Mad King's Concussive Orb (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 7/22/2018
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Mad King's Concussive Orb
Conjuration (Creation) / Evocation [Force, Sonic]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: Standard Action
Range: See Text
Effect: An orb of force.
Duration: See Text
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: No

Upon casting this spell, you hurl a 5ft unstable orb of force onto the battlefield; Determine its final destination as if it is a splash weapon with a range increment of 20ft. The orb will explode on an initiative place equal to yours -5; Thus, if your initiative is 13 and you cast this spell, the spell's explosion will take effect on Initiative count 18. The explosion has a 30ft radius, deals 1d8 Force damage per 3 caster levels, and forces all non- Shield targets within the radius to make a Fortitude save. If the save fails, they are Stunned for 1 round per 5 caster levels. If the save is successful, the damage they suffer from the spell is reduced by half. A creature protected by a Shield is immune to the stun unless the damage was enough to overcome the Shield protecting them.

This spell can be cast from high-level slots to change and improve its effectiveness. If cast from a 5th-level slot, you can choose either Acceleration or Demolition; If cast from a 7th-level slot, it gains both effects.

Acceleration causes the explosion to occur at the end of your turn instead of being delayed.

Demolition causes all Shields within its range to make a Fortitude save or instantly be reduced to 0 HP; If successful, they still take double damage from this spell.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorZhenra-Khal +
ComponentV + and S +
DescriptorForce + and Sonic +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 2 +
RangeOther +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolConjuration + and Evocation +
SubschoolCreation +
SummaryAn undulating orb of force that explodes after a short time, stunning those within range. Can be cast from a higher slot to alter its power. +
TitleMad King's Concussive Orb +