Talk:Triezu (3.5e Monster)
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
MLA monsters[edit]
Oooo I like! :) -- Eiji-kun 00:35, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
My Concerns[edit]
Overall, this is awesome. Just a few questions:
- Why is this thing using Large-sized gear when it's only Medium? I don't see a rule that makes this beneficial, and as it stands, it would take attack roll penalties.
- You wanna add the stats for swording people into its attack and/or full-attack line, since these will be quite different to the shot-glaive.
- Lastly, did you decide not to go for the hellfire warpspitter sidearm?
Otherwise, this is very awesome indeed. - MisterSinister 03:16, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
- Can address these pretty easily. It has Large-sized stuff because it's always in the Ire of the Rising Sun stance, which gives that effect. Other stuff can be added in as needed. - TG Cid 03:23, 16 April 2011 (UTC)