Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Optimized Builds

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These are the official rules for optimized characters. If you do not follow these rules, your build will not be deleted, no exceptions.

Variant Rules[edit]

You may use Unearth Arcana and Wizard of the Coast variant rules, as long as they do not contradict each other. Specifically, flaws are used in most optimized character builds, or at minimum, get a shout out too.

The only exception to this is if you are building a character based off of a homebrew campaign setting that has variant rules in the default setting. In that case, you must use every variant rule in the default setting.

Set A Goal[edit]

Your build should have a specific goal in mind. Whether this is damage, showing off an exploit, or showing a way of taking over the world, it doesn't matter as long as it is in some sense optimizable.

For certain goals, you should avoid homebrew at all cost. For example, exploits should use Wizards of the Coast material only. Maximum bonuses in a skill also has this restriction.

Good goals that have yet to be attained by many is to take a good homebrew class, and try to show what happens when you optimize. Again with these, the less homebrew you have, the better. You should probably explain why you choose the homebrew options. For example, you might choose a [Wordcasting] feat if you made an optimized Wordcaster. Things like that are fine, as long as the feat is itself not unbalance compared to other feats.