, knowing that the union between them by then was more than forbidden. They loved in secret but it was found out the Solar was with child, through the means of one of Tiamat's spies. Beset on all sides, the two feared their union was to end in blood so they instead pleaded to Io to give up her stance of not getting involved in the conflict and help cease the fighting between the divine and her children

Io, sorrowful for their plight and the suffering of her children stepped down from her mantle and used her power to cease the fighting. A treaty was signed and the fighting came to a tentative end. But from the chaos of the Celestial Dragonsong War spawned something beautiful and new. Over time and with the union of the first produced a new race of people that Io named the Draconiel. A union of Dragon's Blood and Angel's Ichor to bring forth a people with the hearty and proud history of the Dragonkind and the Holy virtues of the Divine. From the first, many others began to find the angels they once called foes in a more loving light and soon Angel and Dragon were joined as brothers and sisters in arms and in love. A bloodline of the divine and the firstborn of the material plane that continues to this day.


Powerful in their mere presence and Imposing as well as uplifting, the Draconiel that inhabit the material plane and planes beyond share many traits and ideals but they are also diverse in as many ways as well. But all of them have an appreciation for the arcane and psionic disciplines of the universe. They also as well have a love for rare metals, something they share with true dragons, and a taste for the more precious things in life, such as rare bonds between others, the thrill of fighting, and bonds between lovers. But also along with their Draconic bloodline, the angel in their blood drives them to be forces of good and just in the world around them and strive to better life itself for all, including themselves. The Draconiel believe in furthering the potential of their powerful bloodline, believing in the fact that honing the natural power and fortitude of the body one thing that makes them exceptional and as well as all beings exceptional in turn tot he point they will want to boilter this love for self improvement in others. Beyond this, however, most Draconiel are as varied as most humans are in their personal belief systems.

Physical Description[edit]

The Draconiel resemble a perfect blend of a divine human and a dragon's features as well as an Angel. Their physical base form has your standard fare of being humanoid with some patches of skin but mostly covered in scales of varying hardness with some scales being as soft as skin and other being as tough as tank armor that's well maintained. The have a long tail that is covered in scales with a soft underside the connects to the belly from the stomach and pelvic region. Sharp claws that are as hard as metal and fangs that can pierce through objects and flesh well. Their wings are dual system of both Draconic Heritage and Angelic. The outer layers of their wings is covered in armored scales which increase their overall weight but to compensate unlike most Dragon-kin or Half Dragons, they are bigger than normal and have a wider wingspan. On the inner membrane the are layered with soft but colored feathers that help with flight and maneuverability. Also on their bodies you will see there are parts of their scales that are near the joint and main sections of their limbs that seem raised and bumpy inside this raised bumps comes forth a plume of feathers that are softer than normal and are usually seen and nothing but a decorative part of their physiology but the are anything but. At the base of these raised bumps are actually vents that connect to there bone structure and is a way for mana to constantly filter out of their bodies. They is needs for the reason that they have so much energy in their forms that the have to expel the excess energy or it will cause them to become sickened and fatigued. Over the years of their evolution, the Draconiel have learned to harness this natural expelling process as a way to help out with their movements and fly since their bodies are so heavy. especially for having armored wings due to their scales. They also have ornate and beautiful horns that usually follow spiral patterns that are gold in color, but in material they are harder than more than any bone known to man. Draconiel horn is heavily coveted, even to the point some will hunt them for the horns since it can be used in the making of powerful wands. Lucky for the Draconiel broken horns usually grow back in a few years time.

The Draconiel has two Halos unlike that of normal Angelic beings. The first that floats horizontally is the normal halo that we know and understand well enough for anyone who knows the likeness of angels. But the Draconiel have a second halo. It floats Vertically on its axis and is always right behind their head, constantly giving off light like a torch. While in this form it is a tiered ring system with ornate edges and anywhere from 1 to 3 floating gemstones/crystals. Unlike the normal halo which is a manifesting of energy, this Aural Halo is actually made of extraplanar material, granted to them through spiritual rituals performed when they become of age and commune with their ancestors. This halo is made of Holy Platinum and Vitalized Livemetal alloys, employing the traits of them both in a way. The gemstones are made of Prismlight.

