Dream Lord (3.5e Prestige Class)/Lord Spell List
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[hide]Lord Spells[edit]
1st-Level Lord Spells[edit]
- Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level.
- Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.
- Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
- Sanctuary: Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack.
- Remove Fear: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels.
- Ray of Enfeeblement: Ray deals 1d6 +1 per two levels Str damage.
- Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
- Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
- Lullaby: Makes subject drowsy; –5 on Spot and Listen checks, –2 on Will saves against sleep.
- Hypnotism: Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
- Charm Person: Makes one person your friend.
- Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
- Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
2nd-Level Lord Spells[edit]
- Whispering Wind: Sends a short message 1 mile/level.
- Touch of Idiocy: Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis, and Cha damage.
- Status: Monitors condition, position of allies.
- Silence: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.
- Red Line (3.5e Spell): You form a line that no one should cross.
- Misdirection: Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
- Minor Image: As silent image, plus some sound.
- Hypnotic Pattern: Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures.
- Hideous Laughter: Subject loses actions for 1 round/level.
- Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened.
- Ekbom's Imaginary Insects (3.5e Spell): Target hallucinates insects all over their body and attacks themselves.
- Ekbom's Egotistical Episode: Target becomes obsessed with themselves and prioritizes maintaining their own well-being above all else.
- Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
- Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.
- Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
- Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages.
- Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
- Cain's Curse of Covetousness: Designate an object, which attracts creatures and causes them to fight over it.
3rd-Level Lord Spells[edit]
- Tongues: Speak any language.
- Telepathic Bond, Lesser: As telepathic bond, but you and one other creature.
- Suggestion: Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
- Sibling Rivalry (3.5e Spell): Target grows jealous of allies and attacks them.
- Sending: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
- Ray of Exhaustion: Ray makes subject exhausted.
- Rage: Subjects gain +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
- Nonlethal Field (3.5e Spell): Create field that blocks most lethal damage.
- Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.
- Heroism: Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
- Good Hope: Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
- Fear: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
- Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.
- Deep Slumber: Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
- Crushing Despair: Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
- Curse of the Annoying Speech Impediment (3.5e Spell): You doom someone to speak in an annoying way.
4th-Level Lord Spells[edit]
- True Seeing: Lets you see all things as they really are.
- Summon Stalkers (3.5e Spell): Summon a pack of creepy perverts to follow somebody around and make their life utter hell.
- Schizophrenia (3.5e Spell): Target suffers conditions similar to schizophrenia.
- Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.
- Rainbow Pattern: Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
- Plant of Madness (3.5e Spell): You enchant a plant with the ability to bestow confusion on all who sleep near it.
- Modify Memory: Changes 5 minutes of subject’s memories.
- Mask of Forbidden Horror (3.5e Spell): Creatures best not look at you, lest they gaze into an endless paradox which taxes the brain and sickens the body.
- Mark of Justice: Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
- Illusory Wall: Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.
- Hallucinatory Terrain: Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like).
- Discern Lies: Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
- Confusion: Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
- Charm Monster: Makes monster believe it is your ally.
- Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
5th-Level Lord Spells[edit]
- Waves of Fatigue: Several targets become fatigued.
- Symbol of Sleep: Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
- Song of Discord: Forces targets to attack each other.
- Seeming: Changes appearance of one person per two levels.
- Phantasmal Assassin (3.5e Spell): Implant a Sentient Illusion in the target's mind to assault their sanity directly, or just gather some information.
- Persistent Image: As major image, but no concentration required.
- Nightmare: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
- Mirage Arcana: As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.
- False Vision: Fools scrying with an illusion.
- Dream: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
- Contact Other Plane: Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.
- Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
- Atonement: Removes burden of misdeeds from subject.