Talk:Evolving Sorcerous Lore (3.5e Feat)

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This is definitely High or Very High balance since it grants multiple spells at the cost of just one feat. If you combine this with a feat or class ability that lets you take spells from other classes (say cleric spells) it basically skyrockets a sorcerer's power. LenKagetsu (talk) 08:52, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

I am not so sure. Not on the fact it is High or higher (though I get why it's unquantifiable, since you might pick normal and Greater Mage Hand, or you might pick up Polymorph and Polymorph Any Object, two very different beasts). It's just that even if you gain access to another spell list... what are you going to do with it? Nothing really changed, you can pick weak choices or powerful choices, and I don't believe cleric or any other list is well known for having a glut of Lesser-Normal-Greater type spells. Really, the bigger boost is getting access to those off-list spells in the first place. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 08:58, 20 May 2015 (UTC)
While true the balance range of the spells is so over the place I have a hard time justifying giving it a fixed balance point, also keep in mind the spell gained do more or less very similar things to spells you already. After all if you take fireball and get delayed blast fireball later on you didn't become all that much versatile (so no skyrocket in power). There is also the very very majority of spells have no alternate version, sure getting summon monster II-IX by just getting summon monster I is very nice but you could be getting a better 1st level spell, who probably has no improved version. --Leziad (talk) 08:59, 20 May 2015 (UTC)