Salvation (3.5e Cleric Domain)

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Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 1/19/12
Status: Remarkably
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Salvation Domain

A domain of the good powers of chaotic good outsiders.

Granted Powers[edit]

Your spells and spell-like abilities can heal vile damage as though it was normal damage.

Salvation Domain Spells[edit]

  1. cure friendly fire
  2. unseen medic
  3. feelings of generosity
  4. visions of rebirth
  5. misspell
  6. defuse hostilities
  7. transmute stone to delicacy
  8. forgiveness
  9. final salvation

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Foxwarrior's Homebrew (759 Articles)
AuthorFoxwarrior +
Identifier3.5e Cleric Domain +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA domain of the good powers of chaotic good outsiders. +
TitleSalvation +