The scale colorations of a Draconiel are so varied and different that sometimes it is even hard for them to know which type of draconic bloodline they belong to. This is because of the natural angelic light that comes off of their forms started to warp the magic and appearance of their scales. It is because of this the Draconiel are very Peacock-like in their appearing and even their mannerisms to each other. Their mating rituals reflect this as it based solely on appears of their scales and feathers and how well they can display them, much like a bird. So like peacocks, they flourish and dance to display their colors to attract those they so which so court and fall in love with. It is a very beautiful display. Female Draconiel are taller than most average women and have supple and very curvaceous and voluptuous body types, which to most other races is very appealing and sought after. There coloration are usually a bit more colorful than the males making them bright and gorgeous to behold. Male Draconiel are much taller, averaging six and half feet when nearing adulthood and while colored like the females, their colors are usually more pastel and soft colored. This means they have to work harder to display their colors using magic during mating dances.


To other races, The Draconiel believe they are superior in nature which is hard for them to fight that feeling just on how they are naturally. So, because of this, to others they usually can either come off as magnanimous or condescending to a fault with reactions varying between individual people. Draconiel are very varied in where they travel because like humans they are different in what they want and desire. Their natural allure to different place is also a result of how their Dragon Blood driving them on. The large majority are nomadic travelers and jacks of all trades, despite those who live in the cities and settle down to more wholesome ways of life in general. True Dragons tend to have mixed opinions regarding Draconiel, with some seeing them as true dragonkin and others only seeing the taint of the divine as they remember the ravages of the Dragonsong Wars of old against the ranks of heaven. Some may find them as lesser siblings, while others may conclude that they are mere mockeries of their race because of the Divine in them. The Angels from on high are very much of the same mind concerning their half brethren, but they lean into being kinder to them based on their holy deposition.


The Draconiel a hearty people and usually prone to leaning into the good side of things. While some Draconiel do have chromatic ancestors in their bloodline, the angel in their blood tends to temper the more cruel and brutish tendencies they would normally have. Because of this the normal alignements they find themselves in is = Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral and Lawful Good.


Draconiels are as varied as human and will roam where they will. Some love to travel and some will settle down. It depends on them.


Religion is a touchy subject when it comes to Draconiel. Some of them will happily revere a Deity that aligned with their ideals while the others will reject them entirely in set of better themselves to be something of their own deity to themselves. The most common deity that they gravitate to Bahamut, Tiamat, Io, The Raven Queen, Wee Jass and Obad-Hai.


Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal and Common are the most common languages that they like to use. They do however naturally know the secret of Tongues. They in truth can speak to any living culture with a language to speak of.


