SRD5:Stone Golem

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Golem exists in other D&D editions see:

Golem (disambiguation).

 5th edition Varied 

Stone Golem [SRD5 OGL/CC-BY][1] [2] [3] [4]
Large Construct (Golems, Stone Golems), Unaligned
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 178 (17d10+85)
Speed: 30 ft.
22 (+6) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunity: poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine
Condition Immunity: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: Understands the language of its creator but can't speak
Habitat: Urban
Challenge: 10 (5,900 xp)Proficiency Bonus (PB): +4


Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving throws agianst spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are magical. 


Multiattack. The golem makes two Slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft. one target. Hit: 19 (3d8+6) bludgeoning damage.

Slow (Recharge 5-6). The golem targets one or more creatures it can see within 10 feet of it. Each target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic. On a failed save, a target can’t use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can’t make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the target can take either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. These effects last for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

End of the SRD5 material

Unofficial Summary: Golem made of stone. Chiseled from stone, they are sometimes rough-cut with sharp angles and edges, others are sanded smooth. They are usually roughly anthropoid in shape, but may be made to resemble a beast or other creature.

Other Lore[edit]

 3.5e lore  [SRD3 OGL] [5] 
This golem has a humanoid body made from stone. A stone golem is 9 feet tall and weighs around 2,000 pounds. Its body is frequently stylized to suit its creator. For example, it might look like it is wearing armor, with a particular symbol carved on the breastplate, or have designs worked into the stone of its limbs.

Found in Adventures[edit]

List of Stone Golems[edit]

(2 official and unofficial Stone Golems)

Name Type Subtype Size HP CR (XP) Alignment Habitat Source
Jade Golem Construct Golem, Stone Golem Large 178 10 (5,900) Unaligned Urban Journeys through the Radiant Citadel
Stone Golem Construct Golem, Stone Golem Large 178 10 (5,900) Unaligned Urban SRD5, MM5

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. SRD5:
  2. Wizards RPG Team (September 2014). Monster Manual. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 978-0786965618. p. 167. Licened: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).
  3. Habitat — Not part of the SRD5.
  4. Habitat (unofficial) - User
  5. Wizards RPG Team (2000). SRD v3.5. (3.5e) Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: OGL.

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Facts about "Stone Golem"
AlignmentUnaligned +
AuthorSRD5, MM5 +
CRval10 +
Canontrue +
Challenge Rating10 +
Creature NameStone Golem +
Experience Points5,900 +
FeaturesImmutable Form +, Magic Resistance +, Magic Weapons +, Multiattack +, Slam + and Slow +
HabitatUrban +
Hit Dice17d10+85 +
Hit Points178 +
NameStone Golem +
PublicationSRD5, MM5 +
SizeLarge +
SortTextGolem Stone +
SubtypeGolem + and Stone Golem +
SummaryGolem made of stone. +
TypeConstruct +