Melira Taralen (5e)

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 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

Deific Summary[1] [2] [3]}
Melira Taralen
The Songstress, Patron of Bards and Minstrels

Type: Deity
Portfolio: Poetry, songs
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domains: Knowledge, Life, Trickery
Plane: Arborea (Arvandor)
Symbol: Lute
Worshipers: Elves
Pantheon: Elven, Seldarine

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Jump up Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, et. al (7 May 2018). Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0786966246. p. 43. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).
  2. Jump up titles — [https:/ / Taralen "Melira Taralen"]. https:/ / Taralen. Retrieved 2023.06.03. . Licensed: CC-BY-SA.
  3. Jump up titles — Dave Gross (December 1996). Dragon 236. (2e) TSR Inc.. “The Seldarine Revisited”. Licensed: © TSR, Inc. (used under 'fair use' clause).

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Facts about "Melira Taralen (5e)"
AlignmentChaotic Good +
AuthorMordenkainen's Tome of Foes +
Canontrue +
Deific TypeDeity +
DomainKnowledge +, Life + and Trickery +
Individualtrue +
IndividualsTrue +
LineageDeity +
PantheonElven + and Seldarine +
PlaneArborea (Arvandor) +
PortfolioPoetry + and songs +
PublicationMordenkainen's Tome of Foes +
SymbolLute +
WorshipersElves +