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|specialhead1= rowspan="2"{{!}}Power<br/>Points/Day{{!!}}rowspan="2"{{!}}Powers<br/>Known{{!!}}rowspan="2"{{!}}Maximum Power<br/>Level Known
*4th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Aura Sight|aura sight]], [[SRD:Control Body|control body]], [[SRD:Detect Remote Viewing|detect remote viewing]], [[SRD:Psionic Dimensional Anchor|dimensional anchor]], [[SRD:Psionic Dimension Door|dimension door]], [[SRD:Energy Adaptation|energy adaptation]], [[SRD:Psionic Fabricate|fabricate]], [[SRD:Psionic Freedom of Movement|freedom of movement]], [[SRD:Intellect Fortress|intellect fortress]], [[SRD:Metamorphosis|metamorphosis]], [[SRD:Power Leech|power leech]], [[SRD:Steadfast Perception|steadfast perception]], [[SRD:Telekinetic Maneuver|telekinetic maneuver]];''
*5th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Adapt Body|adapt body]], [[SRD:Catapsi|catapsi]], [[SRD:Ectoplasmic Shambler|ectoplasmic shambler]], [[SRD:Energy Ball|energy ball]], [[SRD:Fiery Discorporation|fiery discorporation]], [[SRD:Incarnate|incarnate]], [[SRD:Leech Field|leech field]], [[SRD:Psionic Major Creation|major creation]], [[SRD:Psychofeedback|psychofeedback]], [[SRD:Psionic True Seeing|true seeing]];''
*6th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Breath of the Black Dragon|breath of the black dragon]], [[SRD:Dispelling Buffer|dispelling buffer]], [[SRD:Greater Psionic Fabricate|fabricate, greater psionic]], [[SRD:Null Psionics Field|null psionics field]], [[SRD:Suspend Life|suspend life]].''
'''{{Anchor|Convert Energy Damage}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, as an immediate action a judge can change up to 5 points of damage into a different energy type (i.e., turn cold into fire damage). This has no effect on if the damage hits, and still does the same damage (just a different type). This can be applied to both ally and opponent damage, but opponents can resist with a Will save (DC10+1/2 class level+Intelligence modifier). At 3rd and every three after, can convert 5 more damage (i.e., 15 at 6th).
'''{{Anchor|Transmute}} {{Su}}:''' A judge may issue corrections on the current form of reality, effectively transforming what is into something else. A 1st level a judge unlocks knowledge of one “Type” from the Table: Transmutations, in addition to learning a new power at 1st level from the normal Judge Power List. A judge can only select a type at or below his current level. A transmutation is the entire type; in other words, if a judge selects “Earth”, he can augment the standard transmutation with a following one in the same list (i.e., transmute mud to rock, paying 5 power points).
*The below table, notes power point cost, area, duration and display of all effects within a type, however, exceptions and notes are listed in the footer – '''read the notes!''' Replace the normal descriptions with the below. All transmutations are shapeable, dismissable, a standard action, and have a medium range (unless otherwise noted). No transmutation can be over 5’ deep (including move earth).
*The save to resist transmutations is 10+power’s level+judge’s Intelligence modifier; in addition, for every 2 extra power points you spend to achieve any of these effects, this power’s save DC increases by 1 (i.e., rock to mud gets a +1 2 bonus to DC).
*All spells are treated like powers, except Magic, thus anti-magic fields and the like have no affect on them, but null psionics fields do.
*The Gravity and Magnetics transmutations create several new powers which should be referenced within their pages. Psionic heal and harm are the only other homebrew articles in this table.
*At 4th level and every three after, a judge unlocks knowledge of another transmutation type.
