User:Snafusam/Mew (3.5e Monster)
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Wizard 24 | |
CG Small Aberration (Psionic) | |
Init/Senses | +8/True Seeing (120ft), Greater Arcane Sight (120ft) (extraordinary, continually active, no charge time or concentration); Listen +35, Spot +35 |
Aura | Proximity to Cat, Keen Sight, Telepathy |
AC | 44, touch 36, flat-footed 36; Armored in Life, Unearthly Grace (+1 size, +8 Dex, +8 natural, +8 Luck, +9 deflection) |
hp | 360 (24d10+216 HD); DR 17/- |
Immune | compulsion |
SR/PR | 24/24 |
Fort/Ref/Will | +32/+32/+37 |
Speed | 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect), swim 80 ft.; Bamf |
Melee | Slam +22 (1d10+8 bludgeoning) or |
Melee | Tail +17 (1d8+4 bludgeoning) or |
Melee | Bite +17 (1d4+4 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing) |
Ranged | Telekinetic thrust +22 (damage dependent on objects) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +15/+22 |
Atk Options | Spellcasting, psi-like abilities, AncientPower, Aura Sphere, Me First, Mind Blast |
Special Actions | Spells, psionics, Metronome, AncientPower, Aura Sphere, Me First, Baton Pass, Mind Blast |
Wizard Spells Prepared | (CL 24th): 6th—ruby ray of reversal[1], greater anticipate teleportation[1], greater refresh magic, greater dispel magic, heal
Abilities | Str 27, Dex 27, Con 27, Int 27, Wis 27, Cha 28 |
SQ | Amazing Versatility, Transform, Proximity to Cat, Telepathy, Keen Sight, Armored In Life, Unearthly Grace, Psychic Pokémon Traits |
Feats | Improved Hit DieB, LeShay's ReflexesB, Mad SkillsB, Tarrasque's FortitudeB, Elder Brain's WillB, Combat Casting (Tome) (1 HD), SRD:Scribe Scroll (Wiz 1), Magical Aptitude (Tome) (3 HD), Extend Spell (Wiz 5), Iron Will (Tome) (6 HD), Lightning Reflexes (Tome) (9 HD), Empower Spell (Wiz 10), Great Fortitude (Tome) (12 HD), Silent Spell (15 HD), Repeat Spell (Wiz 15), Insight (18 HD), Hero (21 HD), Incarnum Spellshaping[2] (24 HD) |
Skills | Concentration +38 (27 ranks, +8 Con, +3 Combat Casting), Spellcraft +38 (27 ranks, +8 Con, +3 Magical Aptitude), Spot +35(27 ranks, +8 Wis), Listen +35(27 ranks, +8 Wis) |
Advancement | Hit Die advancement |
Mew doesn't like to fight; it'd much rather play. However, it hates seeing anyone mistreated, and is known to step in to protect the helpless. It also doesn't like being picked on itself, and if its patience is tried, it will eventually retaliate.
Spells: Mew casts spells as a 24th-level wizard. However, it can learn any spell from any class list. Trying to list its spells known would be an exercise in madness.
Psionics: ...Mew is able to manifest any power at will as a psi-like ability. Yes, any power. Its versatility is utterly peerless. Mew's manifester level is 24. Save DCs are 10 + Int modifier + Spell/Power level.
Amazing Versatility: As already mentioned, Mew's versatility is utterly awe-inspiring. It can use any spell, power, maneuver, or other special technique that it witnesses and identifies. All skills are class skills for it, and it can take any feat as if it met the class, alignment, or specialized prerequisites (it still needs to take any prerequisite feats and have the appropriate number of ranks in prerequisite skills, if applicable). All HD as an aberration count as levels in Wizard.
