User:Leziad/Primeval Totemist (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Contributors: Sulacu
Date Created: 8 December 2011
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Primeval Totemist

The dragon shaman has access to the power of the mighty primeval dragons in exchange for the versatibility of his breath weapons.

Class: Dragon Shaman

Level: 5th

Replaces: Second Nature, Triple Nature, Chimeric Breath Weapon

Benefit: Primeval Breath Weapon

Primeval Breath Weapon: A 5th level dragon shaman gain access to the powerful and mighty breath weapon of the primeval dragon. In addition to her previous breath weapon she gain one primeval breath weapon type and may shape either into new devastating form. She can change her primeval breath weapon by praying her dragon totem for 24 hours as normal. Using a Primeval Breath weapon add +1 round to the recovery time. A primeval bretah weapon deal 1d8 damages per level instead of the 1d6 of normal breath weapon.

Calefact: (Totem Energy: Fire or Acid) A calefact dragon totem grant two types of breath weapons. The primary consists of molten slag. The damage stems from a violent admixture of acid and fire that isn't reduced by resistance, but immunity to acid and/or fire halves the damage dealt. On top of dealing damage, a calefact dragon's molten slag burns away any mundane protection against heat a creature has (except for magical effects or extraordinary abilities that convey such protection; see Heat Dangers, Sandstorm pg12), and furthermore nauseates creatures with intense pain for 1 round unless they succeed on a Fortitude save.

The calefact totem's secondary breath weapon is its ability to spit lava, which covers up to 2 10-foot squares of ground per age category the dragon has in a roughly knee-high layer of molten rock. Any square occupied by lava is considered difficult terrain and any creature standing in it takes 2d10 points of damage for every 3 dragon shaman level the dragon has (or 1d10 damage per 3 dragon shaman level if the creature has immunity to fire).

A creature in danger of exposure to lava is allowed a Reflex save to avoid the damage, but if successful must immediately make a single move action at the start of its next turn to escape the area the lava occupies. If it cannot or chooses not to, it takes full damage. If the ground is uneven, the lava slowly rolls down any slopes present at a speed of 10 feet per round, and fills up any gaps in the floor.

Exposure to lava causes metal and other materials to heat. A creature that wears metal armor or otherwise carries large amounts of metallic objects is affected as by the heat metal heat metal spell when in contact with lava.

Objects that are susceptible to heat or that have a melting point lower than that of steel will also melt (and catch flame if applicable) when in contact with a calefact dragon's lava.

A calefact totem grant immunity to the effects of both its breath weapons to the dragon shaman.

Cerulean: (Totem Energy: Force) A Cerulean dragon totem grant two types of breath weapons. The first deal force damage and can hit ethereal creatures.

The second is a cone of glitterdust, the blindness effect of which lasts for 1 rounds plus one additional round per 3 dragon shaman level.

Gelidus: (Totem Energy: Electricity or Cold) A gelidus totem's breath weapon consists of uttercold, dealing an additional +1 damage per die and ignore resistance, although immunity halves the damage. Any creature without cold immunity hit by a gelidus dragon's breath also incurs 1d4 dexterity damage (Fortitude negate).

Lethus: (Totem Energy: Evil*) The lethus dragon totem grant the dragon shaman a powerful psionic attack, dealing typeless damages. Lethus totem breath weapon cannot be shaped in different forms (m ust be used as a cone), but due to its insubstantial nature, a Lethus dragon's breath weapon passes through anything, even walls of force or similar warding effects. This means that the breath weapon passes straight through cover, total concealment and doesn't require line of effect. The DCs associated apply to Will saves for half damage

  • Resistance grant a SR 10+ dragon shaman level against evil spells. Immunity grant SR 20 + dragon shaman level against evil spell. Totem Energy count as divine damage for aura and similar abilities.

Olympus (Totem Energy: Good*) The Olympus dragon totem's breath weapon deals damage that stems completely from a divine source and is not reduced by any energy resistance.

  • Resistance grant a SR 10+ dragon shaman level against good spells. Immunity grant SR 20 + dragon shaman level against good spell. Totem Energy count as divine damage for aura and similar abilities.

Orichalcum (Totem Energy: Mineral**) Orichalcum dragons have two breath weapons. The primary is a blast of disintegration. A Fortitude save lowers the damage of this breath to 1d8 for every 5d8 damage it would otherwise deal (rounded down).

The secondary breath weapon is a blast of metal shrapnel that deals adamantine slashing, with a Reflex save for half damage.

  • Resistance grant DR 5/Adamantine, Immunity grant DR 5/- and DR 10/Admantine. Totem Energy count as slashing damage for aura and similar abilities.

New Shape: A dragon shaman with primeval breath weapon may now shape her breath weapon like a primeval dragon, she gain access to two new shape in addition to cone and line. She may use these new shapes with both he primeval breath weapon and he normal breath weapon without any increase in recovery time.

Blast: The dragon shaman builds up its breath into a ball in its maw, and discharges it like a blast with a range of Long (using its dragon shaman level as the effective caster level for range indication, as if it were a spell). Upon reaching its target or a hard surface, the blast detonates in a spherical explosion with a spread radius of half the length of its cone, (rounded down to the next multiple of 5).

Sweep: The dragon shaman focuses its breath into a beam, and sweeps it across the ground. It may affect as many five foot squares of ground with its sweep as that its line breath weapon is long, dealing breath weapon damage and/or effects to any creature caught within the sweep. The sweep need not to be straight, and the maximum range of this ability is up to the length of its line breath weapon. The dragon must either be airborne or on elevated terrain to perform a sweep with its breath weapon.

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