Spellfire Sorcery (5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 4-25-2022
Status: First Draft
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Spellfire Sorcery

This is an additional feature for the Sorcerer class.   Characters must meet the following prerequisites before they may select this feature: Constitution 13

Table: Spellfire Sorcery

Features Cantrips
Max Spell
Spellfire Threshold Spellfire Restoration
Unstable Dangerous Volatile Short Rest Long Rest
1st +2 Stunted Spellcasting, Spellfire 3 2 1st 2 4 6 - 2
2nd +2 - 3 2 1st 3 6 9 - 2
3rd +2 Minor Spellfire Gift 3 3 2nd 5 10 15 1 3
4th +2 - 4 4 2nd 6 12 18 2 4
5th +3 Minor Spellfire Gift 4 5 3rd 8 16 24 2 5
6th +3 - 4 5 3rd 9 18 27 3 6
7th +3 Minor Spellfire Gift 4 6 4th 11 22 33 3 7
8th +3 - 4 7 4th 12 24 36 4 8
9th +4 Greater Spellfire Gift 4 8 5th 14 28 42 4 9
10th +4 - 5 8 5th 15 30 45 5 10
11th +4 Greater Spellfire Gift 5 9 6th 17 34 51 5 11
12th +4 - 5 9 6th 18 36 54 6 12
13th +5 Greater Spellfire Gift 5 10 7th 20 40 60 6 13
14th +5 - 5 10 7th 21 42 63 7 14
15th +5 Major Spellfire Gift 5 11 8th 23 46 69 7 15
16th +5 - 5 11 8th 24 48 72 8 16
17th +6 Major Spellfire Gift 5 12 9th 26 52 78 8 17
18th +6 - 5 12 9th 27 54 81 9 18
19th +6 Deific Spellfire Gift 5 12 9th 29 58 87 9 19
20th +6 Spellfire Heirophant 5 12 9th 30 60 90 10 20

Stunted Spellcasting[edit]

At first level, your focus is divided between your Spellfire abilities and your spells. You use the Cantrips Known and Spells Known progression shown on the Spellfire Sorcery table above, rather than the Sorcerer class table. You may swap out cantrips and spells known as normal, however.


Rather than gaining Spell Slots or Sorcery Points, a Spellfire Sorcerer gains Spellfire Points, which may be used to cast spells or fuel class features, such as Metamagic. It can also be used in a variety of different ways, from raw damage to healing.

Absorb Magic[edit]

When a creature targets you with a spell or includes you in a spell's area, you can use your reaction to attempt to absorb magic from that spell, in the form of Spellfire Points. When you do so, you must make a Charisma check against a DC of 10 + the spell's level. If you are successful, the spell has no effect on you. If the spell's duration is 1 round or less, you gain Spellfire Points equal to the spell's level; If the spell's duration is greater than 1 round, you gain Spellfire Points equal to one-half the spell's level (Rounded Up). You cannot gain Spellfire Points from a Cantrip, nor from a spell you cast yourself.

Additionally, you can use your action to absorb spells with lingering effects, such as Darkness or Haste. In order to do so, you must be within 5ft of the spell's effect, or within 5ft of a creature affected by the spell. When you do so, you make a Charisma check against a DC of 10 + the spell's level. If you are successful, the spell ends, and you gain Spellfire Points equal to the spell's level. If you had previously used your reaction to negate the spell's initial effects on you, you instead gain Spellfire Points equal to one-half of the spell's level (Rounded Down); You can never gain Spellfire Points from a single spell greater than the spell's level.

Expending Spellfire[edit]

Spellfire Limit[edit]

Spellfire is dangerous, threatening to burn you from the inside out, even as you release it. In any given round, the maximum number of Spellfire Points you can expend is equal to your Constitution Score. Exceeding this limit causes you to be unable to expend any Spellfire Points or cast spells for 1 minute.

However, even expending smaller amounts is dangerous. Any time the number of Spellfire Points you expend during a round exceeds your character level or your Constitution modifier (Whichever is higher), you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you suffer a level of exhaustion.

Spellfire Blast[edit]

You gain the ability to blast targets with searing jets of blue-white Spellfire. When you take the attack Action, you can replace any number of your attacks with Spellfire Blasts, by expending Spellfire Points. A Spellfire Blast is a ranged spell attack with a range of 120ft, and deals 1d6 points of damage to the target, plus 1d6 additional points for every Spellfire Point expended as part of the blast. Half of the damage dealt by a Spellfire Blast (Rounded up) is Fire damage, and the rest is Force damage, as the raw magic threatens to disintegrate the target outright.

