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*6th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Breath of the Black Dragon|breath of the black dragon]], [[SRD:Dispelling Buffer|dispelling buffer]], [[SRD:Greater Psionic Fabricate|fabricate, greater]], [[SRD:Null Psionics Field|null psionics field]], [[SRD:Oak Body|oak body]], [[SRD:Psionic Overland Flight|overland flight]], [[SRD:Suspend Life|suspend life]], [[SRD:Temporal Acceleration|temporal acceleration]], [[Transmute Alignment and Energy (3.5e Power)|transmute alignment and energy]];''
*7th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Divert Teleport|divert teleport]], [[SRD:Energy Conversion|energy conversion]], [[SRD:Energy Wave|energy wave]], [[SRD:Psionic Ethereal Jaunt|ethereal jaunt]], [[SRD:Psionic Phase Door|phase door]], [[SRD:Reddopsi|reddopsi]];''
*8th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Bend Reality|bend reality]], [[SRD:Hypercognition|Hypercognitionhypercognition]], [[SRD:Psionic Iron Body|iron body]], [[Natural Disaster (3.5e Power)|natural disaster]], [[SRD:Recall Death|recall death]], [[SRD:Shadow Body|shadow body]], [[SRD:Psionic Greater Teleport|teleport, greater]];''*9th-level Powers: ''[[SRD:Affinity Field|affinity field]], [[SRD:Apopsi|apopsi]], [[SRD:Psionic Etherealness|etherealness]], [[SRD:Microcosm|microcosm]], [[SRD:Timeless Body|timeless body]], [[SRD:Time Regression|time regression]], [[SRD:Tornado Blast|Tornado Blasttornado blast]].''
'''{{Anchor|Convert Energy Damage}} {{Ex}}:''' At 1st level, as an immediate action a judge can change up to 5 points of energy damage into a different energy type (i.e., turn cold into fire damage). This has no effect on if the damage hits, and still does the same damage (just a different type). This can be applied to both ally and opponent damage, but opponents can resist with a Will save (DC10+1/2 class level+Intelligence modifier). This only works on energy damage, not things like piercing or ability damage. This converts the target's effect equally even with such things as lightning strike or area effects (i.e., at 1st could convert 5 points of cold damage into fire to all affected creatures). This conversion lasts for only 1 round (+1/3 class levels), thus energy effects that last longer revert back to their original energy type in following rounds. At 3rd and every three after, can convert 5 more damage (i.e., 15 at 6th).