Draconiel are very varied in their name and usually go for something that is a blending of the naming conventions of Draconic Heritage and Angelic in kind.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +4 Strength, -4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma: The Draconiel are strong and imposing even for their size, but they are just as well as intelligent and charismatic. They are everything which seems appealing to the races of the lower planes. However, due to the fact that they are a hearty people with dense bones and armorlike scales that cover even their wings, they are slower to move than most.
  • Dragon (Angel): They are the kin of dragons, yet have the blood of holy celestials running within them. They count as both dragons and celestial for any racial feats and traits requiring the creature type of either one.
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a The Draconiel has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • The Draconiel have both Darkvision and Low-Light Vision thanks to their Angel/Draconic Bloodline of to 60ft in both.
  • Draconiel base land speed is 30 feet. The also have a fly speed of 30ft with Good Maneuverability.
  • The Draconiel have some traits that they have from their blood that still remain from their ancestors but loose some of them or the are reduced due to mixing. =
  • The Immunity to magical sleep effects and paralysis effects stay from their Dragon Blood.
  • The Immunity to acid, cold, and petrification is lost from their Angel Bloodline.
  • The Resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10 is reduced to 2 each from their Angelic Blood.
  • The +4 racial bonus on saves against poison stays.
  • The Protective Aura of their Angelic Blood is gone.
  • Perfect Genetic Superiority (Ex): Because of their natural superiority, The Draconiel has a DNA sequence that is powerful enough to override other genetics. Whenever a Draconiel mates with someone of of a different species or race, regardless of if the Draconiel is male or female the DNA of the child will be 90% of the Draconielian Parent. Their DNA essentially bullies the traits and DNA of the other parent into submission and causes the traits of the other parent to turn recessive and or even be completely overridden by the magic in the Draconielian DNA. This does not mean that the traits of the second parent will be completely gone. Some traits may show, such as Eyes and hair but 90% of all the physical features will be that of the Draconielian Parent. Because of their strong genetics it makes them highly resistant to outside influences as well, making it so they have a +4 circumstance bonus to resisting the effects of diseases and being forcefully polymorphed or changed physically against their will.
  • Attack: A Draconiel has two claw attacks and a bite attack along with it's horns as a headbutt or tail, and the claws are the primary natural weapon. A Draconiel fighting without weapons uses a claw when making an attack action. When it has a weapon, it usually uses the weapon instead.
  • Full Attack: A Draconiel fighting without weapons uses both claws and its bite and horns or tail when making a full attack. If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack and its bite as a natural secondary attack. If it has a hand free, it uses a claw or horns as an additional natural secondary attack. The damage is below and scales up like it would for a half dragon if something changes their size bet it temporary or permanent.
Size Bite Damage Claw Damage Horns Damage Tail Damage
Medium 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6
Large 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d8
Huge 2d6 1d10 1d12 1d10
  • Because of the way their bodies are structured and built, mainly because of the Mana Vents that riddle the joint areas of their body, A Draconiel cannot wear normal armor. A set of armor made for a Draconiel costs 3 times as normal to be made because of their form and wearing normal armor causes them to take minus to movement, attack rolls and saving throws. Because of this they learned over time to use magic and natural ambient energy around them to reinforce their bodies in a pinch. Because of this, all adult Draconiel start off knowing and have the Scaling Masterwork Body feat. However, the enhancement cost is doubled.
  • A Draconiel has a breath weapon based on the dragon variety of there family ancestor, usable once every 1d4 Rounds. A Draconiel’s breath weapon deals 6d8 points of damage, the same as your basic half dragon with either a 30ft Cone or 60ft Line. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Draconiel’s racial HD + Draconiel’s Con modifier) reduces damage by half. Also, Draconiel have the Shape Breath feat that allow them to do the following = If you have a line-shaped breath weapon, you can opt to shape it into a cone. Likewise, if you have a cone shaped breath weapon, you can shape it into a line. When you use this feat, add +1 to the number of rounds you must wait before using your breath weapon again. The Dragon bloodline that you pick from comes from the normal list of dragon blood types the Chromatic or Metallic lineage. However some other Dragon blood types are allowed. Listed below =
  • Warp Dragon = A warp dragon has two types of breath weapon, a line of light and a cone of distorted space. The light from the line of light is considered a 1st level spell plus +1 per age category for the purpose of dispelling darkness effects, deals the normal damage (or 1d10 of damage against light-sensitive creatures), and blinds creatures for 1 minute/age category. A successful Fortitude save negates the blindness and halves the damage. The cone of distorted space forces the subject to make a Will save or be shunted from the material plane into a demiplane for 1 round/HD of the dragon. Creatures shunted are unable to move or act in this demiplane, but are returned unharmed when the duration expires. If the creature is capable of plane shifting without somatic components, they may do so to escape the demiplane.
  • Tempest Dragon = The tempest dragon's primary breath weapon is a line or sweep of electricity. Its secondary breath consists of a cone of storm clouds that functions like a solid fog that also deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per age category every round to any creatures starting its turn within the area.
  • Phantom Dragon = Phantom dragons have one type of breath weapon, a line of force energy. (I imagine it might as well be a Fus Roh Dah)
  • Orichalcum Dragon = 2 Breaths. The primary is a line of disintegration . A Fortitude save lowers the damage of this breath to 1d8 for every 3d8 damage it would otherwise deal. A cone of metal shrapnel that deals adamantine slashing, with a Reflex save for half damage.
