Mechanical Spear (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: December 10th, 2024
Status: Complete
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Mechanical Spear

Exotic Two-Handed Melee

Cost: 500 gp
Damage (Small): 1d6
Damage (Medium)1: 2d4
Critical: 20/x3
Weight2: 8 lbs
Type3: Piercing
HP4: 15
Hardness: 10

1. See Damage Increases by Size to calculate the damage for a weapon larger than Medium or smaller than Small.
2. Weight figures are for Medium weapons. A Small weapon weighs half as much, and a Large weapon weighs twice as much.
3. When two types are given, the weapon is both types if the entry specifies "and", either type (player's choice at time of attack) if the entry specifies "or", or each end of the double weapon is a different type if the entry specifies "/".
4. The hp value given is for Medium armor, weapons, and shields. Divide by 2 for each size category of the item smaller than Medium, or multiply it by 2 for each size category larger than Medium.

This highly unusual spear at first does not seem much different from a typical spear. However the head and shaft of the spear houses a peculiar mechanism. The head of the spear open into a cross shape when the mechanism is primed, and the tip is pushed forward whenever it is triggered. A mechanical spear can be used as a rather heavy spear with martial proficiency, however it true potential shine in the hand of a user with exotic proficiency. If the wielder uses a ready action to set a mechanical spear against a charge, they deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character.

Firstly a proficient wielder uses the profile above when using a mechanical spear. Secondly, whenever the proficient wielder successful strike an opponent, she may trigger the spear mechanism as a free action. Doing so deals extra damage equal to the mechanical spear base damage, and grants a +4 bonus on critical confirmation roll if applicable. The extra damage is not multiplied on a successful critical hit. Alternatively, she may trigger the mechanism as part of an attack to instead increase it reach by 5-ft for the attack, this is done instead of the extra damage. The mechanism can only be triggered once per round.

Thirdly, the mechanism can also be used to push the wielder upward, like a bizarre piston. As a standard action, the wielder may make a single standing high jump with a +10 bonus and the hyperjump special quality, but only for that particular jump.

Pathfinder: A mechanical spear is part of the Spear Weapon Group and has the brace special quality.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4527 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassMelee +
Cost500 gp +
Critical20/x3 +
Damage2d4 +
Damage TypePiercing +
Hardness10 +
Hit Points15 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
ProficiencyExotic +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeTwo-Handed +
TitleMechanical Spear +
Weight8 +