Metronome (Sp): At will, Mew can trigger the expenditure of considerable amounts of minimally controlled arcane power. When it does so, an arcane effect is generated. Mew can use this ability once per round if it feels like doing so (it usually doesn't, though, because its aforementioned versatility lets it do just about anything anyways). If Mew does use Metronome, the DM may choose what happens at this point (generally equivalent to a 9th level spell effect) or you can roll on this table:
1: | effulgent epuration[1] |
2: | foresight |
3: | reaving dispel[1] |
4: | phantasmagorical image |
5: | superexplosion |
6: | meltdown |
7: | magic missile maelstrom |
8: | energy subjugation |
9: | mantle |
10: | mass hold monster |
11: | mind blank |
12: | lightning ring[1] |
13: | cursed one |
14: | gorgon's glare |
15: | shadows of the mage-lords |
16: | singularity |
17: | fimbulvetr |
18: | black blade of disaster[1] |
19: | wish |
20: | DM's choice |
Mew can target the spell after it knows what it will be, but cannot voluntarily retract a spell once Metronome has been begun. The spell goes off as if Mew had cast the spell itself, at a caster level equal to Mew's HD+10 (rounded down). If, for whatever reason, the spell has no legal target, the arcane energy explodes, as if Mew had suffered a scroll mishap with a 9th level scroll. (Note that if Mew starts spamming Metronome, it's probably running out of its own spells and spell-like abilities, and is desperate for some way to attack other than its less-than-impressive melee. This is only likely if its psi-like abilities are proving to be ineffective.)
AncientPower (Su): Once per three rounds, Mew can telekinetically launch up to 3 chunks of stone within 100 feet. These are launched as ranged attacks at separate targets, and, if at least as large as a Medium character, deal 6d6 damage each. Furthermore, upon activation, Mew gains a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armour and to all ability scores for the next five minutes. Using AncientPower while the bonus is still in effect improves the bonus by 1 (to a maximum of +6 total for natural armor and each ability score) and resets the duration - Mew knows to throw random rocks around every minute or so just to keep the bonuses at the maximum. This is a [Rock] effect.
Aura Sphere (Su): Once per minute, Mew can briefly expand its aura. All within 20' are automatically struck and take 1d6 Force damage per level; however, this is a [Fighting] effect.
Me First (Sp): This spell-like ability functions like Norton's copied casting, except that the spell Mew copies is automatically empowered. Mew can use Me First up to 3 times/day (gaining its first two uses at 17 HD, then an additional use for every 5 HD after that; so, if advanced to 27 HD, Mew would be able to use it 4 times/day, and so on and so forth).
Baton Pass (Su): As a swift action, Mew can shift all beneficial effects on it over to an ally within 30 feet.
Proximity to Cat (Sp): Mew is utterly adorable. Its very being is treated as the center-point of a constant proximity to cat effect. (Basically, everyone wants to pet it.) Thanks to this power, Mew seldom actually needs to fight. The effect can be dispelled, but Mew instantaneously resumes it as an immediate action, if it hasn't already used up its immediate/swift action for the round. If it's still down when Mew's turn comes up, Mew refreshes it as a free action (which doesn't count against its swift/immediate action limit for the round). Mew can specifically choose to exclude any creatures it's friendly to from the aura's effects, so that they can defend themselves effectively against potential threats (or, more often, just beat the crap out of their enemies while they fawn over it). Mew's caster level for this effect is the same as its caster level for its spells and psionic abilities (24th).
Transform (Su): As awesome as Mew may be in its own form, it also has the ability to copy the form of others. Mew can duplicate polymorph self as a standard action in order to transform into a type of creature that it can see, of up to its own CR - 1 (but which is otherwise within the limits of the spell). It can choose to assume the shape of a specific individual, which is treated as if Mew had cast disguise self, using the assumed form's Disguise and Charisma. It can also become a version of that creature advanced by hit dice. This ability lasts until dismissed, or until Mew is knocked unconscious or starts laughing.
If well-trained, Mew can also turn into a limited number of forms without having to see the creature to be copied. It may remember a number of "familiar" forms it has previously assumed equal to half its hit dice or its Intelligence score, whichever is lower. Mew needs to be continually exposed to or transformed into the creature for one week, and then it can use its Transform ability to turn into a copy of that creature without it being present.
Telepathy (Su): Mew can communicate telepathically with any creature within 240 ft. of it which has a language.
Mind Blast (Sp): This attack is a cone 60 feet long. Anyone caught in this cone must make a Will save (DC 14 + charisma bonus) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Mew can mind blast once per round as a free action. This is a [Psychic] effect.
Keen Sight (Ex): Mew has True seeing and Greater Arcane Sight out to 120'. Mew can also see the invisible and magical auras as if it was constantly detecting magic out to 120'. Furthermore, Mew can instantly assess the strength and school of any aura it perceives without needing to concentrate.
Armored in Life (Su): Mew protects itself with forcefields from its mind. As such, Mew has a Luck bonus to AC equal to its Intelligence bonus. Spell Resistance equal to its HD and Damage reduction of (1/2 HD)
Unearthly Grace (Su): Mew's so adorable that it's hard to bring yourself to harm it. It has a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma bonus.
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