Heart of the Nabassu (4e Feat)

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Author: Sam Kay (talk)
Date Created: 22nd December 2008
Status: Complete
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Heart of the Nabassu [Abyssal Heritor]

Tier: ParagonPrerequisites: Demonic AncestryBenefit: You gain resistance to necrotic damage equal to the number of abyssal heritor feats that you possess.Special: You take a -2 penalty to nature skill checks, as your ties to the abyss and the shadowfell are offputing to animals.

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AuthorSam Kay +
Identifier4e Feat +
PrerequisiteDemonic Ancestry +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryGain resistance to necrotic damage equal to the number of abyssal heritor feats that you possess. +
TierParagon +
TitleHeart of the Nabassu +
TypeAbyssal Heritor +