Prosthetic Limb (5e)

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 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

Prosthetic Limb (pointer
Magic Wondrous Item, common (requires attunement by a creature missing some or all of a limb)

Unofficial Description: Artificial hand, arm, leg, foot, etc.

Artificer Infused Magic Item[edit]

Prosthetic Limb
Artificer Infused Magic Item
Prerequisite: a creature missing some or all of a limb

Sources and Notes[edit]

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Facts about "Prosthetic Limb (5e)"
Artificer Canontrue +
Artificer Infused Itemtrue +
Attunementtrue +
AuthorEberron Rising from the Last War +
Canontrue +
Item TypeArtificer Infused Item + and Wondrous Item +
NameProsthetic Limb +
Prerequisitea creature missing some or all of a limb +
PublicationEberron Rising from the Last War +
RarityCommon +