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see Armor (disambiguation).
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Armor Qualities
Armor/Shield Bonus
Maximum Dex Bonus
Armor Check Penalty
Arcane Spell Failure
Masterwork Armor
Armor for Unusual Creatures
Getting Into and Out of Armor
Don Hastily
Types of Armor

Armor Descriptions[edit]

Table: Armor and Shields
Armor Cost Armor/
Shield Bonus
Dex Bonus
Armor Check
Arcane Spell
Failure Chance
Speed Weight1
(30 ft.) (20 ft.)
Light Armor
Padded 5 gp +1 +8 0 5% 30 ft. 20 ft. 10 lb.
Leather 10 gp +2 +6 0 10% 30 ft. 20 ft. 15 lb.
Studded leather 25 gp +3 +5 –1 15% 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 lb.
Chain shirt 100 gp +4 +4 –2 20% 30 ft. 20 ft. 25 lb.
Medium Armor
Hide 15 gp +3 +4 –3 20% 20 ft. 15 ft. 25 lb.
Scale mail 50 gp +4 +3 –4 25% 20 ft. 15 ft. 30 lb.
Chainmail 150 gp +5 +2 –5 30% 20 ft. 15 ft. 40 lb.
Breastplate 200 gp +5 +3 –4 25% 20 ft. 15 ft. 30 lb.
Heavy Armor
Splint mail 200 gp +6 +0 –7 40% 20 ft.2 15 ft.2 45 lb.
Banded mail 250 gp +6 +1 –6 35% 20 ft.2 15 ft.2 35 lb.
Half-plate 600 gp +7 +0 –7 40% 20 ft.2 15 ft.2 50 lb.
Full plate 1,500 gp +8 +1 –6 35% 20 ft.2 15 ft.2 50 lb.
Buckler 15 gp +1 –1 5% 5 lb.
Shield, light wooden 3 gp +1 –1 5% 5 lb.
Shield, light steel 9 gp +1 –1 5% 6 lb.
Shield, heavy wooden 7 gp +2 –2 15% 10 lb.
Shield, heavy steel 20 gp +2 –2 15% 15 lb.
Shield, tower 30 gp +43 +2 –10 50% 45 lb.
Armor spikes +50 gp +10 lb.
Gauntlet, locked 8 gp Special 4 +5 lb.
Shield Spikes, Light or Heavy +10 gp +5 lb.
  1. Weight figures are for armor sized to fit Medium characters. Armor fitted for Small characters weighs half as much, and armor fitted for Large characters weighs twice as much.
  2. When running in heavy armor, you move only triple your speed, not quadruple.
  3. A tower shield can instead grant you cover. See the description.
  4. Hand not free to cast spells.


These are the price adjustments for armors made with specific materials or enhancements.

Material Enhancements
Cost Hardness Hit Points1 Special Qualities
Light Medium Heavy Shield
Masterwork Leather +150 gp +150 gp n/a n/a 2 Armor bonus x 5 Masterwork benefits
Masterwork Steel +150 gp +150 gp +150 gp +150 gp 10 Armor bonus x 5 Masterwork benefits
Adamantine +5,000 gp +10,000 gp +15,000 gp +2,000 gp 20 Armor bonus x 6 2/3 Masterwork benefits,
Damage Reduction (armor)
Crystal, Deep +2,000 gp +4,000 gp +6,000 gp +1,000 gp 10 Armor bonus x 5 Masterwork benefits,
Does not rust
Crystal, Mundane +150 gp +150 gp +150 gp +150 gp 8 Armor bonus x 4 Masterwork benefits,
Does not rust
Darkwood n/a n/a n/a See entry 10 See entry Masterwork benefits,
Reduce Armor Check by 2,
Half weight
Dragonhide n/a (Base Cost +
150 gp) x 2
(Base Cost +
150 gp) x 2
(Base Cost +
150 gp) x 2
10 Armor bonus x 5/3 Masterwork benefits,
Non-metal armor
Mithral +1000 gp +4000 gp +9000 gp +1000 gp 15 Armor bonus x 5 Masterwork benefits,
Reduce ASF by 10%,
Reduce Armor Check by 3,
Increase Max Dex by 2,
Considered one step lighter
  1. This value is for armor only. Hit points for shields are determined by multiplying their thickness by the hit point value of the material. Small shields are 3/4 inch thick and large shields are 1 1/2 inches thick.
Magical/Psionic Armor and Shield Enhancements
Bonus Value Additional Cost Hardness Increase1 Additional hp1
+1 +1,000 gp +2 +10
+2 +4,000 gp +4 +20
+3 +9,000 gp +6 +30
+4 +16,000 gp +8 +40
+5 +25,000 gp +10 +50
+6 +36,000 gp2 +12 +60
+7 +49,000 gp2 +14 +70
+8 +64,000 gp2 +16 +80
+9 +81,000 gp2 +18 +90
+10 +100,000 gp2 +20 +100
+11 or more + bonus × bonus
× 10,000 gp
+ enhancement bonus × 2 + enhancement bonus × 10
  1. Unlike the additional cost, the increase to the armor or shield's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities.
  2. If the armor or shield has a magical bonus greater than +5 or a special ability worth more than +5, then it's epic. Multiply magic cost by 10.

See Also[edit]

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