Talk:Oozebound (3.5e Prestige Class)

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RatedNeutral.png DanielDraco is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
The prereqs are a slight pain but not unreasonable. The abilities are slightly strong but not unreasonable. But I'm mostly just seeing numbers. It does its job, just not in any particularly interesting way.

Rithaniel likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
Block Reason: This is a legacy rating from before our current ratings scale. While the reasons should be valid, it is not counted in the ratings on the article page because of the inaccurate scale.
I've always loved this class, it was one of the first I noticed when I originally came to the old wiki, and it's always stood out in my mind ever since as an excellent PrC, as it offers several features which are very useful to a character, while still progressing spells per day and a steady rate and offering up a flavour so rarely seen in classes. So, this has always been on my watchlist, now it will always be on my favorred list

penalty and bonus?[edit]

this class gets a bonus to disguise, but a neg on cha based checks. is this supposed to balance out to +5 or should the penalty not apply to disguise? otherwise i really like this class. the overall damage of the at will touch attack might be a little high but otherwise this is nice--NameViolation 03:21, November 25, 2009 (UTC)


I just don't see any of the abilities given as being able to compete with things like Residual Metamagic, Metamagic School Focus, Arcane Thesis, etc. They're nice, but not all that useful for a caster. --Ghostwheel 17:53, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

Perhaps, but I'm fairly certain a wizard can't pick any of those as a wizard bonus feat. Regardless, the abilities are immensely useful to a wizard in a dungeoncrawl, where they can avoid flanking in narrow hallways, squeeze or climb past obstacles, resist damn near every effect a magical trap has to offer, melt locks with a touch, see perfectly in darkness, and escape the grapple of those monsters that corner them, all without wasting any spells on the task. Conditional, perhaps, but some of these abilities hold immense utilitarian value. --DanielDraco 18:44, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
While on the other hand, the above are incredibly awesome in virtually all situations, especially if you base a character off of arcane thesis'd scorching rays. The abilities you mention above are more something I'd expect from a rogue-level class, rather than a wizard, and they've got better options taking wizard-level feats than picking up those abilities. Still, after further consideration, you might be right and it might be better to be on the cautious side, so I changed the balance rating. --Ghostwheel 18:59, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

Ooze Empathy[edit]

It's listed in the class table, but it's not described in the class features. --DanielDraco 18:45, November 25, 2009 (UTC)


While going through this class, I found a few things which seemed odd to me:

  • This class allows divine casters to qualify for it (in fact, clerics have the easiest time of it), but it doesn't have Knowledge (religion) as a class skill. Is this intentional, and if so, why?
  • This class has Heal as a prereq, and yet also doesn't have it as a class skill. Again, intentional or not, and if so, why?
  • For Melting Touch, is your intent (1d6 + Con mod)×0.5 ½ level or (1d6)×0.5 ½ level + Con mod? The wording doesn't make this clear.
RatedDislike.png MisterSinister dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
This is not VH, and please ignore DD's herp-derp about it above. I'm in a much better position to discuss what this actually entails, and this is far from it. It gives about 2 abilities a cleric cannot replicate with spells at the same level or lower, and in return has to take a skill that is completely useless (Heal), a skill that is almost completely useless (Craft (alchemy)), and a skill which is completely useless and cross-class (Swim). After jumping through all these hoops on a cleric's limited skill points, getting 2 unique abilities is just not worth it on any level.

Amusing Thoughts[edit]

So recently we got a thread on reddit, interesting that. Not all good news, but then again it was mostly about Danddwiki aka Paleowiki. Anyway my old Oozebound class showed up on paleowiki, reminding me I had an updated (but still quite old) version here. It's been 8 years, and times certainly change. I want to look into this to see if things need to be improved and how, but first I wanted to get some input on the class. The only one so far is a dislike from MS from a while ago and all. What do you guys think? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 03:42, 22 January 2016 (UTC)

I think it's an interesting and unique prestige class. The one thing that really stands out to me is it feels like a lot of the features get a lot more mileage out of martial casters ("gishes", beatstick clerics, those in the thick of the fight, etc) than more traditional control and save-or-die casters. If there's going to be a change, it might be worth doubling down on that niche. Don't cut the last caster level, since those usually eat a caster level loss for other purposes. Some other stuff too, but I can't think of anything else right now. Out of curiosity, what thread? Surgo (talk) 21:48, 22 January 2016 (UTC)
Cool, comments noted. I'll address is later, busy now.
It was under r/DnD under the name "Dandwiki is pure garbage.". -- Eiji-kun (talk) 16:01, 23 January 2016 (UTC)
DislikedMisterSinister +
NeutralDanielDraco +
UncountedRatingRithaniel +