  • Qilung Dragon = A Qilung Dragon has 3 breath weapons- A Qilung dragon's main breath weapon is either a line or a cone of lunar light. This breath weapon deals damage according to the time of day and the phases of the moon. During daytime when the sun is up, a Qilung dragon's lunar breath damage dice are d4s. This increases at night time, to d8s (new moon), d10s (crescent moon), d12s (half moon) or d20s (full moon). The damage from the lunar breath is typeless, and halved on a successful Reflex save. A Qilung's second breath weapon only functions under water. Its breath creates a massive shockwave that travels through liquid at hypersonic speeds. It is a cone-shape breath weapon that deals 5d6/age category points of magic (wyrmling - adult) or epic (mature adult - great wyrm) adamantine bludgeoning damage. Creatures caught within the effect must make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds.. The dragon calls forth up to 2 10-foot cubes worth of water per age category from its stomach. Those caught within the water cone take points of bludgeoning damage. Creatures with firm footing on land when the breath is used, or with a form of movement that allows them to steady themselves in the medium present, are effectively pushed back as if bull-rushed with a check modifier equal to the dragon's Wisdom bonus plus its age category, while creatures that cannot steady themselves are treated to have rolled a natural 1 on the opposed check. Creatures pushed back by a Qilung's water breath travel 5 feet for every 5 points by which their opposed check was beaten, and take 1d6 points of extra bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet moved.
  • Draconiel have +4 natural armor due to the armor-like scales of their draconic heritage.
  • Armor and Weapon Proficiency: Draconiel are proficient in all simple and martial weapons, but not armor or shields. Those must be specially made for them and cost a great deal of gold.
  • Immortal (Ex): Draconiel are biologically immortal once they reach adult age for their people. As a side effect they never gain bonuses (or penalties) from aging.
  • Racial Hit Dice: A Draconiel begins with four levels of Dragon, which provide 4d12 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw bonuses of Fortitude +4, Reflex +4, and Will +4.
  • Racial Skills: A Draconiel’s Dragon levels give it skill points equal to 5 x (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are eight skills of the character's choice.
  • A Draconiel may have any and all damage they deal have the Holy descriptor. They can activate this or suppress it at will.
  • Racial Feats: A Draconiel’s Dragon hit dice give it two feats.
  • 5HD Magical Reactive Blood (Ex): Draconiel have highly magical blood that runs through their veins. Because of this, whenever they are subject to spell damage they can respond in kind to the forces exerted upon them by their enemies. When a Draconiel takes spell damage of any kind, they will take the full damage. But upon making a fortitude save of 10 + 1/2 HD + the draconiel's CON mod, they can store the residual energy from the spell into their scales. For 1 round each/ per character level, the Draconiel can then let out a roar that sends the energy from their scales bursting forth to strike an enemy in line of sight. Do do this you must make a ranged touch attack and the strike does 1d4/Level of the spell. This only works on spells up to Level 3 At 5HD, Rises to level 4 spells 8HD, Level 5 Spells at 12HD, and Level 6 Spells at 15HD. This is only usable as many times per day as their half their character level + CON mod.
  • 10HD Mana-jet Ignition (Ex): On a Draconiel's form you will see there are parts of their scales that are near the joint and main sections of their limbs that seem raised and bumpy inside this raised bumps comes forth a plume of feathers that are softer than normal and are usually seen and nothing but a decorative part of their physiology but the are anything but. At the base of these raised bumps are actually vents that connect to there bone structure and is a way for mana to constantly filter out of their bodies. They is needs for the reason that they have so much energy in their forms that the have to expel the excess energy or it will cause them to become sickened and fatigued. Over the years of their evolution, the Draconiel have learned to harness this natural expelling process as a way to help out with their movements and fly since their bodies are so heavy. especially for having armored wings due to their scales. For a 1 + Con Mod rounds per day, a Draconiel can have a mass of of spiritual and magical energy burst out from these vents on their bodies to give themselves a boost in speed as well as other abilities. A Draconiel who uses it to run or fly faster can have their run and fly speed doubled for that round. Once per Encounter if they choose, they can use a boost while initiating a melee attack that will add 1d6 damage to the attack for every 20 ft they travel before hitting their target and it counts as a charge.
  • 15HD Dragonic Ascension (Ex): As a Draconiel ages and grows up, the begin to understand the power that lies within the blood of their ancestors, the Elder Great Wyrms and the Angelic Solars of olden days gone by. As they learn and grow they realize that the power of the ancestors is lying within them to be unleashed upon their foes in the protection of themselves and others. At 15HD , a Draconiel first comes into the power of their Dragonic Ascension by the blood of the Great Wyrms that run through their veins. For 1 round per 2/levels, a Draconiel can unlock the power in their blood to assume a form of a true dragon of their heritage. Your gear melds with your body along with your Halo, making them unusable. The size and power of this true dragon form and the abilities it gains is equal to that of your Ancestor, making you a Great Wyrm. They will look like their Ancestor, however with some changes. They will look like their humanoid form mixed with it. complete with the same Mana Vents that riddle the joint areas of the body and the feathered/armored wings. Even while in dragon form they can use any of their Mana Vent abilities. This ability is only usable once a week once you reach 15HD of any class.
  • Aural Halo (Ex): As described above, The Draconiel has two Halos unlike that of normal Angelic beings. The first that floats horizontally is the normal halo that we know and understand well enough for anyone who knows the likeness of angels. But the Draconiel have a second halo. It floats Vertically on its axis and is always right behind their head, constantly giving off light like a torch. While in this form it is a tiered ring system with ornate edges and anywhere from 1 to 6 floating gemstones/crystals( Roll a d6 to find out how many on creation). Unlike the normal halo which is a manifesting of energy, this Aural Halo is actually made of extraplanar material, granted to them through spiritual rituals performed when they become of age and commune with their ancestors. This halo is made of Holy Platinum and Vitalized Livemetal alloys, employing the traits of them both in a way. The gemstones are made of Prismlight.

