Lesser Medusa[edit]
Lesser medusa are weaker versions of the more common medusa, the reason why is unknown. Some believe lesser medusa are a crossbreed between a human and a medusa while others believe it is a birth defect. Lesser medusa are very similar to common medusa, but they tend to be slightly taller and weaker. Lesser medusa are often used as slaves and servants by regular medusa, or sometimes as diplomats of medusa communities (since they lack petrification abilities).
For some reason, lesser medusa make pretty good adventurers. Since most adventuring parties don't care about races and origin (but care about being turned to stone because they looked in the bad direction) most of these ambitious creatures gain the chances to flourish. Sometimes, a lesser medusa adventurer can end up even more awesome than common medusa.
Racial Traits[edit]
Vital Statistics[edit]
Table: Lesser Medusa Random Starting Ages
Adulthood |
Simple |
Moderate |
15 years |
+1d4 |
+1d6 |
Table: Lesser Medusa Aging Effects
Middle Age1 |
Old2 |
Venerable3 |
Maximum Age
55 years |
73 years |
90 years |
+4d20 years
Table: Lesser Medusa Random Height and Weight
Gender |
Base Height |
Height Modifier |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier
Male |
4’ 10” |
+2d10 |
120 lb. |
× (2d4) lb.
Female |
4’ 5” |
+2d10 |
85 lb. |
× (2d4) lb.
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