!rowspan="2"|Min Level
!colspan="5"|Power Point Cost and Subtype
|'''Earth'''||1st||[[SRD:Soften Earth and Stone|soften earth/stone]]||—||[[SRD:Transmute Mud to Rock|mud to rock]] / [[SRD:Transmute Rock to Mud|rock to mud]]||—||[[SRD:Move Earth|move earth]]||[[SRD:Earthquake|earthquake]]||10’cube/lvl||Instant||Material
|'''Life'''||1st||[[Psionic Heal (3.5e Power)|psionic heal]]||[[SRD:Animate Dead|animate dead]]||—[[Psionic Harm (3.5e Power)|psionic harm]]||[[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]]||—||Touch||Instant||Visual
|'''Nature'''||1st||[[SRD:Entangle|entangle]]||—||[[SRD:Black Tentacles|vines]]<sup>1</sup>||[[SRD:Ectoplasmic Shambler|shambler]]||[[SRD:Animal Shapes|animal shape]]<sup>1</sup>||10’cube/lvl||1min/lvl||Auditory
|'''Weather'''||1st||[[SRD:Fog Cloud|fog cloud]]||—||[[SRD:Control Water|control water]]||—||[[SRD:Control Weather|control weather]]<sup>2</sup>||[[SRD:Whirlwind|whirlwind]]<sup>2</sup>||10’cube/lvl||10min/lvl||Visual
|'''[[Transmute Gravity (3.5e Power)|Gravity]]'''||4th||—||heavy/light||directional||no gravity||[[SRD:Meteor Swarm|meteor swarm]]||30’ cube||2rounds/lvl||Material
|'''Magic'''<sup>3</sup>||4th||—||[[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]]||[[SRD:Break Enchantment|break enchantment]]||[[SRD:Antimagic Field|antimagic field]]<sup>3</sup>||[[SRD:About Planes#Wild Magic|wild magic]]<sup>3</sup>||Target<sup>34</sup>||Instant||Visual
|'''[[Transmute Magnetics (3.5e Power)|Magnetics]]'''||4th||—||metalkinesis||freeze armored||repulsion||[[SRD:Iron Body|iron body]]||Target<sup>34</sup>||2rounds/lvl||Visual
|'''Stamina'''||4th||—||[[SRD:Ray of Exhaustion|ray of exhaustion]]||[[SRD:Symbol of Sleep|ray of sleep]]<sup>45</sup>||[[SRD:Psychic Crush|psychic crush]]<sup>45</sup>||[[SRD:Adapt Body|adapt body]]<sup>45</sup>||Ray||1min/lvl||Mental
|'''Plane'''||10th||—||—||[[SRD:Ectoplasmic Form|ectoplasmic form]]||[[SRD:Psionic Plane Shift|plane shift]]<sup>56</sup>||[[SRD:Psionic Ethereal Jaunt|ethereal jaunt]]<sup>56</sup>||Touch||1min/lvl||Visual
|'''Space'''||10th||—||—||[[SRD:Psionic Dimension Door|dimension door]]||[[SRD:Psionic Teleport|teleport]]||[[SRD:Psionic Overland Flight|flight]]<sup>67</sup>||Touch||Instant||Material
|'''Time'''||10th||—||—||[[SRD:HasteTime Hop|hastentime hop]]/[[SRD:Slow|slow]]<sup>7</sup>||[[SRD:Second Chance|second chance]]<sup>7</sup>||[[SRD:Temporal Acceleration|temporal acceleration]]<sup>7</sup>||15’ cubePersonal||1round/lvl||Olfactory
| class="foot" colspan="10" |
#Black tentacles except vines, vulnerable to fire, and still & lasts 1round/lvl. Animal shape can only affect one touched creature (Will save to resist), & last 1min/lvl.
#Control weather cannot create hurricanes or tornados. Whirlwind only lasts for 1 round/lvl.
#All considered magical effects. Except antiAnti-magic field & wild magic affect 30’ radius & last 5min/lvl. Dispel magic, break enchantment & Magnetics have a range of close, & can #Can affect one creature or object.#Symbol of sleep except Except a ray with close range, & lasts 1min/lvl. Psychic crush only affects one creature and is instant, & adapt body is a touch power & lasts 1hour/lvl.
#Except plane shift is instant & ethereal jaunt lasts 1round/lvl.
#Except overland flight last for 1hour/lvl.