3HDAs a free action, the Draconiel can call upon their Aural Halo to serve them as a guardian weapon. Once invoked, it functions as a Masterwork Floating Hovering Graceful Ringblade that enlarges to the size fitting/appropriate for the Draconiel in question. They have total proficiency for the weapon and count as having the exotic proficiency for it at all times. As such they can make attacks as normal

10HD If a Draconiel's Aural Halo is ever sundered, the Livemetal's properties of it's alloy can be used to heal the Halo, but they suffer a minus 3 to all attack rolls, saving throws and mental skill checks until the Halo heals itself per the rules of Livemetal. IF the Draconiel meditates for 4 hours outside of combat and are left undisturbed, the Halos will heal completely.

15HDAlso once every day, if the Draconiel's has been outside and absorbing sunlight, they can use the Prismlight properties of the Crystals floating in the Halo to cause the rings to float in front of them and unleash all of the solar and magical energy it has absorbed to fire it as a wide angle laser of destructive power. This laser attack is a ranged attack has a range of 60 ft + 10 ft per Level and deals 1d8 per HD the Draconiel possesses of pure energy damage. Creatures or Enemies weak to light or Good/Positive Energy take double damage. Their Halo can be further enchanted and enhanced, but the cost is triple the value of normal.

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Draconiel Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
150 years +1d20 +2d20 +d100
Table: Draconiel Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
N/A years N/A years N/A years +Unlimited years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

Table: Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6' 6" +4d6 195 lb. × (2d4) lb.
Female 6' 0" +4d6 170 lb. × (2d4) lb.

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Facts about "Draconiel (3.5e Race)"
AuthorPrimordial Elder Dragon +
Effective Character Level6 +
Favored ClassAny +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment6 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+4 Strength +, -4 Dexterity +, +4 Constitution +, +2 Intelligence +, +2 Wisdom + and +4 Charisma +
Rated ByMetalas +, LadyTia7637 +, Eiji-kun +, Surgo +, Geodude671 +, Ghostwheel +, AuraTwilight +, MadmanFromSpace + and Leziad +
RatingRated 1.2 / 4 +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeAngel +
SummaryA race of hybrids born from the bloodlines of ancient Angels and Dragons. Magical and Powerful, hearty defenders of truth. +
TitleDraconiel +
TypeDragon +