Healing Flame[edit]

As a touch, you can expend Spellfire Points to heal a living creature (This has no effect on Constructs or Undead). The target regains 2 hit points for each Spellfire Level you expend.

Casting Spells Using Spellfire[edit]

When you cast a Sorcerer spell, instead of expending a Spell Slot, you must expend a number of Spellfire Points, based on the level you're trying to cast the spell from, as shown on the Spellfire Point Costs table below. For example, attempting to cast the Cone of Cold spell, or attempting to cast Fireball as a 5th-level spell, would require you to spend 7 Spellfire Points.

Once you use Spellfire Points to cast a spell as if from a 6th-, 7th-, 8th- or 9th-level spell slot, you must finish a Long Rest before you can do so for that spell slot level again.

Spellfire Point Costs

Slot Level
Point Cost
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 5
4th 6
5th 7
6th 9
7th 10
8th 11
9th 13

Font of Spellfire[edit]

Whenever a feature, as as a Metamagic Option or the optional Magical Guidance feature, would require you to expend Sorcery Points, you instead must expend a number of Spellfire Points equal to the normal Sorcery Point cost, plus 1. For example, to use Magical Guidance, you must expend 2 Spellfire Points, instead of one Sorcery Point.

Spellfire Threshold[edit]

Rather than having a set number of Spellfire Points you can expend, you instead have a pool of points that you fill up. However, the more Spellfire Points you currently possess, the more dangerous it is for you, as raw magic is unpredictable and volatile.


When your current Spellfire Points are at or below your Unstable Threshold, you are Safe, causing you to suffer no ill effects, but your eyes glow with an otherworldly light.


When your current Spellfire Points are above your Unstable Threshold, but below your Dangerous Threshold, you are Unstable; Your skin glows brightly, shedding light as a candle.

Any creature, object or magic item that touches you forces you to make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw; If you fail, you lose 1d4 Spellfire Points, which are discharged as a harmless flash of light.

Backfire: Additionally, when you exceed your Unstable Threshold, and at the beginning of each hour that passes thereafter while you are still above your Unstable Threshold, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw; If you fail, you suffer 1d6 points of damage that possesses no damage type and cannot be resisted in any way.


When your current Spellfire Points are above your Dangerous Threshold, but below your Volatile Threshold, you are Dangerous; You shed light as a torch, and your body is filled with a tingly, burning sensation, causing you to suffer disadvantage on ability checks.

A touch causes you to lose 1d6 Spellfire Points, which are discharged in a blinding flash of light; You and each creature within 5ft of you must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 10 + the number of Spellfire Points that you lost; On a failed save, a creature is Blinded until the end of your next turn.

Backfire: Additionally, when you exceed your Dangerous Threshold, and at the beginning of each minute that passes thereafter while you are still above your Dangerous Threshold, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw; If you fail, you suffer 1d6 points of damage that possesses no damage type and cannot be resisted in any way.


When your current Spellfire Points are above your Volatile Threshold, you are Volatile; You radiate palpable heat out to a radius of 30ft, and the pain causes you to suffer disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls.

A touch causes you to lose 2d6 Spellfire Points, which are discharged in a blinding flash of light; You and each creature within 5ft of you must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 10 + the number of Spellfire Points that you lost; On a failed save, a creature is Blinded until the end of your next turn.

Backfire: Additionally, when you exceed your Volatile Threshold, and at the beginning of each of your turns thereafter while you are still above your Volatile Threshold, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw; If you fail, you suffer 1d6 points of damage that possesses no damage type and cannot be resisted in any way.

If you fail this saving throw, you must also make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw; If you fail, you must use your action to make a Spellfire Blast against a random target (Which can be a creature, an object, a particular space of ground or wall, or even yourself). This blast must be maximum-strength, created by expending Spellfire Points equal to your Constitution Score.

Spellfire Restoration[edit]

You gain a small number of Spellfire Points when you rest; This is accomplished by drawing on the ambient energy around you, be it light, heat, sound, life force or just ambient magical energy. You gain a specified number of Spellfire Points when you finish a Long Rest, as shown in the Spellfire Restoration: Long Rest column of the Spellfire Sorcery table for your level.

Beginning at 3rd level, when you finish a Short Rest, you gain a smaller number of Spellfire Points, as shown in the Spellfire Restoration: Short Rest column of the Spellfire Sorcery table for your level.

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AuthorZhenra-Khal +
ClassSorcerer +
Identifier5e Alternate Class Feature +
Level1 2 3 5 20 +
PrerequisitesConstitution 13 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummarySpellfire for 5e, based loosely on the Shandril's Saga books and the 3.5e Spellfire Channeler prestige class. +
TitleSpellfire Sorcery +