Publication:Hyperconscious/Psionic Feats/Transcend Limits

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Transcend Limits [Psionic] Prerequisites: Overchannel, Manifester Level 3+Benefit: This feat allows you to accelerate the schedule by which you increase your effective manifester level when using Overchannel, but you suffer more for this ability.

  • While manifesting a power, you can increase your effective manifester level by one, but in so doing you take 1d8 points of damage.
  • At 5th level, you can choose to increase your effective manifester level by two, but you take 5d8 points of damage.
  • At 12th level, you can increase your effective manifester level by three, but you take 9d8 points of damage.
  • At 17th level you can increase your effective manifester level by four, but you take 15d8 points of damage.

The effective increase in manifester level increases the number of power points you can expend on a single power manifestation, as well as increases all manifester level-dependent effects, such as range, duration, and overcoming power resistance. Normal: Your manifester level is equal to your total levels in classes that manifest powers. If using Overchannel normally, the increased manifester levels come at 8th and 15th level.

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PrerequisiteOverchannel + and Manifester Level 3+ +
SummaryYou can boost your powers beyond their normal limits with metapsionic feats. +
TitleTranscend Limits +
TypePsionic +