Lone Soldier's Shield (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 4th November 2014
Status: Finished
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Lone Soldier's Shield[edit]

Lone Soldier's Shield
Price: 3000
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Universal (DC 30)
Activation: See text
Weight: 12 lbs

This large round +1 greatshield is said to have been made of an alloy of vibrolithe and proteum making it utterly and absolutely indestructible, the color of the nation that adorned this shield have long since faded. It is said to have belonged to a lone soldier of the name of Steven Kirby, who used it until his retirement a very very long time ago.

The lone soldier shield is utterly indestructible and is immune to all magic, it can easily thrown as a throwing heavy shield and grant it wilder DR 5/-. It power long since faded and it supposed vibrolithe structure has long since stopped vibrating, leaving it barely anymore protective than a regular steel shield. Those who fight it with bravery are capable of unlocking it latent power.

There are five rituals that are performed, they must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level pre-requisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the blade raw materials) and xp, with an additional pre-requisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the sword displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.

Lone Soldier's Shield is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be destroyed. Because of it structure it is completely immune to damage, cannot be broken or affected by any spells. While it can be enhanced as a normal weapon, doing so it extremely costly increasing the cost of further enhancement by 50%.

Omen: The lone soldier's shield vibrate slightly.

1st Ritual (Defender of Freedom)[edit]

Rebound Attack: Once per round when you throw the lone soldier's shield and hit a creature you may immediately make an attack using the same attack and damage roll (if applicable) against another creature within range, the shield range is calculated from the struck creature instead of you for a rebound attack.

Sight of Past Glory: The DR granted by the shield (Dr 5/-) increase by an amount equal to your base attack bonus.

Superior Thrown Finesse: The lone soldier's shield gain the returning weapon ability, this is an extraordinary ability.

Throwing Mastery: You gain the benefits of both brutal thrower and agile thrower when using the lone soldier shield (the benefits overlap, they do not stack). If you already possessed one of the feat (or both) you gain an additional +50' bonus to the shield's range.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +3, the wielder must defeat a creature by throwing the lone soldier's shield.

Cost: 3000 gp, 100 xp

2nd Ritual (Bane of the Skull)[edit]

Deflect Projectiles: While using the shield as cover, the bearer of the shield gain the ability to deflect ranged attack as if he had the deflect arrows and improved deflect arrow feats.

Fight the Dark Axis: The bearer of the shield gain the favored organizations ability as a urban ranger of her level.

Past Glory Recovering: The lone soldier's shield grant spell dampening of 3. This improve by 1 for each 5 points of base attack bonus it wielder has.

Shield Ally: Once per round as an free action usable outside of your turn action the bearer of the lone soldier's shield may redirect any attack aimed at an adjacent ally to himself. Use the same attack roll (if any) against the bearer's AC, if the attack or effect would deal any damage it only deal half damage against the bearer.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +6, the wielder must slay a two creatures of equal CR or higher.

Cost: 10,000 gp, 400 xp

3rd Ritual (Protector of the Innocents)[edit]

Cover Up: You can now take cover behind the shield as a swift or immediate action, if you do so during your turn it immediately end.

Improved Rebound Attack: You are no longer limited to one rebound attack per round, instead you can make one rebound attack per round per 3 points of base attack bonus you have, although it may not strike the same creature more than once each attack action. After each consecutive rebound attack in the same attack action the shield's range is halved.

Past Glory Returning: The damage reduction granted by the lone soldier's shield now become damage resistance (see invulnerable).

Vibration Overload: As an immediate action when struck in melee and missed you may decide to take the hit on the shield, if you do you take half damage from the attack. While that seem purely a negative the creature who struck you take twice the attack damage in pure typeless damage as the shield send extremely destructive vibration through it, if it was wielding a weapon the weapon take as much damage (ignoring hardness).

Pre-Requisites: BAB +9, the wielder must have defeated a group of creature alone whose encounter level exceeding his ECL'.

Cost: 21,000 gp, 840 xp

4th Ritual (Die for your Ideals)[edit]

Champion the Cause: While wielding the lone soldier's shield, you and all allies with a line of sight are consatntly under the effects of good hope.

Energy Shield: The lone soldier's shield gain the variant brilliant energy weapon enhancement, this is an extraordinary ability.

Improved Deflect Projectiles: The bearer of the shield may now even deflect rays or siege attacks with his shield's deflect projectile ability.

Past Glory Revealed: The lone soldier's shield grant you the ability to deflect arrow as the feat, you may deflect

Supreme Throwing Finesse: The lone soldier's shield gain the instant recall weapon ability, this is an extraordinary ability.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +12, the wielder must put his life in extreme danger for the sake of his or her own ideal.

Cost: 36,000 gp, 1440 xp

5th Ritual (Slayer of the Hydra)[edit]

Infinite Rebound Attack: The lone soldier's shield is now no longer limited to any number with it rebound attack (other restriction still apply).

Past Glory Restored: Once per round as an immediate action you may completely negate a single attack or effect directed at you, if you do you become dazed for 1 round afterward.

Pride in your Ideals: You gain an additional immediate action per round (that do not use your swift action next round), it can only be used

You Move: The lone's shield gain the benefits of the unmovable enhancement (even if it would not be able to since it a shield not an armor), this is an extraordinary ability.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +15, the wielder must have actively participated in action that saved an entire planet.

Cost: 55,000 gp, 2200 xp

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4525 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost3000 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA weapon of legacy, the shield of a mighty soldier of old. It is said to be completely indestructible. +
TitleLone Soldier's Shield +